[HNV] Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians 16, World English Bible: Messianic Edition

2003-10-09 Thread HNV Editor

Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians, Chapter 16

   {16:1} Now concerning the collection for the holy ones, as I
 commanded the assemblies of Galatia, you do likewise. {16:2} On the
 first day of the week, let each one of you save, as he may prosper,
 that no collections be made when I come. {16:3} When I arrive, I will
 send whoever you approve with letters to carry your gracious gift to
 Jerusalem. {16:4} If it is appropriate for me to go also, they will go
 with me. {16:5} But I will come to you when I have passed through
 Macedonia, for I am passing through Macedonia. {16:6} But with you it
 may be that I will stay, or even winter, that you may send me on my
 journey wherever I go. {16:7} For I do not wish to see you now in
 passing, but I hope to stay a while with you, if the Lord permits.
 {16:8} But I will stay at Ephesus until Shavu`ot, {16:9} for a great
 and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.
 {16:10} Now if Timothy comes, see that he is with you without fear,
 for he does the work of the Lord, as I also do. {16:11} Therefore let
 no one despise him. But set him forward on his journey in peace, that
 he may come to me; for I expect him with the brothers.

   {16:12} Now concerning Apollos, the brother, I strongly urged him to
 come to you with the brothers; and it was not at all his desire to
 come now; but he will come when he has an opportunity.

   {16:13} Watch! Stand firm in the faith! Be courageous! Be strong!
 {16:14} Let all that you do be done in love.

   {16:15} Now I beg you, brothers (you know the house of Stephanas,
 that it is the first fruits of Achaia, and that they have set
 themselves to serve the holy ones), {16:16} that you also be in
 subjection to such, and to everyone who helps in the work and labors.
 {16:17} I rejoice at the coming of Stephanas, Fortunatus, and
 Achaicus; for that which was lacking on your part, they supplied.
 {16:18} For they refreshed my spirit and yours. Therefore acknowledge
 those who are like that.

   {16:19} The assemblies of Asia greet you. Aquila and Priscilla greet
 you much in the Lord, together with the assembly that is in their
 house. {16:20} All the brothers greet you. Greet one another with a
 holy kiss.

   {16:21} This greeting is by me, Paul, with my own hand. {16:22} If
 any man doesn't love the Lord Yeshua the Messiah, let him be
 [1]accursed[1]. [2]Come, Lord![2] {16:23} The grace of the Lord
 Yeshua the Messiah be with you. {16:24} My love to all of you in
 Messiah Yeshua. Amen.


[1] {16:22} Greek: anathema.

[2] {16:22} Aramaic: Maranatha!


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[HNV] Proverbs 4, World English Bible: Messianic Edition

2003-10-09 Thread HNV Editor

Proverbs, starting at chapter 4

   {4:1} Listen, sons, to a father's instruction.
   Pay attention and know understanding;
 {4:2} for I give you sound learning.
   Don't forsake my law.
 {4:3} For I was a son to my father,
   tender and an only child in the sight of my mother.
 {4:4} He taught me, and said to me:
   Let your heart retain my words.
   Keep my commandments, and live.
 {4:5} Get wisdom.
   Get understanding.
   Don't forget, neither swerve from the words of my mouth.
 {4:6} Don't forsake her, and she will preserve you.
   Love her, and she will keep you.
 {4:7} Wisdom is supreme.
   Get wisdom.
   Yes, though it costs all your possessions, get understanding.
 {4:8} Esteem her, and she will exalt you.
   She will bring you to honor, when you embrace her.
 {4:9} She will give to your head a garland of grace.
   She will deliver a crown of splendor to you.
 {4:10} Listen, my son, and receive my sayings.
   The years of your life will be many.
 {4:11} I have taught you in the way of wisdom.
   I have led you in straight paths.
 {4:12} When you go, your steps will not be hampered.
   When you run, you will not stumble.
 {4:13} Take firm hold of instruction.
   Don't let her go.
   Keep her, for she is your life.
 {4:14} Don't enter into the path of the wicked.
   Don't walk in the way of evil men.
 {4:15} Avoid it, and don't pass by it.
   Turn from it, and pass on.
 {4:16} For they don't sleep, unless they do evil.
   Their sleep is taken away, unless they make someone fall.
 {4:17} For they eat the bread of wickedness,
   and drink the wine of violence.
 {4:18} But the path of the righteous is like the dawning light,
   that shines more and more until the perfect day.
 {4:19} The way of the wicked is like darkness.
   They don't know what they stumble over.
 {4:20} My son, attend to my words.
   Turn your ear to my sayings.
 {4:21} Let them not depart from your eyes.
   Keep them in the midst of your heart.
 {4:22} For they are life to those who find them,
   and health to their whole body.
 {4:23} Keep your heart with all diligence,
   for out of it is the wellspring of life.
 {4:24} Put away from yourself a perverse mouth.
   Put corrupt lips far from you.
 {4:25} Let your eyes look straight ahead.
   Fix your gaze directly before you.
 {4:26} Make the path of your feet level.
   Let all of your ways be established.
 {4:27} Don't turn to the right hand nor to the left.
   Remove your foot from evil.
 {5:1} My son, pay attention to my wisdom.
   Turn your ear to my understanding:
 {5:2} that you may maintain discretion,
   that your lips may preserve knowledge.
 {5:3} For the lips of an adulteress drip honey.
   Her mouth is smoother than oil,
 {5:4} But in the end she is as bitter as wormwood,
   and as sharp as a two-edged sword.
 {5:5} Her feet go down to death.
   Her steps lead straight to Sheol.
 {5:6} She gives no thought to the way of life.
   Her ways are crooked, and she doesn't know it.
 {5:7} Now therefore, my sons, listen to me.
   Don't depart from the words of my mouth.
 {5:8} Remove your way far from her.
   Don't come near the door of her house,
 {5:9} lest you give your honor to others,
   and your years to the cruel one;
 {5:10} lest strangers feast on your wealth,
   and your labors enrich another man's house.
 {5:11} You will groan at your latter end,
   when your flesh and your body are consumed,
 {5:12} and say, How I have hated instruction,
   and my heart despised reproof;
 {5:13} neither have I obeyed the voice of my teachers,
   nor turned my ear to those who instructed me!
 {5:14} I have come to the brink of utter ruin,
   in the midst of the gathered assembly.
 {5:15} Drink water out of your own cistern,
   running water out of your own well.
 {5:16} Should your springs overflow in the streets,
   streams of water in the public squares?
 {5:17} Let them be for yourself alone,
   not for strangers with you.
 {5:18} Let your spring be blessed.
   Rejoice in the wife of your youth.
 {5:19} A loving doe and a graceful deer--
   let her breasts satisfy you at all times.
   Be captivated always with her love.
 {5:20} For why should you, my son, be captivated with an adulteress?
   Why embrace the bosom of another?
 {5:21} For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD.
   He examines all his paths.
 {5:22} The evil deeds of the wicked ensnare him.
   The cords of his sin hold him firmly.
 {5:23} He will die for lack of instruction.
   In the greatness of his folly, he will go astray.
 {6:1} My son, if you have become collateral for your neighbor,
   if you have struck your hands in pledge for a stranger;
 {6:2} You are trapped by the words of your mouth.
   You are ensnared with the words of your mouth.
 {6:3} Do this now, my son, and deliver yourself,
   seeing you have come into the hand of your neighbor.
 Go, humble yourself.
   Press your plea with your neighbor.
 {6:4} Give no sleep to your eyes,
   nor slumber to your eyelids.
 {6:5} Free yourself,