Re: [hlds_linux] Left 4 Dead 2 Update Released

2009-12-10 Thread Jay Deiman
On 12/09/2009 06:48 PM, Andrew Armstrong wrote:
 Hey all,

 Just an FYI there was a L4D2 update released a short while ago which appears
 to have a server update too, I didn't see it announced:

Thanks for the heads up Andrew.

Jay Deiman

Jay Deiman


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Re: [hlds_linux] Left 4 Dead 2 Update Available

2009-12-07 Thread Jay Deiman
Ok, this is something that has been bothering me for quite a while.  Why 
is it that Valve is pushing out updates on Friday nights at:

Fri, 4 Dec 2009 18:32:33 -0800

Please, other admins, chime in here unless I'm just crazy.  The servers 
I host, and once in a while play on, are *always* at their busiest 
between Friday afternoon sometime until sometime on Sunday morning (I'm 
CDT, for reference).

Perhaps, unless there is something absolutely critical to fix, these 
updates should be pushed out on a Monday morning.  That way, if a new 
issue crops up, our players can be notified of some *new* issue and any 
possible workarounds if there isn't another patch before the weekend, 
which, again, is always the busiest time.  This Friday night patching is 
akin to my rolling out major changes to my email systems at work on 
Monday morning around 10am (just before our busiest time of the week). 
Is there any way this can be adjusted?


Jay Deiman


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Re: [hlds_linux] Left 4 Dead 2 Update Available

2009-12-07 Thread Jay Deiman
f0rkz wrote:
 Short answer: no.
 Long answer: Welcome to server administration! ;)
 Its definitely inconvenient, but its life.

Actually, in terms of real administration goes, it is *not* life.  If I 
were to break things (or potentially break things) during peak times, I 
wouldn't have a job.  I've been a sysadmin for many years and the reason 
I'm still a sysadmin is because I *don't* do things like roll out 
updates at peak periods.  Anyone else on this list that is a real 
systems administrator knows all about those 2-4am Saturday night 
rollouts (when it's off-peak for just about everyone except gamers). 
*That* is the short and long answer.

Any server administrator that chooses to do this is not a professional 
administrator.  This game server stuff for me is nothing more than a 
simple hobby so it's not really a huge deal that Valve pushes out these 
updates on a Friday night since I've mainly got just a group of friends 
depending on my machine being accessible for gaming.  Here, I'm mearly 
trying to get a dialog started that other admins can append to so at 
least we are heard.

Now, don't forget, there are people out there that are making a living 
doing game server hosting and support for people.  These are the admins 
that are getting screwed by this Friday night update crap, and I feel 
bad for them because a shifting of the release schedule by a few days in 
either direction would be a lot less pain for them to deal with.

Jay Deiman

Jay Deiman

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Re: [hlds_linux] Left 4 Dead 2 Update Available

2009-12-07 Thread Jay Deiman
Joseph Laws wrote:
 Friday is probably the deadline for whatever update they are working on.

That's entirely possible.  The difference then is that it's a poor 
management decision.  It doesn't really matter who is making the 
decision, I'm simply positing that it's not a good one for the either 
the server administrators or the clients that now have a smaller pool of 
servers to connect to.

Jay Deiman

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Re: [hlds_linux] Left 4 Dead 2 Update Available

2009-12-07 Thread Jay Deiman
Guy Watkins wrote:
 Funny, 2-4am is during my peak!  But we are 24/7/365.25

Heh, yeah, depends on the service and who you are serving.

Jay Deiman

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Re: [hlds_linux] Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Server Available

2009-11-17 Thread Jay Deiman
Richard GrosJean wrote:
 Am I the only one still having issues with sv_search_key (as in, my client
 searches for 5-10 seconds for a server and then just starts a listenserver)?

Yep, same here.  sv_search_key is a no-go for me.  It was working fine 
in the demo...


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Re: [hlds_linux] L4D2 rcon query

2009-11-17 Thread Jay Deiman
Ronny Schedel wrote:
 The protocol:
 Scroll down for samples.

Great info, but it still doesn't change the fact that rcon over tcp to 
the server ports doesn't work.  Here's a little debug info from a script 
I wrote using the docs at

$ ./ -c status xxx 

reqid: 2094234817 

SENDING: '\x11\x00\x00\x00\xc1|\xd3|\x03\x00\x00\x00xx\x00\x00' 

RECV (10): '\xc1|\xd3|\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' 

RECV (10): '\xc1|\xd3|\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' 

reqid: 954561615 

SENDING: '\x10\x00\x00\x00Ot\xe58\x02\x00\x00\x00status\x00\x00' 

RECV (10): 'Ot\xe58\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'

The server authenticates me and even responds to the status command, it 
just give me back an empty null terminated string.

Compare the above to l4d1:

$ ./ -c status xxx 

reqid: 1811805914 

SENDING: '\x11\x00\x00\x00\xda\xf6\xfdk\x03\x00\x00\x00xx\x00\x00' 

RECV: '\xda\xf6\xfdk\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' 

RECV: '\xda\xf6\xfdk\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' 

reqid: 929550210 

SENDING: '\x10\x00\x00\x00\x82\xcfg7\x02\x00\x00\x00status\x00\x00' 

RECV: '\x82\xcfg7\x00\x00\x00\x00hostname: MF L4D 1\nversion : 
4023 secure  (unknown)\nudp/ip  : [ public same 
]\nos  : Linux Dedicated\nmap : 
l4d_hospital01_apartment\nplayers : 0 humans, 0 bots (4 max) 
(hibernating) (unreserved)\n\n# userid name uniqueid connected ping loss 
state rate adr\n#end\n\x00\x00' 

If A2S queries are working, that's great, but rcon should be fixed 
nonetheless. Rcon is used by some (including me) for more than just 
getting current players.

Jay Deiman

Jay Deiman


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Re: [hlds_linux] Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Server Available

2009-11-17 Thread Jay Deiman
Jonah Hirsch wrote:
 Can anyone else confirm that the console will not open while in a lobby? I'd
 really like to know if this isn't just me. It's very frustrating to have to
 leave the lobby to change the search key/force servers/etc.

Yeah, I noticed the same thing.  No console available in the lobbies.


Jay Deiman


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[hlds_linux] L4D2 full dedicated server release date?

2009-11-12 Thread Jay Deiman
Does anyone have any insight into the release date for the L4D2 linux 
dedicated server install?  I know the client is now pre-loading.  Anyone 
know when we can get the server files installed and configged?


Jay Deiman


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Re: [hlds_linux] L4D2 full dedicated server release date?

2009-11-12 Thread Jay Deiman
Ronny Schedel wrote:
 I suppose the files will be ready on release day, anything other wouldn't 
 make any sense. If you want to play a little bit with the huge server 
 configuration of a Left 4 Dead 2 server, you can do it with the beta aka 
 demo right now.

Yeah, I've been running some demo forks since it was released.  Heh, I 
hope setting up the full release is as easy as setting up the demo was. 
  I pretty much just copied my L4D configs over, made a couple of 
necessary changes and started the server.  Hopefully, this is the case 
with the full version as well.

I mainly just want to get everything ready to go, scripts in place, etc. 
so it's just a matter of flipping a switch on release day.


Jay Deiman


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Re: [hlds_linux] Left 4 Dead 2 server pre-load availability?

2009-10-27 Thread Jay Deiman
Dan Offord wrote:
 I spoke to both Chet  Mike today, they said the dedicated server would be
 for Linux would be out after Tuesday, but the windows dedicated server
 would be out at the same time as the demo

Good to know.  Thanks Dan.


Jay Deiman


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[hlds_linux] Left 4 Dead 2 server pre-load availability?

2009-10-26 Thread Jay Deiman
I'm wondering when we will be able to start pre-loading the l4d2 linux 
server?  If I'm not mistaken, the demo is being released tomorrow 
(Tuesday, the 27th).  Is there going to be a demo server released with 
this (as there was with the first l4d)?

Also, is there a place where we can view a changelog for server-side 
configs or are we basically going to be able to use pretty much the same 
configs for l4d2?

We are getting close to the release at this point and I would like to do 
some prep so I can have servers up and running for the release and 
currently, I've not really seen anything on the mailing list about it. 
Is there a website with details I'm not aware of?



Jay Deiman


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Re: [hlds_linux] L4D forks keep crashing

2009-08-18 Thread Jay Deiman
Ronny Schedel wrote:
 The crashes occur on a vanilla server.

Yeah, I will second that (again).  It seems to be fairly random as well.


Jay Deiman


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Re: [hlds_linux] L4D forks keep crashing

2009-08-07 Thread Jay Deiman
David A. Parker wrote:
 I have a Left 4 Dead server running 6 forks.  Since the update on July 
 31, two of the six forks have crashed several times.  Each time, the 
 forks stop responding to A2A_PING or A2S_INFO queries, and if I telnet 
 to their consoles using netcon, I can type but I get no response to 
 commands.  However, the master console shows the forks as having players 
 on them, even though they are clearly not even running anymore.
 Has anyone else experienced this?

Yep, same here.  I have script that connects to the consoles to get user 
info via the rcon status command and it keeps failing until I restart 
the hlds.  And yes, I think I started experiencing this around the exact 
same time.


Jay Deiman


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Re: [hlds_linux] Server not responding in hlsw, does not show up in server browser, but I can connect?

2009-08-07 Thread Jay Deiman
Jonah Hirsch wrote:
 Just a few minutes ago, my server suddenly stopped responding HLSW. I
 restarted it, and it came back, and seemed to be working just fine.
 It then started to timeout again. I checked the steam serverbrowser, and it
 wasn't there either.
 So I restarted it again.
 This time, I connected while I could still see it in HLSW, and I got in just
 fine. HLSW them proceeded to say it was timing out, and it would not show up
 in the server browser.
 The strange thing was, I could still issue commands to it through HLSW, and
 it would reply just fine.
 What's going on? What should I do to fix it?
 Also, as far as I am aware, I haven't been doing anything on this server
 that would get it delisted.

What kind of hlds server(s) are you running?  It wouldn't be left 4 
dead, would it?  If that is the case, you might be having the same 
problem that I am.  See the recent thread started by David Parker 
entitled L4D forks keep crashing.


Jay Deiman


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Re: [hlds_linux] Left 4 Dead Update Released

2009-07-17 Thread Jay Deiman
Jason Ruymen wrote:
 - The server will now warn if the public or private tags exceed their limits. 
  Public tags are limited to 63 characters.  Private tags used for matchmaking 
 are now limited to 1024 characters.  

Was the server issue (documented, and acknowledged in a couple different 
mailing list threads) of the dedicated server disappearing until it is 
restarted fixed?  Please tell me that I no longer have to restart my L4D 
server every day.

Mailing list threads:

[hlds_linux] l4d servers disappearing from group servers/sv_search_key 
not working since last update

[hlds_linux] Server's Don't Reconnect to Steam Again? :(

Jay Deiman


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Re: [hlds_linux] Left 4 Dead Update Released

2009-07-17 Thread Jay Deiman wrote:
 That was a master-server-side issue and was fixed on Wednesday, though iirc
 the Linux servers not showing up until the next heartbeat after (i.e. a few
 minutes) is still extant.  Doesn't need a restart for that though.

Awesome.  That is good to hear as I apparently missed that announcement.



Jay Deiman


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Re: [hlds_linux] Server's Don't Reconnect to Steam Again? :(

2009-07-09 Thread Jay Deiman
1nsane wrote:
 Same here.

I'm also having the same problem.  My servers stay full for a while and 
then they go empty and stay that way until I restart them.


Jay Deiman


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Re: [hlds_linux] Server's Don't Reconnect to Steam Again? :(

2009-07-09 Thread Jay Deiman
StevoTVR wrote:
 I know at least a few of our servers needed to be restarted yesterday. 
 Our servers are in the US.

Same problem here, I'm also in the US.  I had players on my l4d forks 
until about 4:45am and then nothing until I restarted it today at about 2pm:


Jay Deiman


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Re: [hlds_linux] Update to L4D broke my linux server

2009-06-26 Thread Jay Deiman
Hash: SHA1

Oliver Salzburg wrote:
 Did you run a verify yet?

I assume you mean the -verify_all option to the steam command, how
exactly do you use that?  With a -command update, or is there a
different command that should be used?

 Jay Deiman wrote:
 Jay Deiman wrote:
 I just ran my update for left 4 dead on my linux server and tried
 restarting the server to end up with an immediate crash:
 Heheh, to clarify, by server, I mean the hlds_i486 binary...  I just
 read that and realized how ambiguous that sounded.  Sorry.

 Auto detecting CPU
 Using AMD Optimised binary.
 Enabling debug mode
 Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
 Could not locate steam binary:./steam, ignoring.
 #Console initialized.
 #Game.dll loaded for L4D - Co-op - Normal
 Server is hibernating
 ConVarRef test_progression_loop doesn't point to an existing ConVar
 serverGameDLL-DLLInit() failed.
 cat: No such file or directory
 email debug.log to
 Thu Jun 25 21:56:50 CDT 2009: Server restart in 10 seconds
 Could not locate steam binary:./steam, ignoring.
 #Console initialized.
 #Game.dll loaded for L4D - Co-op - Normal
 Server is hibernating
 ConVarRef test_progression_loop doesn't point to an existing ConVar
 serverGameDLL-DLLInit() failed.
 cat: No such file or directory
 email debug.log to
 Thu Jun 25 21:57:00 CDT 2009: Server restart in 10 seconds
 Thu Jun 25 21:57:02 CDT 2009: Server Quit
 I ran it with -debug and here is the output of the debug.log:
 CRASH: Thu Jun 25 21:56:50 CDT 2009
 Start Line: ./srcds_i486 -console -game left4dead -debug -ip -secure -fork 4 -autoupdate -port 27015+## +maxplayers 8
 +clientport 27005+## +log on +exec server_##.cfg +map
 End of Source crash report
 CRASH: Thu Jun 25 21:57:00 CDT 2009
 Start Line: ./srcds_i486 -console -game left4dead -debug -ip -secure -fork 4 -autoupdate -port 27015+## +maxplayers 8
 +clientport 27005+## +log on +exec server_##.cfg +map
 End of Source crash report
 The machine is the following:
 Dual AMD Opteron
 Tyan Tiger mainboard
 Linux janus 2.6.27-gentoo-r8 #1 SMP Wed Feb 25 17:44:03 CST 2009 i686
 AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 244 AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
 $ lspci
 00:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8151 System
 Controller (rev 14)
 00:01.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8151 AGP Bridge
 (rev 14)
 00:06.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8111 PCI (rev 07)
 00:07.0 ISA bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8111 LPC (rev 05)
 00:07.1 IDE interface: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8111 IDE (rev
 00:07.2 SMBus: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8111 SMBus 2.0 (rev 02)
 00:07.3 Bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8111 ACPI (rev 05)
 00:18.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
 HyperTransport Technology Configuration
 00:18.1 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
 Address Map
 00:18.2 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
 DRAM Controller
 00:18.3 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
 Miscellaneous Control
 00:19.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
 HyperTransport Technology Configuration
 00:19.1 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
 Address Map
 00:19.2 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
 DRAM Controller
 00:19.3 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
 Miscellaneous Control
 02:00.0 USB Controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8111 USB
 (rev 0b)
 02:00.1 USB Controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8111 USB
 (rev 0b)
 02:03.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82541GI/PI Gigabit
 Ethernet Controller
 02:05.0 RAID bus controller: Silicon Image, Inc. SiI 3114
 [SATALink/SATARaid] Serial ATA Controller (rev 02)
 02:08.0 VGA compatible controller: Trident Microsystems Blade 3D PCI/AGP
 (rev 3a)
 02:0b.0 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82x UHCI USB 1.1
 Controller (rev 61)
 02:0b.1 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82x UHCI USB 1.1
 Controller (rev 61)
 02:0b.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB 2.0 (rev 63)
 If there is any more information that anyone is interested in, let me
 know and I can supply it.
 Jay Deiman
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Re: [hlds_linux] Update to L4D broke my linux server

2009-06-26 Thread Jay Deiman
Maximilian L. wrote:
 steam -command update -game left4dead -dir InstallDir -retry -verify_all

Ran that with the following output and then tried to start the server 
with the same results.

$ ./steam -command update -game l4d_full -dir . -retry -verify_all 

Checking bootstrapper version ... 

Updating Installation 

Checking/Installing 'Left 4 Dead binaries' version 25 

Checking/Installing 'Left 4 Dead base' version 25

Checking/Installing 'left4dead linux dedicated server' version 13

HLDS installation up to date

Jay Deiman


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[hlds_linux] [SOLVED] Re: Update to L4D broke my linux server

2009-06-26 Thread Jay Deiman
I just moved my old l4d directory and ran a new steam update for 
left4dead (which redownloaded everything), dropped my configs back in 
place, started up the l4d server again and everything worked.  For some 
reason, something got corrupted during the last update.  Odd, but all is 
now well.

Thanks for the help.


Jay Deiman wrote:
 Maximilian L. wrote:
 steam -command update -game left4dead -dir InstallDir -retry -verify_all
 Ran that with the following output and then tried to start the server 
 with the same results.
 $ ./steam -command update -game l4d_full -dir . -retry -verify_all 
 Checking bootstrapper version ... 
 Updating Installation 
 Checking/Installing 'Left 4 Dead binaries' version 25 
 Checking/Installing 'Left 4 Dead base' version 25
 Checking/Installing 'left4dead linux dedicated server' version 13
 HLDS installation up to date

Jay Deiman


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Re: [hlds_linux] l4d sv_downloadurl

2009-06-26 Thread Jay Deiman
Jonah Hirsch wrote:
 It will not work. Here's how the VPK system works.
 When a mapmaker packages their VPK file, they have to make a missions.txt
 file. This contains information such as campaign name, version, author,
 which maps are for which type of game, and the images.
 It also includes a download url. (Remember this!)
 To start an add-on game, one person needs the addon. When anyone else tries
 to join their lobby, they are presented with a message saying they need to
 download the addon, and is presented with the download url that the mapmaker
 It's very similar to how it used to work. The only advantage is starting the
 add-on campaign from the lobby, instead of changing the map once you connect
 to the server.
 Instead of making a lobby and giving people a link, l4d gives people the
 link for you.
 It'd be very nice if the server could push out the file, or you could use
 sv_downloadurl, but if it did people wouldn't be there for the beginning of
 a map.

Is there any sort of open source (preferably cross platform) .VPK file 
extractor/packager?  I've noticed that in a couple of the packs that 
I've downloaded that the download url is and 
that site is SLOW (overloaded).  On the flip side, I can host these maps 
on the game server (on a 10Mb/s synchronous connection) and let players 
download the maps in seconds rather than hours.  Which brings me to the 
purpose here, changing the download url in the packed .vpk files.

If there's not a pre-written extractor/packager (that works on linux), 
is there a link someone can provide on the binary format so I can write 
my own?

Jay Deiman

Jay Deiman


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Re: [hlds_linux] l4d sv_downloadurl

2009-06-26 Thread Jay Deiman
Mike Zimmermann wrote:
 I really don't think you should be touching a mapper's VPK archive. If they
 update the version you will have to be checking that all the time and mirror
 it on your host otherwise you will just run into problems.

I see your point, but it doesn't change the fact the addon maps are 
useless if you can't download them to actually use them, which is 
currently the case since the only real source I've seen so far for maps 
is and it's almost impossible to get a download 
started there and when you do, it takes forever since you are chugging 
away at 30Kb/s.  I want to rectify that issue with better hosting and 
the most direct course of action is the modification of the download URL.


Jay Deiman


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Re: [hlds_linux] l4d sv_downloadurl

2009-06-26 Thread Jay Deiman
Hash: SHA1

Mike Zimmermann wrote:
 One could argue the fact that even if you could download VPKs from the
 server, what would happen if the original site went down? How would you know
 where the new updates for it are at? Afaik, if someone in the lobby has a
 newer version of the VPK, everyone will be directed to the URL in the latest
 version to download it. So if a site goes down (which really doesn't happen
 often enough that it would be a nusaince), you just update the version in
 the VPK and put in the new downloadurl. People will then have to redownload
 the entire VPK but at least it will have the correct downloadurl.

This is true, but

The crux of this is that this is just another example of valve shoveling
the responsibility for something it should be maintaining onto the
community at large.  It would be really nice if valve would step up to
the plate here and host the addon campaigns.  Make a simple web app that
accepts the VPKs, and perhaps even automatically sets the download
url(s) in the package.  Then the issues of volunteer maintained
disjointed, and sometimes only partially working, sites is a non issue.

Another issue is the lack of built in compression in this format.  For
christ's sake, incorporate zlib, gzip or bzip2 compression into the file
format.  A standard zip file is achieving approx a 70% reduction in file
size here.  Simply incorporate a decompression lib into the standard
steam client so the players can download a 30MB file, decompress it in a
second or two and start using it.  For sure, gzip and bzip2 are GPLed
open source, so simply including a compiled version of the chosen
library in steam is free and no violation of the license (as long as
they don't modify the source code, and there would be no reason to).
Obviously, this would greatly reduce the amount of bandwidth usage.
This is so damned easy to incorporate, it's rather frustrating that it
wasn't done 10 years ago.  Actually, it's just plain stupid that it
hasn't been done.

Jay Deiman

Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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[hlds_linux] Update to L4D broke my linux server

2009-06-25 Thread Jay Deiman
Hash: SHA1

I just ran my update for left 4 dead on my linux server and tried
restarting the server to end up with an immediate crash:

- -
Auto detecting CPU
Using AMD Optimised binary.
Enabling debug mode
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
Could not locate steam binary:./steam, ignoring.
#Console initialized.
#Game.dll loaded for L4D - Co-op - Normal
Server is hibernating
ConVarRef test_progression_loop doesn't point to an existing ConVar
serverGameDLL-DLLInit() failed.

cat: No such file or directory
email debug.log to
Thu Jun 25 21:56:50 CDT 2009: Server restart in 10 seconds
Could not locate steam binary:./steam, ignoring.
#Console initialized.
#Game.dll loaded for L4D - Co-op - Normal
Server is hibernating
ConVarRef test_progression_loop doesn't point to an existing ConVar
serverGameDLL-DLLInit() failed.

cat: No such file or directory
email debug.log to
Thu Jun 25 21:57:00 CDT 2009: Server restart in 10 seconds
Thu Jun 25 21:57:02 CDT 2009: Server Quit
- -

I ran it with -debug and here is the output of the debug.log:

- --
CRASH: Thu Jun 25 21:56:50 CDT 2009
Start Line: ./srcds_i486 -console -game left4dead -debug -ip -secure -fork 4 -autoupdate -port 27015+## +maxplayers 8
+clientport 27005+## +log on +exec server_##.cfg +map
End of Source crash report
- --
- --
CRASH: Thu Jun 25 21:57:00 CDT 2009
Start Line: ./srcds_i486 -console -game left4dead -debug -ip -secure -fork 4 -autoupdate -port 27015+## +maxplayers 8
+clientport 27005+## +log on +exec server_##.cfg +map
End of Source crash report
- --

The machine is the following:

- -
Dual AMD Opteron
Tyan Tiger mainboard
Linux janus 2.6.27-gentoo-r8 #1 SMP Wed Feb 25 17:44:03 CST 2009 i686
AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 244 AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux

$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8151 System
Controller (rev 14)

00:01.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8151 AGP Bridge
(rev 14)
00:06.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8111 PCI (rev 07)

00:07.0 ISA bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8111 LPC (rev 05)

00:07.1 IDE interface: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8111 IDE (rev
00:07.2 SMBus: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8111 SMBus 2.0 (rev 02)

00:07.3 Bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8111 ACPI (rev 05)

00:18.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
HyperTransport Technology Configuration

00:18.1 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
Address Map

00:18.2 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
DRAM Controller

00:18.3 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
Miscellaneous Control
00:19.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
HyperTransport Technology Configuration
00:19.1 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
Address Map
00:19.2 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
DRAM Controller
00:19.3 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
Miscellaneous Control
02:00.0 USB Controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8111 USB (rev 0b)
02:00.1 USB Controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8111 USB (rev 0b)
02:03.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82541GI/PI Gigabit
Ethernet Controller
02:05.0 RAID bus controller: Silicon Image, Inc. SiI 3114
[SATALink/SATARaid] Serial ATA Controller (rev 02)
02:08.0 VGA compatible controller: Trident Microsystems Blade 3D PCI/AGP
(rev 3a)
02:0b.0 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82x UHCI USB 1.1
Controller (rev 61)
02:0b.1 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82x UHCI USB 1.1
Controller (rev 61)
02:0b.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB 2.0 (rev 63)
- -

If there is any more information that anyone is interested in, let me
know and I can supply it.

Jay Deiman
Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [hlds_linux] Update to L4D broke my linux server

2009-06-25 Thread Jay Deiman
Hash: SHA1

Jay Deiman wrote:
 I just ran my update for left 4 dead on my linux server and tried
 restarting the server to end up with an immediate crash:

Heheh, to clarify, by server, I mean the hlds_i486 binary...  I just
read that and realized how ambiguous that sounded.  Sorry.

 Auto detecting CPU
 Using AMD Optimised binary.
 Enabling debug mode
 Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
 Could not locate steam binary:./steam, ignoring.
 #Console initialized.
 #Game.dll loaded for L4D - Co-op - Normal
 Server is hibernating
 ConVarRef test_progression_loop doesn't point to an existing ConVar
 serverGameDLL-DLLInit() failed.
 cat: No such file or directory
 email debug.log to
 Thu Jun 25 21:56:50 CDT 2009: Server restart in 10 seconds
 Could not locate steam binary:./steam, ignoring.
 #Console initialized.
 #Game.dll loaded for L4D - Co-op - Normal
 Server is hibernating
 ConVarRef test_progression_loop doesn't point to an existing ConVar
 serverGameDLL-DLLInit() failed.
 cat: No such file or directory
 email debug.log to
 Thu Jun 25 21:57:00 CDT 2009: Server restart in 10 seconds
 Thu Jun 25 21:57:02 CDT 2009: Server Quit
 I ran it with -debug and here is the output of the debug.log:
 CRASH: Thu Jun 25 21:56:50 CDT 2009
 Start Line: ./srcds_i486 -console -game left4dead -debug -ip -secure -fork 4 -autoupdate -port 27015+## +maxplayers 8
 +clientport 27005+## +log on +exec server_##.cfg +map
 End of Source crash report
 CRASH: Thu Jun 25 21:57:00 CDT 2009
 Start Line: ./srcds_i486 -console -game left4dead -debug -ip -secure -fork 4 -autoupdate -port 27015+## +maxplayers 8
 +clientport 27005+## +log on +exec server_##.cfg +map
 End of Source crash report
 The machine is the following:
 Dual AMD Opteron
 Tyan Tiger mainboard
 Linux janus 2.6.27-gentoo-r8 #1 SMP Wed Feb 25 17:44:03 CST 2009 i686
 AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 244 AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
 $ lspci
 00:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8151 System
 Controller (rev 14)
 00:01.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8151 AGP Bridge
 (rev 14)
 00:06.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8111 PCI (rev 07)
 00:07.0 ISA bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8111 LPC (rev 05)
 00:07.1 IDE interface: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8111 IDE (rev
 00:07.2 SMBus: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8111 SMBus 2.0 (rev 02)
 00:07.3 Bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8111 ACPI (rev 05)
 00:18.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
 HyperTransport Technology Configuration
 00:18.1 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
 Address Map
 00:18.2 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
 DRAM Controller
 00:18.3 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
 Miscellaneous Control
 00:19.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
 HyperTransport Technology Configuration
 00:19.1 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
 Address Map
 00:19.2 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
 DRAM Controller
 00:19.3 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
 Miscellaneous Control
 02:00.0 USB Controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8111 USB (rev 0b)
 02:00.1 USB Controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-8111 USB (rev 0b)
 02:03.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82541GI/PI Gigabit
 Ethernet Controller
 02:05.0 RAID bus controller: Silicon Image, Inc. SiI 3114
 [SATALink/SATARaid] Serial ATA Controller (rev 02)
 02:08.0 VGA compatible controller: Trident Microsystems Blade 3D PCI/AGP
 (rev 3a)
 02:0b.0 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82x UHCI USB 1.1
 Controller (rev 61)
 02:0b.1 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82x UHCI USB 1.1
 Controller (rev 61)
 02:0b.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB 2.0 (rev 63)
 If there is any more information that anyone is interested in, let me
 know and I can supply it.
 Jay Deiman

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Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


[hlds_linux] Recommended setup for steam group

2009-03-05 Thread Jay Deiman
I'm wondering what the recommended setup is currently for setting up a 
steam group server for L4D.  I'm currently running 4 forks with 4 
separate config files.  2 of the instances are steam group servers and 2 
are public.

The public servers seem perfectly fine, but the question is about the 
steam group servers.  They both start up as coop (as opposed to 
versus) servers that you just join.  If I want to play coop, it's not a 
big deal since I can join and vote a different campaign, difficulty, 
etc.  Now, here are my questions.  Is there a way that I can make one of 
the steam group servers a versus only server?  Can I override the +map 
setting from the command line in my server.cfg file as well as the 
mapcycle file?  Second, is there a way to make it so that I can just 
connect to the steam group servers via a normal lobby?

I've posted both my command-line startup and one of the server_##.cfg 
files for the steam group server below for reference to what I'm 
currently doing.

Thanks in advance for any help,


./srcds_run -console -game left4dead -ip -secure -fork 4 
-autoupdate -port 27015+## +maxplayers 8 +clientport 27005+## +log on 
+exec server_##.cfg +map l4d_hospital01_apartment

// Server Name
hostname Monkeyfunk 4

// Rcon Cvars
rcon_password * //Set's remote control password

// Server Password
sv_password  // Password protects server

// Server Cvars
mp_disable_autokick 1
sv_allow_wait_command 0
sv_alltalk 0
sv_alternateticks 0
sv_cheats 0
sv_clearhinthistory 0
sv_consistency 1
sv_pausable 0 /

// Allow Versus Mode
//director_no_human_zombies 1

sv_steamgroup_exclusive 1 // Setting to 0 will not connect to the Match 
Making Service
sv_steamgroup  * // Family Steam Group Number

sv_region 0

// Server Logging
sv_log_onefile 0 //Log server information to only one file.
sv_logbans 1 //Log server bans in the server logs.
sv_logecho 0 //Echo log information to the console.
sv_logfile 1 //Log server information in the log file.
sv_logflush 0 //Flush the log file to disk on each write (slow).
sv_logsdir logs/04 //Folder in the game directory where server logs 
will be stored.

// bandwidth rates/settings
sv_minrate 2000
sv_maxrate 25000
//sv_mincmdrate 10
sv_maxcmdrate 100

sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0

z_difficulty Hard

// Voice Comm
sv_voiceenable 1

// Exec Configs
exec banned_user.cfg

Jay Deiman


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[hlds_linux] LAN Server setup

2009-01-22 Thread Jay Deiman
Hash: SHA1

I'm wondering if anyone can suggest the best setup for a dedicated
server to be used for LAN play only from the server and client perspective.

I have a linux box with the l4d server running, but I'm taking it over
to a friends this weekend for a LAN.  First of all, I'm wondering what I
should have in a server.cfg (beyond the obvious sv_lan 1) and what
startup options I should use.  I'm planning on forking 2 servers since I
think there will be enough people to fill them both.

The next question is, how do clients connect to it, change options,
etc.?  I know you can connect to other hlds servers with connect ip
in console and I assume that works here as well.  Is there a way to set
up a lobby and connect specifically to the LAN box?

Any help, or links to help, would be greatly appreciated.  The LAN is on
Saturday and I'd like to get everything straightened out by tomorrow night.

Thanks, in advance, for any help,


- --
Jay Deiman

Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [hlds_linux] LAN Server setup

2009-01-22 Thread Jay Deiman
Hash: SHA1

To make this very clear, this is for a Left 4 Dead LAN.  I just realized
that I only mention that briefly below.

Jay Deiman wrote:
 I'm wondering if anyone can suggest the best setup for a dedicated
 server to be used for LAN play only from the server and client perspective.
 I have a linux box with the l4d server running, but I'm taking it over
 to a friends this weekend for a LAN.  First of all, I'm wondering what I
 should have in a server.cfg (beyond the obvious sv_lan 1) and what
 startup options I should use.  I'm planning on forking 2 servers since I
 think there will be enough people to fill them both.
 The next question is, how do clients connect to it, change options,
 etc.?  I know you can connect to other hlds servers with connect ip
 in console and I assume that works here as well.  Is there a way to set
 up a lobby and connect specifically to the LAN box?
 Any help, or links to help, would be greatly appreciated.  The LAN is on
 Saturday and I'd like to get everything straightened out by tomorrow night.
 Thanks, in advance, for any help,

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- --
Jay Deiman

Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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[hlds_linux] Firewall ports

2008-11-17 Thread Jay Deiman
Hash: SHA1

I just fired up an l4d demo dedicated server and I've noticed that the
srcds server opens quite a few ports.  Exactly which ports do I need to
open on my firewall to allow normal usage since I'm using the default
starting point for ports (27015) and forking 2 servers.  Is it just tcp
and udp on 27015 and 27016?

Jay Deiman
Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [hlds_linux] Firewall ports

2008-11-17 Thread Jay Deiman
Hash: SHA1

 Yup, that's all that needs opened.  Tcp is for rcon only so depending on how
 many admins you have you can lock access down to specific IPs if you want

Excellent.  Thank you.


 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:hlds_linux-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jay Deiman
 Sent: 17 November 2008 17:44
 Subject: [hlds_linux] Firewall ports

 I just fired up an l4d demo dedicated server and I've noticed that the
 srcds server opens quite a few ports.  Exactly which ports do I need to
 open on my firewall to allow normal usage since I'm using the default
 starting point for ports (27015) and forking 2 servers.  Is it just tcp
 and udp on 27015 and 27016?
 Jay Deiman

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please visit:

 To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please 

Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [hlds_linux] Server will not start, crashing

2008-11-14 Thread Jay Deiman
Hash: SHA1

Jordy van Wolferen wrote:
 For debugging you need gdb

Yeah, my bad there, didn't have gdb installed.  It doesn't change the
fact that it was crashing without starting under debug mode though.
Anyway, here is the startup with debug mode and gdb installed, and below
that is the debug.log file output:

Command Run

# ./srcds_run -game left4dead -ip *.*.*.* +map
l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment -debug
Auto detecting CPU
Using AMD Optimised binary.
Enabling debug mode
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
HL_CMD = ./srcds_i486 -game left4dead -ip *.*.*.* +map
l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment -debug -fork +map l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment

Console initialized.
Game.dll loaded for L4D - Normal
Server is hibernating
ConVarRef test_progression_loop doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Game supporting (2) split screen players
maxplayers set to 14
Unknown command r_decal_cullsize
Unknown command mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar
Network: IP unknown, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
-  Host_NewGame 
Host_NewGame on map l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment
ConVarRef room_type doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Executing dedicated server config file
Commentary: Could not find commentary data file
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; unable to update local steamclient.
Continuing with current version anyway.
./srcds_run: line 361:  2505 Illegal instruction (core dumped) $HL_CMD
Cannot access memory at address 0xb7f87640
Cannot access memory at address 0xbfe34f20
/opt/halflife/l4d_demo/debug.cmds:3: Error in sourced command file:
Cannot access memory at address 0xb7f87640
email debug.log to [EMAIL PROTECTED]



- --
CRASH: Fri Nov 14 13:40:50 CST 2008
Start Line: ./srcds_i486 -game left4dead -ip *.*.*.* +map
l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment -debug -fork  +map l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment
Using host libthread_db library /lib/
#0  0xb066a0af in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
End of Source crash report
- --


 On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 1:55 PM, Jay Deiman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been trying to get a srcds server running for the left 4 dead demo
 and I've had zero success with it so far.  It crashes on startup every
 time.  I've included the command-line output as well as some general
 machine info.  If anyone would like to see anything else, I would be
 happy to supply it, including the core file.
 Command run
 janus l4d_demo # ./srcds_run -game left4dead -ip *.*.*.* +map
 l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment -debug
 Auto detecting CPU
 Using AMD Optimised binary.
 Enabling debug mode
 ./srcds_run: line 153: gdb: command not found
 Please install gdb first.
 Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
 HL_CMD = ./srcds_i486 -game left4dead -ip *.*.*.* +map
 l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment -debug -fork +map l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment
 Console initialized.
 Game.dll loaded for L4D - Normal
 Server is hibernating
 ConVarRef test_progression_loop doesn't point to an existing ConVar
 Game supporting (2) split screen players
 maxplayers set to 14
 Unknown command r_decal_cullsize
 Unknown command mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar
 Network: IP unknown, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
 Host_NewGame on map l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment
 ConVarRef room_type doesn't point to an existing ConVar
 Executing dedicated server config file
 Commentary: Could not find commentary data file
 [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; unable to update local steamclient.
 Continuing with current version anyway.
 ./srcds_run: line 361: 29649 Illegal instruction (core dumped) $HL_CMD
 Add -debug to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to
 help with solving this problem
 Wed Nov 12 06:37:31 CST 2008: Server restart in 10 seconds
 Wed Nov 12 06:37:33 CST 2008: Server Quit
 CPU info:
 # cat /proc/cpuinfo
 processor : 0
 vendor_id : AuthenticAMD
 cpu family : 6
 model  : 6
 model name : AMD Athlon(tm) MP 1700+
 stepping : 2
 cpu MHz  : 1466.773
 cache size : 256 KB
 fdiv_bug : no
 hlt_bug  : no
 f00f_bug : no
 coma_bug : no
 fpu   : yes
 fpu_exception : yes
 cpuid level : 1
 wp  : yes
 flags  : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov
 pat pse36 mmx fxsr sse syscall mp mmxext 3dnowext 3dnow ts
 bogomips : 2936.82
 clflush size  : 32
 processor : 1
 # uname -a
 Linux janus 2.6.24-gentoo-r8 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed May 28 21:40:37 CDT 2008
 i686 AMD Athlon(tm) MP 1700+ AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux

Re: [hlds_linux] Server will not start, crashing

2008-11-14 Thread Jay Deiman
Hash: SHA1

Chris Green wrote:
 That is the athlon MP illegal instruction crash. We have a fix internally for 

Ahh, good to know.  Any idea on a patch release date?

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jay Deiman
 Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 11:47 AM
 To: Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list
 Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Server will not start, crashing
 Jordy van Wolferen wrote:
 For debugging you need gdb
 Yeah, my bad there, didn't have gdb installed.  It doesn't change the
 fact that it was crashing without starting under debug mode though.
 Anyway, here is the startup with debug mode and gdb installed, and below
 that is the debug.log file output:
 Command Run
 # ./srcds_run -game left4dead -ip *.*.*.* +map
 l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment -debug
 Auto detecting CPU
 Using AMD Optimised binary.
 Enabling debug mode
 Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
 HL_CMD = ./srcds_i486 -game left4dead -ip *.*.*.* +map
 l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment -debug -fork +map l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment
 Console initialized.
 Game.dll loaded for L4D - Normal
 Server is hibernating
 ConVarRef test_progression_loop doesn't point to an existing ConVar
 Game supporting (2) split screen players
 maxplayers set to 14
 Unknown command r_decal_cullsize
 Unknown command mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar
 Network: IP unknown, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
 Host_NewGame on map l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment
 ConVarRef room_type doesn't point to an existing ConVar
 Executing dedicated server config file
 Commentary: Could not find commentary data file
 [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; unable to update local steamclient.
 Continuing with current version anyway.
 ./srcds_run: line 361:  2505 Illegal instruction (core dumped) $HL_CMD
 Cannot access memory at address 0xb7f87640
 Cannot access memory at address 0xbfe34f20
 /opt/halflife/l4d_demo/debug.cmds:3: Error in sourced command file:
 Cannot access memory at address 0xb7f87640
 email debug.log to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 CRASH: Fri Nov 14 13:40:50 CST 2008
 Start Line: ./srcds_i486 -game left4dead -ip *.*.*.* +map
 l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment -debug -fork  +map l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment
 Using host libthread_db library /lib/
 #0  0xb066a0af in ?? ()
 No symbol table info available.
 End of Source crash report
 On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 1:55 PM, Jay Deiman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been trying to get a srcds server running for the left 4 dead demo
 and I've had zero success with it so far.  It crashes on startup every
 time.  I've included the command-line output as well as some general
 machine info.  If anyone would like to see anything else, I would be
 happy to supply it, including the core file.
 Command run
 janus l4d_demo # ./srcds_run -game left4dead -ip *.*.*.* +map
 l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment -debug
 Auto detecting CPU
 Using AMD Optimised binary.
 Enabling debug mode
 ./srcds_run: line 153: gdb: command not found
 Please install gdb first.
 Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
 HL_CMD = ./srcds_i486 -game left4dead -ip *.*.*.* +map
 l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment -debug -fork +map l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment
 Console initialized.
 Game.dll loaded for L4D - Normal
 Server is hibernating
 ConVarRef test_progression_loop doesn't point to an existing ConVar
 Game supporting (2) split screen players
 maxplayers set to 14
 Unknown command r_decal_cullsize
 Unknown command mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar
 Network: IP unknown, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
 Host_NewGame on map l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment
 ConVarRef room_type doesn't point to an existing ConVar
 Executing dedicated server config file
 Commentary: Could not find commentary data file
 [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; unable to update local steamclient.
 Continuing with current version anyway.
 ./srcds_run: line 361: 29649 Illegal instruction (core dumped) $HL_CMD
 Add -debug to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to
 help with solving this problem
 Wed Nov 12 06:37:31 CST 2008: Server restart in 10 seconds
 Wed Nov 12 06:37:33 CST 2008: Server Quit
 CPU info:
 # cat /proc/cpuinfo
 processor : 0
 vendor_id : AuthenticAMD
 cpu family : 6
 model  : 6
 model name : AMD Athlon(tm) MP 1700+
 stepping : 2
 cpu MHz  : 1466.773
 cache size : 256 KB
 fdiv_bug : no
 hlt_bug  : no
 f00f_bug : no
 coma_bug : no
 fpu   : yes
 fpu_exception : yes

Re: [hlds_linux] The better way to start hlds as daemon

2008-11-14 Thread Jay Deiman
Hash: SHA1

Nevermore wrote:
 Hi, i am now using screen to start my server as daemon.
 But i know that professional hosters uses diferent ways.
 i have reasons to think that screen is freezing my servers.
 so... How do you start your server?

If you're not interested in having terminal based console access, a good
way to go on this is a simple shell script wrapper that starts the
server in the background and logs all the output to your syslogger.

Copy the following to a file, modify to suit your startup options and
chmod 755 filename.  Then, you can just run this script to start the
server.  The output will probably show up in /var/log/messages by
default.  If not, configure your syslogger.


# Set vars to be used
game_opts=-game $game -ip $ip +map l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment
log_opts=-p -i -t $game
cmd=./srcds_run $game_opts 21 | $log $log_opts

# Change to the base dir
cd $base_dir
# Run it, but start it as a background task

Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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[hlds_linux] Server will not start, crashing

2008-11-12 Thread Jay Deiman
Hash: SHA1

I've been trying to get a srcds server running for the left 4 dead demo
and I've had zero success with it so far.  It crashes on startup every
time.  I've included the command-line output as well as some general
machine info.  If anyone would like to see anything else, I would be
happy to supply it, including the core file.

Command run

janus l4d_demo # ./srcds_run -game left4dead -ip *.*.*.* +map
l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment -debug
Auto detecting CPU
Using AMD Optimised binary.
Enabling debug mode
./srcds_run: line 153: gdb: command not found
Please install gdb first.
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
HL_CMD = ./srcds_i486 -game left4dead -ip *.*.*.* +map
l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment -debug -fork +map l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment

Console initialized.
Game.dll loaded for L4D - Normal
Server is hibernating
ConVarRef test_progression_loop doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Game supporting (2) split screen players
maxplayers set to 14
Unknown command r_decal_cullsize
Unknown command mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar
Network: IP unknown, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
-  Host_NewGame 
Host_NewGame on map l4d_dem_hospital01_apartment
ConVarRef room_type doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Executing dedicated server config file
Commentary: Could not find commentary data file
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; unable to update local steamclient.
Continuing with current version anyway.
./srcds_run: line 361: 29649 Illegal instruction (core dumped) $HL_CMD
Add -debug to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to
help with solving this problem
Wed Nov 12 06:37:31 CST 2008: Server restart in 10 seconds
Wed Nov 12 06:37:33 CST 2008: Server Quit


CPU info:
# cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor : 0
vendor_id : AuthenticAMD
cpu family : 6
model  : 6
model name : AMD Athlon(tm) MP 1700+
stepping : 2
cpu MHz  : 1466.773
cache size : 256 KB
fdiv_bug : no
hlt_bug  : no
f00f_bug : no
coma_bug : no
fpu   : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 1
wp  : yes
flags  : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov
pat pse36 mmx fxsr sse syscall mp mmxext 3dnowext 3dnow ts
bogomips : 2936.82
clflush size  : 32

processor : 1



# uname -a
Linux janus 2.6.24-gentoo-r8 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed May 28 21:40:37 CDT 2008
i686 AMD Athlon(tm) MP 1700+ AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux

Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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