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Assalamu alaikum semua.

Memang selama ini pun pihak Kristian sentiasa
mempunyai agenda memperluaskan fahaman mereka. Cuma
kita yang tiada agenda.Mungkin kalau adapun, agenda
kita hanyalah untuk melemahkan(defuse)
gerakan(harakah) Islam!.

Sedikit demi sedikit mereka menyusup masuk
memperluaskan "jajahan"  takluk mereka. Melalui
internet chat pun mereka boleh berdakwah..sekurang
sebagai muqaddimah. Aisyah Bokhari juga satu contoh
pengembangan sayap mereka melewati bangsa cina dan
India, target tradisi yang lebih mudah mereka dakwahi.

Di Indonesia, saya perhatikan syarikat luar negeri
banyak mengambil pekerja tempatan dari kalangan
Kristen untuk jawatan-jawatan baik. Ini juga sebagai
usaha dakwah mereka.

Sekira kita terus menerus berusaha melemahkan Islam
kemungkinan kita berakhir sebagai Bosnia dimana
tinggal nama dan minat saja kepada Islam; mereka hanya
menjadi "half Moslem"(muslim tak berapa muslim?).

Sebagai cabaran minda : Adakah "half moslem" lebih
baik dari seorang kristen??. Kita mungkin pernah
dengar ungkapan, " a half truth is often a lie"(separa
benar itu selalunya bohong). Bolehkah kita kata "a
half moslem is more often than not a
hypocrite(munafik)?"...Allahu a'lam.

Kepada orang Islam yang giat berusaha
melemahkan(undermining) Islam, secara halus maupun
kasar, direct or indirect..hindarilah dari menjadikan
Moslem di Malaysia "half-moslem".



> Artikel berikut saya perolehi dari:
> http://www.pastornet.net.au/jmm/aame/aame0010.htm
> Insaflah wahai umat Islam
> Pray for Christians in Malaysia
> Dear friends,
> This is serious. After half a dozen trips to
> Malaysia,
> and meeting
> pastors who were part of the 'crack-down' against
> any
> who were running a
> Malay-speaking church service etc. in 1988 I think
> it
> was (some of whom
> were tortured while in prison), I'm concerned that
> our
> Christian friends
> there are about to be threatened again. Pray for
> them.
> ~~~~~
>      We received the following email from workers in
>      Malaysia which is being circulated among the
> churches
>      in Malaysia.
>      Dear friends,
>      There is an urgent need to pray for Christian
> Malays in
>      Malaysia & all mission work that is going on
> among the
>      Muslims.  I am never in the habit of writing
> chain
>      mails but I drafted this email in response to
> the
>      article on "page 2 of 17 April 98 of The
> Straits
>      Times".  Please circulate to all your Christian
> friends
>      out there...  The New Straits Times article
> says
> ...
>      ???????????????????????????  In brief, the
> article says
>      that a new Bill is in its final stages of
> drafting to
>      curb the "problem" of Muslims converting to
> another
>      religion and the Proposed Bill is ... "MALAYSIA
> TO
>      THREE (3) YEARS !"  I am not circulating this
> to
> invoke
>      any resentment against the government of
> Malaysia
>      because I believe that my struggle is not
> against
> flesh
>      and blood but against the powers of this dark
> world and
>      against the spiritual forces of evil in the
> Heavenly
>      realms (Ephesians 6:12).  My purpose of
> drafting
> this
>      chain mail is to start up a wave of prayer for
> the
>      Muslims in particularly Malaysia.  I wish to
> invoke, in
>      all born-again Christians, this burden to pray
> and fast
>      for the Christian Malays in Malaysia and all
> the
>      mission work that is going on among the
> Muslims. 
> This
>      Bill, if passed by the Malaysia Cabinet will
> set
> back
>      Christian Missionary Work among the Malaysia
> Muslims by
>      a great extent and much persecution will arise
> among
>      the Christian Malays in Malaysia.  Churches
> that
> have
>      Malay congregations will be refused of their
> license
>      and even be forced to close down and go
> underground.
>      As Paul urge Timothy, in the same manner I urge
> you, my
>      fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to start
> putting
>      on your full armour of God and start
> interceding
> for
>      all the Saints of God (Malay Christians and
>      Missionaries) and particularly the Cabinet
> Leaders in
>      Malaysia.  Paul wrote to Timothy, "I urge,
> then,
> first
>      of all, that requests prayers, intercession and
> thanks
>      giving be made for everyone - for kings and all
> those
>      in authority, that we may live peaceful and
> quiet
> lives
>      in all godliness and holiness." (1 Tim 2:1-2) 
> As
> how
>      the apostles, in conclusion, exhorted the
> Hebrews, in
>      the same way I beseech you, to "Remember those
> in
>      prison as if you were their fellow prisoners,
> and
> those
>      who are mistreated as if you yourselves were
>      suffering." (Hebrews 13:3)
>      PLEASE pray:
>      a.   for protection and wisdom for the Malay
>           Christians;
>      b.   for more Malay conversions especially
> among
> the
>           families of the lawmakers and rulers;
>      c.   that Polarization over religious issues
> will
> not
>           split society;
>      d.   for the salvation of government officials;
>      e.   that this law would not pass; and
>      f.   that the local church would become a
> strong
>           governing entity, and seriously take it
> upon
> them
>           selves to organize effective outreach to
> the
>           Malays.
> 3.   ***** MALAYSIA
>      Malaysia is an Islamic stronghold in tropical
> SE
> Asia,
>      and is about the size of the US state of New
> Mexico
>      (329,750 sq km).  Most parts of the country
> have
>      traditionally been ruled by hereditary rulers
> called
>      Sultans.  The 21,000,000 people are composed
> of:
> Malay
>      and other indigenous 58%, Chinese 26%, Indian
> 7%,
>      others 9%.  Although the country is
> multi-racial
> and
>      multi-cultural, there is little mixing between
> the
>      races.  British colonizers found Chinese
> entrepreneurs
>      in settled areas and encouraged the Buddhist
> Chinese to
>      stay in business, and the Muslim Malay to enter
>      government service.  Indians were brought in to
> work
=== message truncated ===

Allahu a'lam.



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