Re: H-Net* RE: The Star:No one can object to Putrajaya decision

2000-10-25 Terurut Topik luqman ismael
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 10:52 AM
Subject: H-Net* RE: The Star:No one can object to Putrajaya decision

  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net - }
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 Wa'alaikumussalam wbt,
 Dear Brother Shah,

 Same to me with your reply...
 What have Pas done so far?
 There are many things done Pas has been doing except majority of the
 were not exposed, or simply the govt controlled medias do not provide an
 equal exposure despite obstacles from you know who...
 Maybe you should spend some time reading Harakah or other medias which are
 not controlled by govt...

 I'm not saying Pas is perfect...
 However, I believe everybody can see more clearly if Pas is the given the
 FAIR opportunity to lead federal govt and all media is no longer in
 controlled by BN cronies...
 then why not letting Pas the amanah with the people's money...

 You said the Chinese do not understand about hudud...
 Yes, I agree because the govt has no intention to implement hudud, no
 intention to educate the non-muslims about Islamic judiciary and law...
 even many muslims are still ignorant about hudud...
 otherwise they would have agreed 100%, right?
 If the govt is sincere in the direction implementing hudud (or becoming an
 Islamic state),
 they have been had the chance for the last 43 years...
 If PM is not ignorant about hudud, he would not have ridiculed about it...
 (e.g. of what he said, the country will not be productive if we
 the hands and legs of the thieves in the meeting with chief ministers 
 at Langkawi as compared to
 Suratul Ma`idah ayat 38 yang bermaksud,
 "Pencuri lelaki dan pencuri perempuan,maka hendaklah
 kamu semua potong tangan kedua-dua mereka itu sebagai
 balasan dengan apa yang mereka usahakan.Dan ini adalah
 sebagai hukuman pencegah daripada ALLAH SWT.Dan ALLAH
 itu Tuhan yang Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Bijaksana."

 Ofcourse if Pas would have implement it now, it would be kelam-kabut... no
 surprise, since PM has  been instilling fear about implementing hudud...
 he has been telling everybody implementing hudud would create chaos...
 he has been propogating the negative impact of implementing hudud...
 instead of educating the public about hudud!

 If you are in a big crowd and suddenly you yell at the crowd there is a
 bomb nearby, definitely the public will be in chaos...
 it is the same thing what PM has been doing...
 If PM is really sincere for hudud, he would have said positive things
 If kelam-kabut, wouldn't you blame the person who cried wolf???

 Pas brainwashed me? Surprise!
 What all the medias controlled by the govt, without having attended any
 special program by Pas???
 I can still remember clearly when an 'ulamak' sent by BTN trying to preach
 that we must obey the ruler by using the Ayat "Athi ULLAH wa athi urrasul
 ulil amri mingkum" but without finishing the whole Ayat...

 You said not to use Fed govt as an excuse...
 Ah ha!! Same tactics from umno...
 since fed govt IS the main excuse and the main obstacle, and then you tell
 me not use the excuse...
 it is as if you punched someone in the face and then you tell me not to
 the punch is main cause that bruised the face...
 Funny isn't it??

 What has the govt got to achieve from sandiwara???
 I thought it has been quite obvious, don't you notice it???
 PM has successfully linked Al-Maunah to Pas...
 by declaring some of al-maunah member have Pas stickers...
 I wonder to which political party are the rest of al-maunah associated
 (which was not mentioned, ofcourse)???
 he successfully used the deductive reasoning tactic...
 Remember the deductive reasoning joke?

 Islamic country? None...
 Then name me your so-called Islamic country...
 if there is any, I think it is an embarrassment to Malaysia, since the
 has been propogating as Malaysia is THE example Islamic country and the
 Malaysia Boleh spirit!!!

 Quiting EON, I quit not because of EON is a crony company...
 Ha! This has been one of the famous attack point for pro-umno...
 I wonder, why Rasulullah s.a.w did not forbide any of the sahabahs from
 working, earning income from the kuffar???

 Yes, many malay muslims are stupid!
 I have many non-muslim friends and colleagues, and umno  bn have been a
 laughing stock...
 don't you realize it?
 Ofcourse they are also laughing at Pas, I can understand it because they
 don't understand Islam and what is Pas trying bring...
 I can understand when they laughed at Pas for trying to implement hudud,
 Islamic law, Islamic dressing...
 but when they laughed at 

RE: H-Net* RE: The Star:No one can object to Putrajaya decision

2000-10-25 Terurut Topik Hassan, Haslim

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Waalaikumussalam wbt,

I agree that the country is still not ready to accept hudud.
Why? Because the present govt, the leaders are ignorant about it. 
When they are ignorant, 
they don't believe in it, 
they don't plan for it or put effort to implement it,
no effort is done to educate the people...
meaning more reasons for us to change the govt.

For example, the present is so ambitious in trying bring Malaysia to an
industrialized nation by 2020. So much effor has been done, numerous
campaigns, etc.
How about becoming Islamic nation/state? Any vision? Vision 2010 perhaps
(i.e. if the govt sincerely plan for an Islamic state 10 years from now)?
The priority is very obvious!

To effectively educate the people,
numero uno, we need a just government who sincerely wants to implement Islam
secondly, with the government, you have all the engines that can be
utilized; the medias, all the govt sectors, judiciary, etc.

I'm not saying we have to rush, I'm not saying that if today Pas happens to
be in power,
hudud must be implemented the next day...
I don't think Pas leaders are rushing either. Otherwise they would have
implemented hudud in Kelantan  Terengganu despite opposition and
retaliation from BN/umno.

I guess if one party wants to implement Islam and the other party against
will there be unity?
I guess if unity is not the issue, this dicussion wouldn't have taken

Pas doesn't care about unity?
I would say the controlling govt is playing the cards in bending and
twisting the facts and perception of the people. Even a simple and straight
forward statement by TGNA about aurat has been twisted, manipulated, and
blown out of proportion by umno and their controlled media.
Don't you see how ugly they are in playing their dirty tactics?
Media with headlines and bold titles saying such as "Nik Aziz Blame Women".
The title itself has a very strong negative impact and first impression
before a reader understands the whole content (provided that the media
covers the whole story).
Rejecting Majlis Melayu invitation, do you know the whole story or most of
us only hear from the story from the govt controlled media??
Do we give the Pas a fair opportunity to explain?

Bringing Pas into Umno?
It's more like trying to mix water with oil...
See happened to DSA...
trying to clean umno from inside...
and he was quite close to achieve his goal, with strong support within umno,
many Islamic organizations, and corporate sectors.
And do you think the kuffars, munafiquns, enemy of Islam will prefer the
ways of umno or pas?
I would say that they will be more comfortable with umno and they will keep
it that way...


-Original Message-
From: luqman ismael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 2:14 PM
To: Hassan Haslim
Subject: Re: H-Net* RE: The Star:No one can object to Putrajaya decision

akum fellow brothers.

I'm so sorry for interrupting your discussion.but after i read your
writings i feel i need to express my opinion regarding this topic...i
think about the hududour country is still not ready to accept it.not
because hudud will make our people impaired...or lose the ability to
workBUT because our people dont have enough knowledge about hudud.we
are taught that...before we implement any kind of rules...we must inform the
public about the it works.what are their rights in
hudud? what are the conditions that must be fulfilled before the
sentence can be carried out...? many people dont
understand about hudud...and this kind of people includes our PM..our PM
obviously doesnt understand
the real hudud..from his words i know he's lack of knowledge in

i know it's scary to hear people get canned 100 times for
adultery..BUT practicallyit's NOT EASY to cane the man and the woman
.because one of the conditions that must apply before  they can be
canned is...there must be 4 people who saw the man's 'thing' entered the
woman 'thing' u think people will do it in front of  other
people.of course not.practically most of the  people who committed
it will be punished according to our current rules...(takzir...)..i
think if Madey know bout thishe wont be hesitant to implement
hudud...same thing with the potong tangan.there are about 7
conditions that must apply b4 we can cut the of the conditions
is the robber/thief must have committed the crime because of poverty

Re: H-Net* RE: The Star:No one can object to Putrajaya decision

2000-10-25 Terurut Topik luqman ismael

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In my point of what i have stated earlier..i think the
leaders are not
ignorant in the practise of hudud.instead they have misconceptions in
from a tape which records the Kabinet meetings about Hudud(i dont know
if someone try to fake the tapemost likely not ) ...from the tape
very-very obvious that...
they dont really understand hudud..and there's nobody out there who is
going to correct them
if they dont understand the can they educate the
public...?.i still think
PM wants  M'sia to be a powerful Islamic country..but he wants to do it
in his own way.
What wrong with his way? He misconcepted hudud.that's the main
problem.and this problem
can be solved if someone is out to tell him the right ones..we
should go against people who
DELIBERATELY do wrong thingsbut we cant blame him if he did the wrong
thing because of
his Islam too.people who commit maksiat because
of lack of knowledge
(jahil) wont get sin..and cant be punished like people who do it

About what had happened to DSAhe was framed.but it's not necessarily
PM who plotted it.if we think logicallythe influence of DSA could
never be stronger than PM.
he can never do any harm to PM's position...DSA was also close to
PMsoi really think he was framed by certain leader in Kabinet who
envied his close relationship with PM and they dont want him to be the next
PM.we shouldnt blame
PM without any proofor just because he's PM...

We should not take the PM misconceptions as trivial.history has taught
us how misconceptions of
Islamic rules lead to the fall of  Turky under Kamal Attaturk..Kamal
Attaturk said he's a Muslim...but
his misconcepted that deterioration of Turkish influence was caused by the
Islamic teachings...
but thank God, our PM is not this chronic..PM need someone who can
correct his misconceptionsit's
can be done by  holding private discussion between Nik Aziz and
himprivately..and one by one...

To see his misconceptions about hudud.please read PM 's speech in Utusan
Malaysia...25 6
column 3 paragraph 17 (from the top) he stated that the
punishment for a gadis for committing adultery
is rejam sampai matiif u read through the text...u can see a lot of
misconception on hudud

We must be aware that the clash between umno and pas has put our umat at a
dangerous position .
people need PM ingenuity to rule country...also we need PAS's ulama in
the government to unite the people..
the best thing is to unite umno and pas...our country is like a
bicycle...PM ingenuity is the rear wheel which propel
the country...and PAS ulama is the front wheel ...which will keep our
country..on trackon Islamic route.without
any one of these..our country and umat wont be going
anywhere...unity could be bitterbut people say the most bitter
medicine is the best one..

ge -
From: Hassan, Haslim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'luqman ismael' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 5:08 PM
Subject: RE: H-Net* RE: The Star:No one can object to Putrajaya decision

 Waalaikumussalam wbt,

 I agree that the country is still not ready to accept hudud.
 Why? Because the present govt, the leaders are ignorant about it.
 When they are ignorant,
 they don't believe in it,
 they don't plan for it or put effort to implement it,
 no effort is done to educate the people...
 meaning more reasons for us to change the govt.

 For example, the present is so ambitious in trying bring Malaysia to an
 industrialized nation by 2020. So much effor has been done, numerous
 campaigns, etc.
 How about becoming Islamic nation/state? Any vision? Vision 2010 perhaps
 (i.e. if the govt sincerely plan for an Islamic state 10 years from now)?
 The priority is very obvious!

 To effectively educate the people,
 numero uno, we need a just government who sincerely wants to implement
 secondly, with the government, you have all the engines that can be
 utilized; the medias, all the govt sectors, judiciary, etc.

 I'm not saying we have to rush, I'm not saying that if today Pas happens
 be in power,
 hudud must be implemented the next day...
 I don't think Pas leaders are rushing either. Otherwise they would have
 implemented hudud in Kelantan  Terengganu despite opposition and
 retaliation from BN/umno.


Re: H-Net* RE: The Star:No one can object to Putrajaya decision

2000-10-24 Terurut Topik kita .

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contoh dah ada didepan mata,
org melayu takkan maju selagi tak ikut
the real islamic teaching,
perintahlah Malaysia seribu/sejuta tahun pun,
kalau tak ikut islam jugak,
tak kemana melayu kita ni,
40+ years BN perintah,
org melayu perangai makin teruk,
hisap dadah sana sini,
bogel sana sini,
murtad sana sini,
itu ini, and so on,
macammana nih?,
TGNA suruh UMNO tukar prinsip/landasan perjuangan
kepada Al-quran dah sunnah,
tak buat buat jugak..
kenapa?, sebab malaysia negara majmuk?,
oklah, jawapan itu diterima..

bukan susah pun nak tahu kerajaan tu ok ke tidak,
tgk kepada rakyatnya lah,
kalau rakyat tak menentang, mesti kerajaan tu ok,
kalau rakyatnya dah naik menyampah dgn The Big Boss,
maknaya kerajaan tu dah corruptlah,
ini from my perspecktif,
maybe salah, maybe betul,

itu aja,


From: "Hassan, Haslim" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "'Ahmad Shariman Mohamed Garip'" [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
"'Azlee Hj Mizan'" [EMAIL PROTECTED],"'Fid'"  
[EMAIL PROTECTED],"'Ahmad Albakree Mohd Razalli'"  
Subject: H-Net* RE: The Star:No one can object to Putrajaya decision
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 10:52:36 +0800

  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net - }
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Wa'alaikumussalam wbt,
Dear Brother Shah,

Same to me with your reply...
What have Pas done so far?
There are many things done Pas has been doing except majority of the people
were not exposed, or simply the govt controlled medias do not provide an
equal exposure despite obstacles from you know who...
Maybe you should spend some time reading Harakah or other medias which are
not controlled by govt...

I'm not saying Pas is perfect...
However, I believe everybody can see more clearly if Pas is the given the
FAIR opportunity to lead federal govt and all media is no longer in
controlled by BN cronies...
then why not letting Pas the amanah with the people's money...

You said the Chinese do not understand about hudud...
Yes, I agree because the govt has no intention to implement hudud, no
intention to educate the non-muslims about Islamic judiciary and law...
even many muslims are still ignorant about hudud...
otherwise they would have agreed 100%, right?
If the govt is sincere in the direction implementing hudud (or becoming an
Islamic state),
they have been had the chance for the last 43 years...
If PM is not ignorant about hudud, he would not have ridiculed about it...
(e.g. of what he said, the country will not be productive if we 
the hands and legs of the thieves in the meeting with chief ministers  MBs
at Langkawi as compared to
Suratul Ma`idah ayat 38 yang bermaksud,
"Pencuri lelaki dan pencuri perempuan,maka hendaklah
kamu semua potong tangan kedua-dua mereka itu sebagai
balasan dengan apa yang mereka usahakan.Dan ini adalah
sebagai hukuman pencegah daripada ALLAH SWT.Dan ALLAH
itu Tuhan yang Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Bijaksana."

Ofcourse if Pas would have implement it now, it would be kelam-kabut... no
surprise, since PM has  been instilling fear about implementing hudud...
he has been telling everybody implementing hudud would create chaos...
he has been propogating the negative impact of implementing hudud...
instead of educating the public about hudud!

If you are in a big crowd and suddenly you yell at the crowd there is a 
bomb nearby, definitely the public will be in chaos...
it is the same thing what PM has been doing...
If PM is really sincere for hudud, he would have said positive things about
If kelam-kabut, wouldn't you blame the person who cried wolf???

Pas brainwashed me? Surprise!
What all the medias controlled by the govt, without having attended any
special program by Pas???
I can still remember clearly when an 'ulamak' sent by BTN trying to preach
that we must obey the ruler by using the Ayat "Athi ULLAH wa athi urrasul 
ulil amri mingkum" but without finishing the whole Ayat...

You said not to use Fed govt as an excuse...
Ah ha!! Same tactics from umno...
since fed govt IS the main excuse and the main obst