I know that setting a high sys_ticrate increases server side fps...I
just don't know why or how it works. I've been playing with pingboost
1 2 3 and different values for the ticrate and I've heard from others
that for best performance, use pingboost 3 with sys_ticrate of 10000.

While checking rcon stats, I get the following results

pingboost 3, ticrate 10000 : 1000 fps
pingboost 3, ticrate 5000: 1000 fps
pingboost 3, ticrate 1000: 500 - 1000 fps (very volatile)

The specs of the machine are:
Dual 2.8 Xenon 800 FSB
73 GB Ultra SCSI 320 - 15000 RPM
Gentoo Linux

All help is appreciated :)

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