[hlcoders] Thirdperson HL2mp

2006-03-28 Thread Tim Lippert
I'm getting the same error in the console and we dont even use third person.
Bad pstudiohdr in GetSequenceLinearMotion()!

It actually appears 2 times when it does appear, and I don't know what it is. 
The funny thing is that I'm not even seeing anything wierd about the models 
animations at all.

Im trying to get animations to work in Thirdperson for HL2MP. I have gotten
it to goto a third person view
and it shows the current player model. but it is with its arms out, and not

When I begin moving, in thirdperson I get this error in the console

Bad pstudiohdr in GetSequenceLinearMotion()!

Do you know where this code is? Or how I might go about adding these
animations in?



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[hlcoders] Thirdperson HL2mp

2006-03-21 Thread Michael Kramer
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Im trying to get animations to work in Thirdperson for HL2MP. I have gotten
it to goto a third person view
and it shows the current player model. but it is with its arms out, and not

When I begin moving, in thirdperson I get this error in the console

Bad pstudiohdr in GetSequenceLinearMotion()!

Do you know where this code is? Or how I might go about adding these
animations in?



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