
I can't run my garyss'mod server, below I've paste the console output:

Auto detecting CPU
Using default binary: ./srcds_linux
Enabling debug mode

warning: Can not parse XML syscalls information; XML support was disabled at 
compile time.
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
INFO: Located steam: ../steam
Updating server using Steam.
Checking bootstrapper version ...
Updating Installation
Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Materials' version 8

Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Models' version 4

Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Sounds' version 4

Checking/Installing 'GarrysMod Content' version 131

Checking/Installing 'OB Linux Dedicated Server' version 144

HLDS installation up to date
CAsyncIOManager: 0 threads terminating.  0 reads, 0 writes, 0 deferrals.
CAsyncIOManager: 102 single object sleeps, 0 multi object sleeps
CAsyncIOManager: 0 single object alertable sleeps, 0 multi object alertable 
Using breakpad crash handler
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

warning: Can not parse XML syscalls information; XML support was disabled at 
compile time.
BFD: Warning: /home/s485/orangebox/core is truncated: expected core file size 
>= 45596672, found: 16912384.
Cannot access memory at address 0xf77028f0
Cannot access memory at address 0xffc2461c
/home/s485/orangebox/debug.cmds:4: Error in sourced command file:
Cannot access memory at address 0xf77028f0
email debug.log to li...@valvesoftware.com
Thu Dec 29 10:16:44 CET 2011: Server restart in 10 seconds

I have search serveral forums and can't find the answer.

My command line is as follow:

./srcds_run -game garrysmod -autoupdate -console -port %port% -maxplayers 
%maxplayers% +exec server.cfg +map gm_construct -debug

Please help

thanks in advance
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