[Hol-info] [CfP] ASYDE workshop @SEFM'19 - Springer Special Issue and Keynote ready

2019-05-25 Thread alexander . perucci
[Apologies for multiple postings]

** Reminder: the ASYDE @SEFM'19 submission deadline is June 10th, 2019
** Keynote by Marjan Sirjani @ASYDE 2019, Mälardalen University
** Special Issue on Automated and Verifiable Internet Services and Applications 
Development - Springer Journal of Internet Services and Applications (JISA) is 
open and calling for exciting papers.

More on http://asyde2019.disim.univaq.it/


- Marjan Sirjani, Mälardalen University

- TITLE: Reactive Systems: From Requirements to Verifiable Models to Code

- ABSTRACT: Software systems are complicated, and the scientific and 
engineering methodologies for software development are relatively young. We 
need robust methods for handling the ever-increasing complexity of software 
systems that are now in every corner of our lives. In this talk I will focus on 
asynchronous event-based reactive systems and show how we start from the 
requirements, move to actor-based models, verify the models for correctness, 
and build executable codes based on that. I show how we can use the 
architecture design and sequence diagrams to build the behavioral model, and 
the state diagrams to write the properties of interest, and then use model 
checking to check the properties. We then refine the verified models to develop 
the executable code. The natural mappings among the models for requirements, 
the formal models, and the executable code improve the effectiveness and 
efficiency of the approach. It also helps in runtime monitoring and adaptation.


During the last three decades, automation in internet services and applications 
development has gone mainstream. Software development teams strive to automate 
as much of the software development activities as possible. Automation helps, 
in fact, to reduce development time and cost, as well as to concentrate 
knowledge by bringing quality into every step of the development process. 
Realizing high-quality internet services and applications requires producing 
software that is efficient, error-free, cost-effective, and that satisfies 
customer requirements. Thus, one of the most crucial factors impacting software 
quality concerns not only the automation of the development process but also 
the ability to verify the outcomes of each process activity and the goodness of 
the resulting software product as well.

This JISA Thematic Series aims at new automated software development methods 
and techniques, compositional verification theories, integration architectures, 
flexible and dynamic composition, and automated planning mechanisms.

We seek contributions at various levels: from foundational aspects to concrete 
application experiments; from modeling to verification and analysis; from 
deployment to execution; from (industrial) experience papers and case-studies, 
to tool demonstrations and visionary papers; papers describing novel research 
contributions and innovative applications are of particular interest


- Paper submissions: October 1st, 2019
- First response to authors: December 22nd, 2019 

== TOPICS OF INTEREST (although not limited to) ==

- Specification and design of services and applications
- Architecture and implementation of services and applications
- Services and applications verification models
- Formal methods for automated development of services and applications
- Model-driven development of services and applications
- Correct-by-construction development of services and applications
- Automated synthesis of software integration code
- Automated development and integration of services and applications
- Automated and verifiable software development
- Automated planning methods for software development
- Non-functional properties of services and applications
- Software quality assurance for automated software development
- Compositional theories for software development and its (dynamic) verification
- Dynamic verification and testing
- Service-oriented and component-based software development
- Machine learning techniques for the development of services and applications

JISA is an open access journal. Recent papers can be downloaded from 


Prior to submission, authors should carefully read over the Instructions for 
Authors, which are located at 
https://jisajournal.springeropen.com/submission-guidelines. Prospective authors 
should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the 
SpringerOpen submission system at https://www.editorialmanager.com/jisa/ 
according to the submission schedule. Upon submitting, authors should choose 
the correct Thematic Series in the “sections” box by selecting “TS: Automated 
and Verifiable ISA Development”. In addition, they should specify the 
manuscript as a submission to the “Automated and Verifiable Internet Services 
and Applications Development” in the cover letter. If you have any difficulty 

[Hol-info] Call for Participation - CPS Summer School 2019

2019-05-25 Thread Luca Pulina

[apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]

CPS Summer School 2019
Designing Cyber-Physical Systems – From concepts to implementation

Porto Conte Ricerche - Alghero - Sardinia - Italy
September 23-27, 2019


Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are complex and autonomous ensembles of 
different components that interact to offer smart and adaptive 
functionalities. These systems are increasingly used in a variety of 
applications with a growing market, potentially bringing about 
significant social benefits. However, there is no such thing as a free 
lunch, and there area several new challenges and trade-offs to face when 
designing CPS, especially since they should be able to adapt to the 
changing environments, or heal themselves. Uncertain operation 
environments and interactions with humans as users and/or as operators 
complicate the scenarios of these ever increasingly pervasive systems.

The CPS summer school is targeted at students, research scientists, and 
R experts from academia and industry, who want to learn about CPS 
engineering and applications. The program is composed of both lectures 
and practical sessions, covering all the design phases of CPS (i.e., 
from concept to the definition of the final system and the discussion of 
the key challenges).

Topics (http://www.cpsschool.eu/program/) include, but are not limited 
to, the following:

- Market trends for CPS
- Hardware/software and multi-view modelling
- Adaptivity
- Low power design of heterogeneous systems
- Tools for dataflow design, high-level synthesis, hardware/software 
co-design, and coarse/fine reconfiguration

Application and Registration (http://www.cpsschool.eu/application/)
The school is open to up to 40 participants.
Application deadline: June 10, 2019. Notification deadline: June 15, 2019.

Confirmed Speakers (http://www.cpsschool.eu/confirmed-speakers/) include 
the following lecturers:

- Davide Ariu, PluribusOne, Cagliari (Italy)
- Luca Carloni - Columbia University, New York City (USA)
- Luigia Carlucci Aiello, La Sapienza University, Rome (Italy)
- Jeronimo Castrillon, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (Germany)
- Nuria de Lama, Vice-Secretary General (BDVA) and European Programs 
Manager (Atos)

- Nikil Dutt - University of California, Irvine (USA)
- Giovanni Pruneddu - University of Sassari, Sassari (Italy)
- Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli - University of California, Berkeley (USA)
- Armando Tacchella - University of Genova, Genova (Italy)

Francesca Palumbo, Università degli Studi di Sassari (ITA) [School 
Director, fpalu...@uniss.it]

Christian Pilato, Politecnico di Milano (ITA)
Luca Pulina, Università degli Studi di Sassari (ITA)
Carlo Sau, Università degli Studi di Cagliari (ITA)


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[Hol-info] Call for Papers - 2nd PhD Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems

2019-05-25 Thread Luca Pulina

[apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]

2nd PhD Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems

Porto Conte Ricerche - Alghero - Sardinia - Italy
September 23, 2019


The PhD Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is an initiative of the 
CPS Summer School community to offer participants a close contact with 
leading experts on the field,  as well as the opportunity to present and 
discuss their ideas in a dynamic and friendly setting. We invite PhD 
students to submit papers describing their research on any of the topics 
of interest of the school.

Topics of Interest
Models, methods, tools, and architectures for CPS
Testing, modelling, and validation of CPS
Verification and formal methods for CPS
Intelligent methods and algorithms for CPS
Reactive and real-time systems
Reconfigurable and self-aware systems
On-line monitoring and management of CPS
Security, trust and dependability of CPS
Examples of CPS applications

The submissions should contain a description of the problem being 
addressed, your motivation for addressing the problem, proposed plan of 
research, the progress to date (what you have already achieved and what 
remains to be done), and related work. The accepted papers will be 
presented during the evening on the September 23th to an interested 
audience and will be discussed with a panel of senior researchers from 
academia and the industry. Participants will present their work with 
brief oral presentations and poster session. Papers are expected to be 
6-10 pages (excluding references), written in English following the LNCS 
format and submitted electronically in PDF format via EasyChair 

Important deadlines
Submission by 21 June 2019
Notification by 28 June 2019
Camera-ready by 5 July 2019

Accepted papers will be published online as part of CEUR- WS 
Proceedings, which are broadly indexed, e.g., by SCOPUS and listed in 
standard bibliographic databases such as DBLP. N.B. Papers accepted will 
only be included in the published Proceedings under the condition that 
at least one author attend the workshop to present it.

Workshop only: 30 € for PhD student, and 50 € for others.

Workshop Chair
Luca Pulina, University of Sassari


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[Hol-info] Call For Papers: Workshop in OCL and Textual Modeling (OCL 2019)

2019-05-25 Thread Achim D. Brucker
   19th International Workshop on OCL and Textual Modeling

   Co-located with 
   MODELS 2019 ACM/IEEE 22nd International Conference on Model
  Driven Engineering Languages and System,
September 15-20, 2019, Munich, Germany

The goal of this workshop is to create a forum where researchers and
practitioners interested in building models using OCL or other kinds
of textual languages (e.g., OCL, textual MOF, Epsilon, or Alloy) can
directly interact, report advances, share results, identify tools for
language development, and discuss appropriate standards. In
particular, the workshop will encourage discussions for achieving
synergy from different modeling language concepts and modeling
language use. The close interaction will enable researchers and
practitioners to identify common interests and options for potential

## Topics of interest

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

- Mappings between textual modeling languages and other languages/formalisms
- Mathematical models and/or formal semantics for textual modeling languages
- Algorithms, evaluation strategies and optimizations in the context
  of textual modeling languages for:
  - validation, verification, and testing,
  - model transformation and code generation,
  - meta-modeling and DSLs, and
  - query and constraint specifications
- Alternative graphical/textual notations for textual modeling languages
- Evolution, transformation and simplification of textual modeling
- Libraries, templates and patterns for textual modeling languages
- Tools that support textual modeling languages (e.g., verification of
  OCL formulae, runtime monitoring of invariants)
- Model-driven security using textual modeling languages 
- Complexity results for textual modeling languages
- Quality models and benchmarks for comparing and evaluating
  textual modeling tools and algorithms
- Successful applications of textual modeling languages
- Case studies on industrial applications of textual modeling languages
- Experience reports:
  - usage of textual modeling languages and tools in complex domains,
  - usability of textual modeling languages and tools for end-users
- Empirical studies about the benefits and drawbacks of textual modeling
- Innovative textual modeling tools
- Comparison, evaluation and integration of modeling languages
- Correlation between modeling languages and modeling tasks

We particularly encourage submissions describing applications and case studies 
of textual modeling as well as test suites and benchmark collections for 
textual modeling tools.

## Submissions

Four types of submissions will be considered:

* Presentation only submission (not included in the workshop
  proceedings), e.g., for already published work. Authors should
  submit a short (1 page) abstract of their presentation.
* Short papers (between 5 and 7 pages) describing new ideas or
  position papers.
* Tool papers (between 5 and 7 pages) describing tools supporting
  textual modeling tools
* Full papers (between 10 and 14 pages).

All submissions should follow the LNCS format guidelines and should be
uploaded to [EasyChair](https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ocl2019).

Accepted papers will be published online in [CEUR](http://www.ceur-ws.org).

## Important Dates

- Submission of papers:  14 Jul 2019
- Notification:  25 Aug 2019
- Pre-Workshop CRC:   9 Sep 2019 
- Post-Workshop CRC:  5 Oct 2019 

Dr. Achim D. Brucker | Chair of Cybersecurity | University of Exeter
  https://www.brucker.ch | https://logicalhacking.com/blog
@adbrucker | @logicalhacking 

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