[Hol-info] WORDS 2019 - 2nd call for participation

2019-08-25 Thread Words 2019
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]

=== *WORDS 2019 2nd call for PARTICIPATION* ===
12th International Conference on WORDS
Loughborough, UK, September 9-13, 2019

You can do this by either accessing directly the Loughborough University Store 
from the link 


or by accessing the same link from the Conference Information section on our 
website www.words2019.lboro.ac.uk.


Florin Manea (Kiel University)
Matching Patterns with Variables 

Svetlana Puzynina (Saint Petersburg State University)
Abelian properties of words 

Antonio Restivo (University of Palermo)
On Sets of Words of Rank Two 

Gwenaël Richomme (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3)
S-adicity and property preserving morphisms 

Aleksi Saarela (University of Turku)
Independent Systems of Word Equations: From Ehrenfeucht to Eighteen 

Kristina Vušković (University of Leeds)
Structure of graph classes and algorithms 

Author(s)   Paper Title

Adrian Atanasiu, Ghajendran Poovanandran, Wen Chean Teh 
Parikh Determinants

Aseem Baranwal, Jeffrey Shallit
Critical exponent of infinite balanced words via the Pell number system

Aseem Baranwal, Jeffrey Shallit 
Repetitions in infinite palindrome-rich words

Amanda Burcroff, Eric Winsor
Generalized Lyndon Factorizations of Infinite Words

Arturo Carpi, Flavio Dalessandro
On the commutative equivalence of bounded semi-linear codes

Trevor Clokie, Daniel Gabric, Jeffrey Shallit
Circularly squarefree words and unbordered conjugates: a new approach

James D. Currie, Lucas Mol
The undirected repetition threshold

Alessandro De Luca, Alma D'Aniello
Characteristic parameters and special trapezoidal words

Francesco Dolce, Dominique Perrin
Return words and bifix codes in eventually dendric sets

Marisa Gaetz, Caleb Ji
Enumeration and Extensions of Word-representable Graphs

Cyril Gavoille, Ghazal Kachigar, Gilles Zémor
Localisation-Resistant Random Words with Small Alphabet

Vladimir Gusev, Elena Pribavkina
On codeword lengths guaranteeing synchronization

Štěpán Holub
Binary intersection revisited

Václav Košík, Štěpán Starosta
On substitutions closed under derivation: examples

Marie Lejeune, Michel Rigo, Matthieu Rosenfeld
Templates for the k-binomial complexity of the Tribonacci word

Kateřina Medková
Derivated sequences of Arnoux--Rauzy sequences

Tim Ng, Pascal Ochem, Jeffrey Shallit, Narad Rampersad
New results on pseudosquare avoidance

Jarkko Peltomäki, Markus Whiteland
Every nonnegative real number is a critical abelian exponent

Josef Rukavicka
Construction Of A Rich Word Containing Given Two Factors

Andrew Ryzhikov
Mortality and Synchronization of Unambiguous Finite Automata

Luigi Santocanale
On discrete idempotent paths

Robert Mercas and Daniel Reidenbach
hol-info mailing list

[Hol-info] WORDS 2019 - call for participation

2019-07-15 Thread Words 2019
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]

=== *WORDS 2019 Call for PARTICIPATION* ===
12th International Conference on WORDS
Loughborough, UK, September 9-13, 2019

You can do this by either accessing directly the Loughborough University Store 
from the link 


or by accessing the same link from the Conference Information section on our 
website www.words2019.lboro.ac.uk.


Florin Manea (Kiel University)
Matching Patterns with Variables 

Svetlana Puzynina (Saint Petersburg State University)
Abelian properties of words 

Antonio Restivo (University of Palermo)
On Sets of Words of Rank Two 

Gwenaël Richomme (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3)
S-adicity and property preserving morphisms 

Aleksi Saarela (University of Turku)
Independent Systems of Word Equations: From Ehrenfeucht to Eighteen 

Kristina Vušković (University of Leeds)
Structure of graph classes and algorithms 


Author(s)   Paper Title
Adrian Atanasiu, Ghajendran Poovanandran, Wen Chean Teh 
Parikh Determinants

Aseem Baranwal, Jeffrey Shallit
Critical exponent of infinite balanced words via the Pell number system

Aseem Baranwal, Jeffrey Shallit 
Repetitions in infinite palindrome-rich words

Amanda Burcroff, Eric Winsor
Generalized Lyndon Factorizations of Infinite Words

Arturo Carpi, Flavio Dalessandro
On the commutative equivalence of bounded semi-linear codes

Trevor Clokie, Daniel Gabric, Jeffrey Shallit
Circularly squarefree words and unbordered conjugates: a new approach

James D. Currie, Lucas Mol
The undirected repetition threshold

Alessandro De Luca, Alma D'Aniello
Characteristic parameters and special trapezoidal words

Francesco Dolce, Dominique Perrin
Return words and bifix codes in eventually dendric sets

Marisa Gaetz, Caleb Ji
Enumeration and Extensions of Word-representable Graphs

Cyril Gavoille, Ghazal Kachigar, Gilles Zémor
Localisation-Resistant Random Words with Small Alphabet

Vladimir Gusev, Elena Pribavkina
On codeword lengths guaranteeing synchronization

Štěpán Holub
Binary intersection revisited

Václav Košík, Štěpán Starosta
On substitutions closed under derivation: examples

Marie Lejeune, Michel Rigo, Matthieu Rosenfeld
Templates for the k-binomial complexity of the Tribonacci word

Kateřina Medková
Derivated sequences of Arnoux--Rauzy sequences

Tim Ng, Pascal Ochem, Jeffrey Shallit, Narad Rampersad
New results on pseudosquare avoidance

Jarkko Peltomäki, Markus Whiteland
Every nonnegative real number is a critical abelian exponent

Josef Rukavicka
Construction Of A Rich Word Containing Given Two Factors

Andrew Ryzhikov
Mortality and Synchronization of Unambiguous Finite Automata

Luigi Santocanale
On discrete idempotent paths

Robert Mercas and Daniel Reidenbach
hol-info mailing list

[Hol-info] WORDS 2019, last call for papers (Extended Deadline)

2019-04-09 Thread Words 2019
*We apologize if you received this email several times. To be removed from our 
mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject 

WORDS 2019
12th International Conference
Loughborough, September 9–13, 2019

  WORDS is a biannual international conference covering the mathematical theory 
of words (sequences of symbols) from all points of view: combinatorial, 
algebraic, algorithmic, as well as its applications to biology, linguistics, 
physics, and others.

  The previous WORDS conferences have taken place in Rouen (1997, 1999), 
Palermo (2001), Turku (2003, 2013), Montreal (2005, 2017), Marseille (2007), 
Salerno (2009), Prague (2011), and Kiel (2015).

  The 12th International Conference on Words, WORDS 2019 will take place on 
September 9-13 2019 at Loughborough University, UK 

  Co-chairs of this edition are Robert Mercaș and Daniel Reidenbach.

*Invited Speakers*
  Florin Manea (Kiel)
  Svetlana Puzynina (St. Petersburg)
  Antonio Restivo (Palermo)
  Gwenaël Richomme (Montpellier)
  Aleksi Saarela (Turku)
  Kristina Vuskovic (Leeds)

*Program Committee*
  Marie-Pierre Béal (Paris)
  Srecko Brlek (Montreal)
  Émilie Charlier (Liège)
  Volker Diekert (Stuttgart)
  Gabriele Fici (Palermo)
  Anna Frid (Marseille)
  Amy Glen (Murdoch)
  Štěpán Holub (Prague)
  Shunsuke Inenaga (Kyushu)
  Robert Mercas (Loughborough) co-chair
  Dirk Nowotka (Kiel)
  Jarkko Peltomäki (Turku)
  Edita Pelantová (Prague)
  Narad Rampersad (Winnipeg)
  Daniel Reidenbach (Loughborough) co-chair
  Jeffrey Shallit (Waterloo)
  Arseny Shur (Yekaterinburg)

*Important dates*
  Submission deadline: April 23 (AOE), 2019 (EXTENDED DEADLINE)
  Notification to authors: May 20, 2019
  Deadline for final versions: June 3, 2019
  Conference: September 9–13, 2019

*Submission guidelines*
  Submitted papers should not exceed 12 pages and be prepared according to the 
following guidelines and LNCS-style LaTeX2e. All proofs omitted due to space 
constraints should be given in an appendix or made accessible through a 
reliable link to a freely available electronic preprint (updated before 
submission). These will be read at the discretion of the program committee.

Only original submission which have not been submitted for publication 
elsewhere will be considered. Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF 
through the EasyChair system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=words2019

*More information* 
are available on the conference website http://words2019.lboro.ac.uk/, where 
different PDF versions of the conference poster can also be downloaded.


  The conference is organized by the Department of Computer Science, School of 
  Loughborough University, UK.
hol-info mailing list

[Hol-info] WORDS 2019, 2nd call for papers

2019-02-20 Thread Words 2019
*We apologize if you received this email several times. To be removed from our 
mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject 

WORDS 2019
12th International Conference
Loughborough, September 9–13, 2019

  WORDS is a biannual international conference covering the mathematical theory 
of words (sequences of symbols) from all points of view: combinatorial, 
algebraic, algorithmic, as well as its applications to biology, linguistics, 
physics, and others.

  The previous WORDS conferences have taken place in Rouen (1997, 1999), 
Palermo (2001), Turku (2003, 2013), Montreal (2005, 2017), Marseille (2007), 
Salerno (2009), Prague (2011), and Kiel (2015).

  The 12th International Conference on Words, WORDS 2019 will take place on 
September 9-13 2019 at Loughborough University, UK 

  Co-chairs of this edition are Robert Mercaș and Daniel Reidenbach.

*Invited Speakers*
  Florin Manea (Kiel)
  Svetlana Puzynina (St. Petersburg)
  Antonio Restivo (Palermo)
  Gwenaël Richomme (Montpellier)
  Aleksi Saarela (Turku)
  Kristina Vuskovic (Leeds)

*Program Committee*
  Marie-Pierre Béal (Paris)
  Srecko Brlek (Montreal)
  Émilie Charlier (Liège)
  Volker Diekert (Stuttgart)
  Gabriele Fici (Palermo)
  Anna Frid (Marseille)
  Amy Glen (Murdoch)
  Štěpán Holub (Prague)
  Shunsuke Inenaga (Kyushu)
  Robert Mercas (Loughborough) co-chair
  Dirk Nowotka (Kiel)
  Jarkko Peltomäki (Turku)
  Edita Pelantová (Prague)
  Narad Rampersad (Winnipeg)
  Daniel Reidenbach (Loughborough) co-chair
  Jeffrey Shallit (Waterloo)
  Arseny Shur (Yekaterinburg)

*Important dates*
  Submission deadline: April 12, 2019
  Notification to authors: May 20, 2019
  Deadline for final versions: June 3, 2019
  Conference: September 9–13, 2019

*Submission guidelines*
  Submitted papers should not exceed 12 pages and be prepared according to the 
following guidelines and LNCS-style LaTeX2e. All proofs omitted due to space 
constraints should be given in an appendix or made accessible through a 
reliable link to a freely available electronic preprint (updated before 
submission). These will be read at the discretion of the program committee.

Only original submission which have not been submitted for publication 
elsewhere will be considered. Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF 
through the EasyChair system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=words2019

*More information* 
are available on the conference website http://words2019.lboro.ac.uk/, where 
different PDF versions of the conference poster can also be downloaded.


  The conference is organized by the Department of Computer Science, School of 
  Loughborough University, UK.
hol-info mailing list

[Hol-info] WORDS 2019, 1st call for papers

2018-11-29 Thread Words 2019
*We apologize if you received this email several times.
To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to
this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.*

 WORDS 2019
  12th International Conference
  Loughborough, September 9–13, 2019

   WORDS is a biannual international conference covering the mathematical 
theory of words (sequences of symbols) from all points of view: combinatorial, 
algebraic, algorithmic, as well as its applications to biology, linguistics, 
physics, and others.

   The previous WORDS conferences have taken place in Rouen (1997, 1999), 
Palermo (2001), Turku (2003, 2013), Montreal (2005, 2017), Marseille (2007), 
Salerno (2009), Prague (2011), and Kiel (2015).

   The 12th International Conference on Words, WORDS 2019 will take place on 
September 9-13 2019 at Loughborough University, UK 

   Co-chairs of this edition are Robert Mercaș and Daniel Reidenbach.

*Invited Speakers*
   Antonio Restivo (Palermo)
   Florin Manea (Kiel)
   Svetlana Puzynina (St. Petersburg)
   Antonio Restivo (Palermo)
   Gwenaël Richomme (Montpellier)
   Aleksi Saarela (Turku)
   Kristina Vuskovic (Leeds)

*Program Committee*
   Marie-Pierre Béal (Paris)
   Srecko Brlek (Montreal)
   Émilie Charlier (Liège)
   Volker Diekert (Stuttgart)
   Gabriele Fici (Palermo)
   Anna Frid (Marseille)
   Amy Glen (Murdoch)
   Štěpán Holub (Prague)
   Shunsuke Inenaga (Kyushu)
   Robert Mercas (Loughborough) co-chair
   Dirk Nowotka (Kiel)
   Jarkko Peltomäki (Turku)
   Edita Pelantová (Prague)
   Narad Rampersad (Winnipeg)
   Daniel Reidenbach (Loughborough) co-chair
   Jeffrey Shallit (Waterloo)
   Arseny Shur (Yekaterinburg)

*Important dates*
   Submission deadline: April 12, 2019
   Notification to authors: May 20, 2019
   Deadline for final versions: June 3, 2019
   Conference: September 9–13, 2019

*Submission guidelines*
   Submitted papers should not exceed 12 pages and be prepared according to the 
following guidelines and LNCS-style LaTeX2e. All proofs omitted due to space 
constraints should be given in an appendix or made accessible through a 
reliable link to a freely available electronic preprint (updated before 
submission). These will be read at the discretion of the program committee.

Only original submission which have not been submitted for publication 
elsewhere will be considered. Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF 
through the EasyChair system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=words2019


   The conference is organised by the Department of Computer Science, School of 
   Loughborough University, UK.
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