>This post has been cross-listed on hlds and hlds_linux. Im going to
>build and colocate a dual(core) Opteron machine running Gentoo Linux
>with a vanilla 2.6 kernel but I'd like to know a few things:

>1) What are the hardware specs on the machine(s) you run, such as CPU
>speed and amount of RAM?

Dual opty 248's 4GB ram

>2) How many servers do you run and what's the CPU and memory load when
>your servers are +75% full?

eight 20 player public source servers (tickrate 33)
one 20 player public 1.6 server
one private 12 player source match server (tickrate 66)
one private 12 player 1.6 match server
one private HLTV proxy for 1.6 match server

with around 110-120 players on the server I'm running about 65-75% cpu
util and around 2.2GB mem used (based on active stat in /proc/meminfo)

This is on FC2

>3) Linux Admins: Are there any kernel-specific options you enable to
>optimize the
>kernel to increase response time (such as config_hz or a specific

I use a stock FC2 kernel

>4) Linux Admins: Do you run your Linux system in a 32-bit or 64-bit
>(with 32-bit emulation/chroot)?

64bit with 32-bit emulation

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