good point!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven Hartland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2006 11:46 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] CS:S - Net-Code FIX - open letter

I believe what you are describing is how we are all now
much more in tune with high performance. Back in 1.0
days many people where on modems and slow machines
mean that leading a player and "human" compension for
delayed actions was the norm.

As time has passed machines have got quicker, net
connections have improved to the point where it has
hightened peoples sences to the effects of variations
in transmission times.

I believe it is this hightened sensitivity which is
the main cause of the issues people talk about now.

When we were all on modems with 150 -> 200 ping a and
30 fps clients a jump of 20ms for a split second was
less than a 10% change and hence smoothed out without
us thinking about it. Now with 30ms being common place
this sort of jump is quite noticable as its almost a
100% change.

This is why a stable ping is generally more imporantant
than a low one as the human brain is much better at
applying compensation for constant errors than it is
for high variations.

My point being? Going back and actually playing 1.0
with todays connections and machines you would more
than likely see the similar issues as you do with
the current code.

Thats not to say it cant be improved upon Im sure it
can but people who constantly moan that version 1.x
was how it should be, might want to actually try it
as they will find its not quite the bed of roses they
remember it as :P

kama wrote:
The latency have risen from 1.0 to 1.6.. (Yes, I know this should be

I runned a very popular 1.1c server. Back then the ingame latency was
or less the same as if you used a normal ping. Hit recognition was
good too. But somewhere in between there was some changes that made
ingame latency go up. Either there was a problem with the old netcode
valve just decided to "even out" the differences.

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