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Time to lift the game

For the fifth year running, the world's technology
elite will contribute their experience and know-how to
the MSC. But beyond the glitter of such high-powered
events, have key objectives been met?
Karamjit Singh

Everybody in Malaysia has an opinion on the Multimedia
Super Corridor (MSC). To Chin Kwai Fatt, managing
director of PricewaterhouseCoopers Malaysia, that is a
good sign as it means people recognise its pivotal
importance in carrying the nation towards a knowledge
economy. "The discussions and even controversies are
good because they keep us thinking about the
challenges we face in moving to a k-economy."
And that's precisely why this issue of [EMAIL PROTECTED] is
focused on the MSC. We highlight a number of MSC
companies we feel have a good shot at being successful
regionally, and we report on two of the MSC flagships
that will soon touch Malaysians from all walks of
life. We asked entrepreneurs what the MSC has done for
them and challenged them by asking what they could do
for the MSC. We also channelled their criticism back
to the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDC), the
agency tasked with executing the vision. MDC's
responses make for interesting reading.
The criticism and cynicism towards the MSC is a source
of great frustration within the MDC, which feels that
the over-riding negativity has blinkered us from some
noticeable successes. Chiefly, MDC likes to point out
that it has exceeded its target, by two years, of
attracting a certain number of world-class companies
to the MSC.
It is a success if you use the timeframe as a
yardstick but most Malaysians are holding the MSC to a
higher benchmark as they feel playing the numbers game
is mere substance over form. They want to see stronger
progress; they want to cheer Malaysian-made
world-class companies; they want to admire self-made
Malaysian entrepreneurs who have seized opportunities
in the New Economy and, with the support of the MSC
vision, catapulted onto the global stage. And they
want to see this now because they either see it
happening or perceive it as happening soon in other
Asian countries.
But many forget the MSC has a 20-year time frame and
is only a quarter of the way there. In fact, one of
the key messages that last year's Independent Advisory
Panel made during the closing press conference was to
implore Malaysians to wholeheartedly support the MSC. 
Uniting behind the vision rather than nitpicking could
achieve more, it contended. It also urged patience as
it takes time to see the fruits of an initiative that
is in essence, a re-engineering of an entire economy.
So, is it fair to harp on what should be or could have
been? Should we not acknowledge the progress made so
far and use it as a springboard to renew and double
our efforts? As Chin notes, the launch of the seven
MSC flagships have been successful in many dimensions.
"They have been engineered from ground zero and we are
taking them to the world," he says. 
(The flagships were launched with an eye to helping
create world-class Malaysian companies which will cut
their teeth on developing and delivering cutting-edge
technology solutions for projects in Malaysia before
going global with the experience and knowhow.) 
"We can kill this by being cynical and it is easy to
criticise but let's build on what is on the ground.
However, those on the ground [MDC] must be cognisant
of the fact that they have to lift the game."

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