RE: [hlds_linux] Re: Log-File Naming [OT]

2002-09-13 Thread Eric (Deacon)

> The biggest problem is that most users are not and the preconfig that
> comes with M$ software is even worse then a Redhat installation :D
> It's costing companies and everyday users a lot of agony and money
> year, that M$ is so negligent in general with security :(
> You shouldn't have to hit preferences and shut everything down
> after eg installing simple a mailclienet, just so you won't get
> etc. That is beyond many Win users capabilities (usually out of simple
> ignorance).

Well, the most secure system is a system that's under lock and key and
is not connected to any network of any sort, nor is it capable of
receiving commands or displaying and/or communicating any data.  Of
course, that would be a pretty damned useless computer :)

Basically, the goal of a very user-friendly, robust, flexible, easily
customizable, and powerful app of the size and scope of Oultook2002 is a
very lofty one.  With usability and functionality comes risks, of
course.  As a *loose* analogy, consider the USA and the freedom/security
issue.  The two are mutually exclusive.  You can't have 100% freedom and
at the same time have 100% security.  There's a balance that has to be
struck.  And yeah, they could do better.  But honestly, they could do a
whole helluvalot worse.  Thankfully, with software we can get a lot
closer to achieving the utopian idea of 100% freedom with 100% security
than we can in the real world, but it's still neither easy nor common.
If you had to worry about keeping a MASSIVE suite of software and
operating systems completely secure on 90% of the computers in the world
today...  Just the mind-melting myriad of possible configurations alone
would be enough to make me throw in the towel.  But to keep at it 24/7,
trying to make everything easy to use, powerful, AND completely
secure...  That's amazing.  And impossible.

Especially when you have every reject l33t h4x0r with a chip on his
shoulder gunning for you, a gang of relentless hounds just trying to
find ONE possible weakness in your armor...

I guess I'm just not as quick to ridicule Microsoft because I know I
certainly couldn't do any better myself, and I don't know of just a
whole lot of people would *could*.  Demanding absolute security on a
scale of this magnitude...  It's crazy.  Penguinaphiles can barely
contain their orgasmic thrustings as they stammer on about how Microsoft
hasn't officially resolved the issues with SSL that they--and Mozzila
(and who knows who else)--are were made aware of.  It was common
knowledge there for a few *weeks* before it was taken care of on the
linux side of the fence, the side with all the advantages.  I mean
really, give 'em a break :)

Where's the love, man??  Can't we all just get along?? :D

Eric (the Deacon remix)

PS Wow, that took a lot longer to write than it normally would.  gg
5:30am :)

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Re: [hlds_linux] Re: Log-File Naming [OT]

2002-09-13 Thread Stefan Huszics

Eric (Deacon) wrote:

>As far as Outlook and swiss cheese, I've never fallen prey to any...ANY
>.vbs or other types/instances of virii, worms, malicious code, etc.
>Perhaps I'm just a smart user that way, or perhaps I'm the luckiest guy
>in the world (I'll argue against that, heh), but...
Most likely it's because you are a smart user.
The biggest problem is that most users are not and the preconfig that
comes with M$ software is even worse then a Redhat installation :D
It's costing companies and everyday users a lot of agony and money every
year, that M$ is so negligent in general with security :(

You shouldn't have to hit preferences and shut everything down manually
after eg installing simple a mailclienet, just so you won't get viruses
etc. That is beyond many Win users capabilities (usually out of simple


Software never has bugs. It just develops random features. =)

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RE: [hlds_linux] Re: Log-File Naming [OT]

2002-09-12 Thread Eric (Deacon)

> Wouldn't use a M$ mailclient unless someone payed me to do it. Most of
> their software looks mostly like swiss chease regarding security

Next you're going to tell me that an insecure linux box (RedHat,
anyone?) isn't a hacker's playground...

It's up to the system's administrator to lock down the OS and the apps
regardless of OS or app choice.

Eric (the Deacon remix)

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Re: [hlds_linux] Re: Log-File Naming [OT]

2002-09-12 Thread Stefan Huszics

Eric (Deacon) wrote:

>>so tell me what some good clients are and why.  i just switched from
>>outlook to mozilla.
>Ouch...I've never heard one review or even one individual say anything
>good about mozilla's email client other than "it sometimes works".
Been working for me for more then 2 years now.
As an added bonus I don't have to be afraid of getting a mailvirus and
even worse, have it spead to everybody in my maillist.

Wouldn't use a M$ mailclient unless someone payed me to do it. Most of
their software looks mostly like swiss chease regarding security aspects.


Software never has bugs. It just develops random features. =)

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