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http://www.kavkaz.org/ melaporkan dlm 4 hari yg lepas 1,500 tentera rusia

January 20, 2000

Kavkaz-Tsentr reports:

In an interview with Kavkaz-Tsentr Shamil Basayev proudly presented a schedule
of the Russian casualties in the fights for Dzhokhar during the last four
days: More than 1,500 Russians have been killed. About 70 armoured vehicles
have been knocked out – among them 13 of the latest Russian T-90 tanks.
According to Basayev the T-90 really is a mighty
vehicle – it takes 5-10 RPG-grenades to knock out one T-90.

The situation in the outskirts of Dzhokhar: the Russian aggressors in several
parts of the town advanced 100-500 m towards the centre. So they did from the
direction of Khankala towards Michurina (500 m) and from the direction of
Karpinski Kurgan (100 m).

In Tashkala the Russians managed to fortify themselves in several blocks of
flats.The Russian efforts for break-throughs in the 30th district, near the
tinning factory and near the brickworks have been repulsed.
During the last two days bitter fights near the Republican hospital and  in
the 15th military settlement. The mujahideen succeeded holding their
positions. The fighting for the Chechen capital continues with growing
intensity and bitterness.

The Chechens have captured a general of the Russian Interior Ministry forces:
General Malofeyev. According to the Chechen command Malofeyev has been brought
to a save place an is being examined. Along with him a colonel of the
MVD-forces has been taken POW. All in all during the last 24 hours 32
aggressors have been captured.

During the last four days 45 mujahideen were killed, about 60 were wounded.
These are the most heavy casualties since the beginning of the Russian
aggression. Most mujahideen where killed in the bitter combat actions of
January 17 in different parts of Dzhokhar.
The bombing and shelling of the town does not stop for a single minute. The
Russians use strategical bomber-planes. Dzhokhar has almost vanished from
earth. Most of the victims are civilians. Dozens of corpses of civilians are
scattered on the roads of the town.

In the combat actions in order to gain control of the access to the Argun
Valley the Chechen mujahideen performed several operations near Duba-Yurt. On
January 19 they have re-captured four heights occupied by the Russians two
days earlier. More than half
of the effective strength of the "so-called spetsnaz" has been wiped out.

The operations to liberate Gekhi go on. Chechen units entered Gekhi and
attacked the Russians. The Russians are shelling the town. Since yesterday
evening more than 250 Russians have been killed, 10 armoured vehicles have
been destroyed. 

January 19, 2000

Kavkaz-Tsentr reports:

In Kabul in the near future a Chechen embassy is going to be opened in an
official ceremony. The Chechen ex-president Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev is going to
visit Kabul for further negotiations on Chechen-Afghan relations and to take
part in this ceremony.

According to Movladi Udugov the Afghan leadership has suggested to the Chechen
to use the building of the former Soviet embassy.

After a New year's holiday of two week, one of the more prominent inmates of
Moscow's Lefortovo prison, is back on Russian TV: Gantamirov announces the
forthcoming capturing of the Chechen capital.

And the Russian propaganda reports similar things in order to approve Putin's
chances in the presidential elections.
The real situation is quite different: The Chechens are permitting the Russian
units to move deeper into the town in order to wipe them out subsequently. So
it happened in the last days in Michurina, in the Microrayon, near the
Republican hospital, and in the 15th military settlement. The Russian assault
units that moved with tanks and BMPs into these parts of Dzhokhar have been
wiped out almost completely.

During the last 24 hours the Russians lost about 300 men and 8 armoured
vehicles.The situation in the Chechen capital is under the control of the
Chechen government forces.

At the access to the Argun village the Russian advance after three days of
fighting has been halted. Now the Russians are trying again to capture some
villages of the region.
The Russian elite-terrorists are suffering heavy casualties: 180 men have been
killed, 2 helicopters shot down and 6 armoured vehicles knocked out.
The Russians are occupying a height near Duba-Yurt but their assault on a
second one, dominating the battle area, has been repulsed. 60 Russian killed,
30 taken POW.
The Russians are continuing to perform air-raids on Argun Valley. They are
making frequent use of FAEs and napalm.

Kavkaz-Tsentr announces the success of the Chechen operation in Gekhi. The
local command and several 'blok-posts' have been destroyed. Up to 50 Russians
have been killed. During the operation a Russian tank column, trying to move
into the town, has been
attacked by the Chechens and has been repulsed.
According to the Chechen command the mujahideen executed all their tactical
tasks. It is not their aim to fight according to the rules established by the
Russians. The rules of fighting are now going to be dictated by the mujahideen
– says Khattab, the commander of
the Islamic Peacekeeping Army of Chechnya and Dagestan. 

January 18, 2000

Kavkaz-Tsentr reports:

During the last night [Jan 16-17] Chechen forces have performed a raid into
Gekhi attacking the local command and several 'block-posts'. The Russians
reacted by sending a tank column to the periphery of Gekhi and shelling it.
The local command has been destroyed, 3 armoured vehicles have been knocked

Kavkaz-Tsentr comments on the newly established diplomatic relations between
Afghanistan and Chechnya, interpreting it as the beginning of a strategic
partnership between independent Islamic states and as a warning to Russia.
Kavkaz-Tsentr draws attention to the fact that the main point in this relation
is not the question whether one of the two countries is regognized by
different members of the 'world community' but the
simple fact that two Islamic states cooperate.

The fighting at the access to the Argun Valley now is lasting already for a
month – and in the last days it has become more bitter than ever. According to
the Chechen command, near Duba-Yurt about 40,000 Russian have been gathered.
Having occupied one of the tactical heights there, the Russians are now trying
to capture another one. Tree mujahideen died in defence of it. The Russians
also are trying to outflank the Chechen
defence positions – the mujahideen are resisting and counter-attacking.
The Russians are shelling Duba-Yurt, Chishki, and Varandy.
During the last 24 h about 70 Russians have been killed.

The same time Russian propaganda reported about 'Russian successes' in Sharoy
Rayon the Chechens performed an operation near Day, whiping out a whole unit
of aggressors.

After sufficiant scouting the Chechens fired at a tent camp of the Russians
killing about 90 of them. 5 'Urals' and 3 BMPs have been destroyed. A depot
with equipment has been captured.

The Russians resume their onslaught on Dzhokhar. Since Jan 16 bitter fighting
for the Chechen capital. The aggressors are assaulting the Chechen positions
in the 56th district, near the tinning factory, in Chernoreche from the
direction of Khankala. Armoured vehicles
are used.

Heavy tanks try to clear the way through the Chechen position. Behind them
light armoured vehicles and infantery advances. [If this is true I wonder
whether the Russians will ever learn at least the basic rules of urban
fighting! Klaas] During the night [Jan 16-17] the fighting calmed down a bit,
but the bombardment of the centre of Dzhokhar was intensified.

In the morning also the fighting became heavier again. Near the tinning
factory the Chechens knocked out 3 tanks. Face-to-face fighting in
Chernoreche. bitter shooting in the 56th district.

And the Russians use chemical weapons again: From Khankala they fired at least
30 shells with chemical warfare agents on Michurina.
The Russian suffer heavy casualties: During the last 48 h at least 250
aggressors died

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