RE: [hlds] [OT]Whisper's Tick rate Wiki

2006-06-14 Thread Evo
That sucks. You're always welcome at CSE, please continue to keep us
informed of your publications.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisper
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] [OT]Whisper's Tick rate Wiki

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Since I could not be 100% sure which STEAM Forum moderator locked the
perfectly legitmate thread, I'm afraid you all get tarred with the same
brush, even if you did not agree with the actions of the moderator in

Hell, the existance of the thread explained to a great deal of people, which
many of them thanked me for in the thread, for explaining to them something
were not aware of, and more importantly, an issue 95% of the respondants
thought was a very serious issue in a FIRST PERSON SHOOTING game.

This is the issue I raised in the forums with proof below so those of you
will know what the hell it is I am talking about:

The original version of this thread had not degenerated into spam.
> Many people were not aware of the issue and the thread served an important
> purpose of informing those people of what the issue was.
> Funnily enough, when it was clearly demonstrated to them what the issue
> was, most of them wanted the issue fixed.
> The only purpose served by locking the orginal version of the thread, was
> to save Valve from the embarrasment of having a [b]BUG[/b] that may be
> difficult from Valve's Point Of View to fix!
> Locking threads is not going to make this issue go away, no matter how
> much some of you wish it would, or are you all just happy to bury your
> in the sand and keep locking threads on this issue in the hopes people
> just forget about it?
> Well the previous [url=
fficial Crouched Point of View Change Petition Thread[/url] was locked with
> no explanation or official announcement whatsoever, although funnily
> it was fairly soon after it was clearly demonstrated that there was 400
> votes [b]FOR[/b] and 5 Votes [b]AGAINST[/b] and a 95% to 5% ratio of
> [b]YES[/b] to [b]NO[/b]Votes which ultimately proved that it almost
> everybody but Valve consider this a fairly serious issue.
> But here it is again.
> If the other thread was locked in error, please unlock it and lock this
> one.
> If there is an official announcement to be made on the issue, please make
> it.
> Please do not lock threads for no apparent reason.
> Thank You
> [b][u][size=4][color=red]The Official Crouched Point of View Change
> Petition[/color][/size][/u][/b]
> Please Vote in the thread by replying with a post stating Yes or No and
> the reason why you feel the change should or should not be made to:
> [b][size=2][color=white]Valve, please Change the Crouched Point of View in
> Counter-Strike:Source, so it is at the same level as your Models Eye
> would be
> YES or NO and the reason why you feel the change should or should not be
> made[/color][/size][/b]
> YES or NO
> Make sure you give some reason why you agree or disagree why the crouched
> POV should be changed, lest some moderators decide to lock the thread
> because apparently you are not allowed to provide one word responses to a
> tightly defined problem.
> [u][b]More Information:[/b][/u]
> I think that there is hardly a Counter-Strike:Source player who thinks the
> current crouched Point of View ([b]POV[/b]) is fair or even correct.
> If you do think it is fair and correct, then I feel you would be in the
> minority.
> For those of you who are not familiar with the problem, it can be
> explained like this:
> When you are standing, your POV is as if you are looking out through the
> model at the same level your eyes would be on the model.
> When you are crouched, your POV is as if you are looking out through the
> model at the same level your [b]CROTCH[/b] would be on the model.
> See attached pictures if you need visual aids to understand the problem.
> [url=]Crouch POV on
> Standing player[/url]
> [url=]Crouch POV on
> Crouched player[/url]
> These 2 Avi File links provided by UnknownFactor demonstrate the
> ridiculousness of the situation
> [url][/url] 1.33MB
> [url][/url] 1.48MB
> As well as these 2 Screenshot links provided by Que
> [url]http://img6

Re: [hlds] sv_download only half working

2006-03-29 Thread evo
I wonder if this has anything to do with the advertising firm placing
Subway ads in some servers. Link to article in case you missed it:

> --
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Only thing I can think of is due to abuse as some people were advertising
> porn with them.
> Why is it needed?
> ---Original Message---
> From: Daniel Morris
> Date: 03/29/06 15:25:07
> To:
> Subject: Re: [hlds] sv_download only half working
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> damn, i really really need this
> does anyone know why they stopped this functionality ?
> --
> ___
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To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Re: [OT] [hlds] Disabled Account

2006-03-29 Thread evo
You had your chance to read the EULA and Subscriber Agreement before
purchasing the software. The difference between a car and software is that
you own your car. You don't own software, only a license to install and
use it. When you do so, you agree to Valve's terms, which are clearly
published on You're obviously completely
delusional, but in the future you may want to read a contract before you
agree to it. Common sense would say, at least.

> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> After getting a call from their Washington police department for a
> "threatening communications in attempting to get their home addresses"
> this
> subject is dropped. The matter isn't over but it is here. Good luck with
> Valve's games guys. I'll miss some of you and miss the enviorment this
> community USED to be when the great THWACK stick was the solution to any
> problems. When 6 months between an update was a GOOD thing.
> Have we fallen so far that if the local Dunkin Dohnuts or McDonald's
> closed
> down that we wouldn't have breakfast? Pull out a dusty skillet and fix
> your
> family a good HOME cooked meal this week even if it's as simple as a stack
> of French Toast.
> In final closing, and then I'll drop this google account to the net
> gods...
> Your illusion of "freedom" on the internet is soon coming to an end. It
> starts with charging for email deliveries, online sales tax, and
> propietary
> "rules"/EULAs that allow anyone to do anything and if you don't agree then
> piss off. If I bought a car and sold it to a neighbor does that break a
> with the dealership I bought it at? If I state I'm sick of Valve's
> bullshit
> and that my account is "up for grabs" is that truely a violation of their
> EULA? Whatever your position is on the subject who would you turn to for
> help in what you "think" your "rights" are? There is no controlling body
> covering the internet in our day an age. If you're defrauded finacially
> then
> generally the financial institutions will protect you but beyond that
> you're
> a babe in the woods for every purchase cuz there's nobody to complain to
> or
> seek mediation from. Bottom line is I stood up on my soapbox, as I'm known
> to do, for what I feel is right/wrong. Us old carpenters don't have the
> eloquent linguistic skills of the world of "suits" but our taxes help them
> keep theirs. Software has no guarantee, if you piss of one of the militia
> they shut you off and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. So
> will
> my complaints resolve anything in this list? Of course not. Would my
> complaints be better addressed in another area? Doubt it. There was no
> actions on my account other than what I've said from my soapbox here that
> got that ID "disabled". Kind of reminds me of an old saying.
> *Don't bite the hand that feeds you*  My voice said that what I was being
> fed was bullshit and their responses to our questions and inquiries having
> responses of "when it's ready" after a year of marketing bullshit. It's
> the
> pompus world of guys that think they can do what they want, when they
> want,
> to who they want and there's nothing you can do about it. Think about the
> last time some little kid not even in high school told you, "that was my
> kill mother fucker!" Everybody thinks they are 10-foot tall and bullet
> proof
> online. Society conforms to it's environment. Verbal online abuse,
> hackers,
> crackers, spam, your rich relative died and left you $25M's
> the environment we live in.
> This company bought the rights to Sierra's creation and have slowly but
> surely brought it to it's ultimate demise. There once was a day when these
> games were THE game to play. Now it's little Russia with a building full
> of
> map makers and guys coding eye-candy into the game with no thought to it's
> effects to servers or clients. It's all about continuing the NEW content
> that allows them something to put in a marketing ad. Your problems, my
> problems, doesn't matter. Their morgage will still get paid and you're
> left
> with no choices.
> I brought my emotions online when they should've stayed on my side of the
> keyboard when I spoke my mind. Surely don't want a little warrant from a
> no-name town in Washington to issue a misdemeanor charge that is
> non-extraditable from the other side of the country just cuz I want to
> send
> the pompus little mouth-piece for a company in it's spirally death-throws
> a
> nice little Xmas card. The way I see it, the gaming world had a good run
> with HL1/mods. The world has moved on and now so shall I.
> Fair well to those of you I'll miss. Wise up to those you who are jaded in
> a
> world of smoke, mirrors and EULAs. And "when it's done" for me comes today
> with this community to no fault of the community itself. You WILL be
> missed
> for both the good times and the bad over the years. Never forgotten but
> remembered as an extremely intellegent group of gu