Re: [hlds_linux] Request a higher minimum value for cl_cmdrate.

2005-07-18 Thread Vapor
I agree your ideas have merit Dan and are well intentioned, if the ultimate
scenario is everyone having averaged connection performance. I admit with
being UK based I have absolutely no knowledge of server and client connections
in the states but in the UK and Europe this sort of automated system would be
frowned upon, heavily, for a few reasons.

Servers I manage operate on 1 or 2 x 100mbit full duplex connections per box,
which run from 3-6 clan ports or publics, say 30-120 slots. Based on this
server side bandwidth is never an issue, bearing in mind the maxrates of these
servers is 5 kbits. In fact our clients in general don't even consider the
bandwidth they use as we impose no limitation. So auto-rates serve no purpose

Client side connections to our game servers are primarily from broadband
clients using ADSL or cable (512kbps/256kbps being the average), very few ISDN
users (64kbps) and hardly any analogue modemers. Clients connections although
contended do not suffer the severe bandwidth losses you have highlighted (love
the examples btw :D), the majority seeing solid sustained average rates at all
times. So again auto-rates serve no purpose here.

I can see however that should we provide a volume of community servers, free
of charge to the public, in a region where clients did suffer such a varying
level of bandwidth, your ideas would be welcomed. However, we primarily
provide performance (high tick/fps) private match servers to clans on a rental
basis. Our emphasis is on the performance of the server and to that end clans
are looking for the maximum bang (tick/fps/good bullet reg) for their buck
with as much control over the configuration as allowable. As you can see this
differs massively from the criteria desired of a community public.

I suppose it's a matter of circumstance as to which camp people fall in. I'd
always assumed the majority of CS and CSS servers were rented to clans as
private or public servers, not given away as community resources, I could
equally be wrong though :) The same goes for my assumptions of server and
client connections/bandwidth.

All of the above not withstanding I feel there is a much bigger issue
responsible for not using an auto-rate system, server side overheads. CS and
CSS servers already consume considerable resources using a fixed rate system,
I can only see an auto-rate system increasing this resource usage, nevermind
the recoding of whatever server and client side to add this feature.

To instigate an auto system to outright replace the existing options would
however be a total disaster in the UK and Europe. In our region the mass of
servers running are clan ports, either private or public and are therefore
purchased by clans based on there performance for their players and region.
Levelling the playing field to such a degree doesn't just reduce versatility
for server admins, clans and players it literally removes all possibility of
it. Server performance and rate tweaking is something clans almost require,
reports of rate abuse are ever increasing and other than using plugins/addons
(baggage attached) to control client rates (specifically cl_cmdrate) we are
powerless to prevent it.

At least we've ascertained that one system alone is unlikely to suit all, as
with most things in life :) Maybe an auto-rate option could be added to the
current min/max system (say setting all netrate options to 0), allowing server
admins to select auto or fixed min/max. This and the addition of sv_mincmdrate
and sv_maxcmdrate to the fixed options would provide very comprehensive
control indeed.

This is certainly something Valve should be looking into though. Adding server
cmdrate min/max would solve a major issue and hand off responsibility for
rates in general to server admins, which I feel most would welcome. Forcing
an auto system would obviously be more involved. That combined with Valve
becoming responsible for everyones netrates (baggage attached) whether they
like it or not, hmm, somehow I don't think they are willing to take such a
risk. Common sense would say that should any auto-rate system be added it
would be possible to disable it anyway, so hopefully it would be considered on

As usual just my 1p (2 cents approx) :)

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Re: [hlds_linux] Request a higher minimum value for cl_cmdrate.

2005-07-18 Thread James Tucker
On 7/18/05, Vapor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Servers I manage operate on 1 or 2 x 100mbit full duplex connections per box,
 which run from 3-6 clan ports or publics, say 30-120 slots. Based on this
 server side bandwidth is never an issue, bearing in mind the maxrates of these
 servers is 5 kbits. In fact our clients in general don't even consider the
 bandwidth they use as we impose no limitation. So auto-rates serve no purpose

Equally however, setting your maxrate's correctly won't cause your
servers a problem and will provide maximum capabilities for map
downloads. Assuming most clients accept the map, all you've done is
save time, and if you are on a scheme of bandwidth measures in
percentiles, it probably saves you some cash too.

 Client side connections to our game servers are primarily from broadband
 clients using ADSL or cable (512kbps/256kbps being the average), very few ISDN
 users (64kbps) and hardly any analogue modemers. Clients connections although
 contended do not suffer the severe bandwidth losses you have highlighted (love
 the examples btw :D), the majority seeing solid sustained average rates at all
 times. So again auto-rates serve no purpose here.

Again, I would disagree, a 256k line can handle significantly higher
rates than the defaults, providing more accurate gameplay. Why not
provide everyone with advantage? rather than client needing to know
about rates.

 I can see however that should we provide a volume of community servers, free
 of charge to the public, in a region where clients did suffer such a varying
 level of bandwidth, your ideas would be welcomed. However, we primarily
 provide performance (high tick/fps) private match servers to clans on a rental
 basis. Our emphasis is on the performance of the server and to that end clans
 are looking for the maximum bang (tick/fps/good bullet reg) for their buck
 with as much control over the configuration as allowable. As you can see this
 differs massively from the criteria desired of a community public.

Yes indeed, although even stable connections can be imperfect, some
dynamic compensation is always welcomed if you want maximum accuracy.

 All of the above not withstanding I feel there is a much bigger issue
 responsible for not using an auto-rate system, server side overheads. CS and
 CSS servers already consume considerable resources using a fixed rate system,
 I can only see an auto-rate system increasing this resource usage, nevermind
 the recoding of whatever server and client side to add this feature.

Given the real importance of granular changes in rate (not very much
at all) a trickle set system would not increase load significantly as
it should not have to record very much, nor should it have to run very

 To instigate an auto system to outright replace the existing options would
 however be a total disaster in the UK and Europe. In our region the mass of
 servers running are clan ports, either private or public and are therefore
 purchased by clans based on there performance for their players and region.
 Levelling the playing field to such a degree doesn't just reduce versatility
 for server admins, clans and players it literally removes all possibility of
 it. Server performance and rate tweaking is something clans almost require,
 reports of rate abuse are ever increasing and other than using plugins/addons
 (baggage attached) to control client rates (specifically cl_cmdrate) we are
 powerless to prevent it.

Clans want control over rates because the defaults are insufficient.
Look at other games where no netcode settings are configurable and
most clans don't even consider it.

 At least we've ascertained that one system alone is unlikely to suit all, as
 with most things in life :) Maybe an auto-rate option could be added to the
 current min/max system (say setting all netrate options to 0), allowing server
 admins to select auto or fixed min/max. This and the addition of sv_mincmdrate
 and sv_maxcmdrate to the fixed options would provide very comprehensive
 control indeed.

I would definately love to see those cvar's, and I'm interested still
to know why cl_rate was taken away, I mean I know you dont ever want
to drop command packets, but well, hmm.

 This is certainly something Valve should be looking into though. Adding server
 cmdrate min/max would solve a major issue and hand off responsibility for
 rates in general to server admins, which I feel most would welcome. Forcing
 an auto system would obviously be more involved. That combined with Valve
 becoming responsible for everyones netrates (baggage attached) whether they
 like it or not, hmm, somehow I don't think they are willing to take such a
 risk. Common sense would say that should any auto-rate system be added it
 would be possible to disable it anyway, so hopefully it would be considered on

It should be possible to make it entirely plug and go. To see such a
thing would make me extatic, as with you, I have 

Re: [hlds_linux] Request a higher minimum value for cl_cmdrate.

2005-07-17 Thread James Tucker
When you decrease the cl_updaterate without decreasing the rate, then
the DTT increases.

On 7/16/05, Clayton Macleod [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 but it's not, the server takes into account your latency and the 100ms 

 On 7/16/05, James Tucker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  That's not as important as the accuracy with which you aim at a model
  which is now up to 100ms out of place.

 Clayton Macleod

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Re: [hlds_linux] Request a higher minimum value for cl_cmdrate.

2005-07-16 Thread James Tucker
yes please.

On 7/13/05, Vapor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Iirc cl_cmdrate is the partner of cl_updaterate and sets how many updates
 are sent from client to server?

 Seeing as we have sv_minupdaterate and sv_maxupdaterate, why not simply add
 sv_mincmdrate and sv_maxcmdrate so server admins can control this themselves?

 I know a lot of server admins who would welcome this, low rate abuse is
 becoming more common every day and this is a one shot solution for Valve to
 hand over control (and hassle) to admins.

 Just me 2 cents.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Request a higher minimum value for cl_cmdrate.

2005-07-16 Thread James Tucker
On 7/13/05, Matt Donnon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Nine updates per second is just not enough

 now I gotta admit that makes me curious, how many times per
 second can you click a mouse button?

That's not as important as the accuracy with which you aim at a model
which is now up to 100ms out of place.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Request a higher minimum value for cl_cmdrate.

2005-07-16 Thread James Tucker
Above all other suggestions, why is it that the rates aren't set
properly by the connection speed options?

We're not on an Internet where no-one knows anything about they're
connectivity anymore. Most gamers can tell you if they are on 56k,
64k, 128k, 256k, 512k, 1mb, 2mb, 6mb, 8mb or higher. Same deal with
most (sensible) server operators. With that in mind, why can't the
engine ask the appropriate real world human (and non-technical)
questions of how much bandwidth have you got, and how many people
share it?. One could go even further and run a bandwidth test first
then ask how many people share it? (as it's getting very common).
From there it's easy to work out what good rate values should be.

I am still a little confused about sv_maxrate as there are many
people who have jumped down my throat about setting too high values.
The most common reason being that's over the cap, you can't have it
that high, it doesn't work. My only real retort (and I won't get
drawn into this argument) is that I can get a large 5mb map from my
server in under 15 seconds, and no there are no res files and no
sv_downloadurl. The only way to explain this is that maxrate is
working at over 25 thousand bits per second. (notice the use of the
word thousand as 25kbps is not 25000, one of the things that always
makes me chuckle was the choice of values).

As has been said in another of the responses to this thread, the
default for cl_interp is 0.1. That's 100ms. With cl_cmdrate at 10 or
lower that's using all of the interp time with none to spare. On top
of link latencies etc you are likely looking at relatively frequent
interpolation errors. This is more of an issue than bullet
registration at low rates. The only way I can really see to test
bullet registration is to record details of remote bot clients with
most of the random input disabled. This is why I try not to discuss
registration, hitbox placement and latency are far more common
issues, along with FPS bounce on servers and the like. (Which by the
way many of my srcds instances are still doing, on windows and linux,
one running through a uk gsp is achieving 500fps over 95% of the time,
but drops to 60 or so at random times during play. There is an obvious
drop at the start of a round, but what I describe is mid-round and
does not seem to co-incide with any significant player events. This is
config independent - I have used defaults and the same occurs).

I don't have the (dis)pleasure of owning a dial-up account at present,
so I cannot test how much bandwidth can be streamed through 56k in the
frame sizes that Source typically generates, but I suspect that for
some less capable connections cl_cmdrate of 15 may be the limit.
(Don't forget, up is only up and without the down the game is still

I currently configure my servers in such a way that most 56k users
can't get a low enough ping to prevent being kicked by the high ping
kicker. This is not because I think the game is unplayable on 56k,
this is because the game is more accurate on faster connections and
in terms of training, there's no point in training against targets
that may or may not be where you see them.

Other options for bandwidth management (although most GSP's will
probably kill me for suggesting such a thing due to bandwidth costs)
is to have a system which dynamically compensates based upon the choke
and loss values. cl_cmdrate, updaterate, and rate could be trickle
increased and decreased on the client and on the server on a continual
basis, using latency, loss and choke values as an indication of the
connections performance at that speed. Clearly if properly built such
a system should provide the best end user experience and remove the
need for users to try and understand these things.

A question for Valve which has been bugging me for a while though -
How many ticks of data can you fit into one client command packet?
There is a cl_cmdbackup which defaults at 2. If we have 10 update
packets per second, each of which contains the current command, and
the previous 2, we're looking at potentially getting 30 command
updates per second. The communications timeline is looking a little
nasty though, cl_interp is at 0.1, so we're cutting it fine. In the
event of on-time arrival of a command packet, both history packets are
already more than cl_interp old, without considering link latency or
data transmission time. To me these windows seem to closely matched
for reliable processing, but I'm not sure exactly how the history
packets are handled in that scenario.

Also, is the same tick lethal damage policy FCFS?

On 7/12/05, Harley Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to request that valve increase the minimum value for
 The current minimum of 10 is to low and is causing problems. Due to the
 fact that players are setting there cl_cmdrate to 10 because it makes
 there reported ping drop to 5.

 cl_cmdrate 10   -   .8k/s - 9/s
 cl_cmdrate 15   -1k/s - 12/s
 cl_cmdrate 20   -  

Re: [hlds_linux] Request a higher minimum value for cl_cmdrate.

2005-07-16 Thread Clayton Macleod
but it's not, the server takes into account your latency and the 100ms delay...

On 7/16/05, James Tucker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That's not as important as the accuracy with which you aim at a model
 which is now up to 100ms out of place.

Clayton Macleod

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Re: [hlds_linux] Request a higher minimum value for cl_cmdrate.

2005-07-13 Thread Vapor
Iirc cl_cmdrate is the partner of cl_updaterate and sets how many updates
are sent from client to server?

Seeing as we have sv_minupdaterate and sv_maxupdaterate, why not simply add
sv_mincmdrate and sv_maxcmdrate so server admins can control this themselves?

I know a lot of server admins who would welcome this, low rate abuse is
becoming more common every day and this is a one shot solution for Valve to
hand over control (and hassle) to admins.

Just me 2 cents.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Request a higher minimum value for cl_cmdrate.

2005-07-13 Thread Kennycom
I agree with Vapors suggestion on this as it would make everyone a bit more
balanced on the different servers.

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Request a higher minimum value for cl_cmdrate.

 Iirc cl_cmdrate is the partner of cl_updaterate and sets how many
 are sent from client to server?

 Seeing as we have sv_minupdaterate and sv_maxupdaterate, why not simply
 sv_mincmdrate and sv_maxcmdrate so server admins can control this

 I know a lot of server admins who would welcome this, low rate abuse is
 becoming more common every day and this is a one shot solution for Valve
 hand over control (and hassle) to admins.

 Just me 2 cents.

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 please visit:

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Re: [hlds_linux] Request a higher minimum value for cl_cmdrate.

2005-07-12 Thread Matt Donnon
 Nine updates per second is just not enough

now I gotta admit that makes me curious, how many times per
second can you click a mouse button?

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Re: [hlds_linux] Request a higher minimum value for cl_cmdrate.

2005-07-12 Thread Eric (Deacon)

In a bold display of creativity, Matt Donnon wrote:

now I gotta admit that makes me curious, how many times per
second can you click a mouse button?

Thousands of times, theoretically, when you consider holding the mouse
button down is sending the signal that you're doing so...

Eric (the Deacon remix)

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Re: [hlds_linux] Request a higher minimum value for cl_cmdrate.

2005-07-12 Thread Harley Peters
Matt Donnon wrote:
Nine updates per second is just not enough

 now I gotta admit that makes me curious, how many times per
 second can you click a mouse button?

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It has bit more to do with it than just how often you click a mouse button.
You can run your servers at 9 updates a second. Im not going to.


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Re: [hlds_linux] Request a higher minimum value for cl_cmdrate.

2005-07-12 Thread Matt Donnon
  now I gotta admit that makes me curious, how many times
  per second can you click a mouse button?

 Thousands of times, theoretically, when you consider
 holding the mouse button down is sending the signal that
 you're doing so...

and that still only makes your weapon discharge a single

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Re: [hlds_linux] Request a higher minimum value for cl_cmdrate.

2005-07-12 Thread Eric (Deacon)

In a bold display of creativity, Matt Donnon wrote:

Thousands of times, theoretically, when you consider
holding the mouse button down is sending the signal that
you're doing so...

and that still only makes your weapon discharge a single

...if you're firing a semi-auto weapon, I guess.

Eric (the Deacon remix)

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