
Years ago. I started playing horn on a old Bb-horn with a stopping valve.
So stopping was, especially with a stopping mute, relative easy. After a
while I changed to a double horn. This horn, as for most double, does not
have a stopping valve. Besides, transposing, the F-horn has to be used
which is more difficult deping on the register you play.

So for some years I had the idea of developing a non-transponing stopping
mute that can be used on both the F and Bb side of the my horn without

It stayed with this idea, did not make time for realizing it. But in the
last number of Brass Bulletin I read that a Japanese manufacturer is
offering a non-transposing stopping mute.

What I would like to know what do other horn players think of using an
non-transposing stopping mute ?

With kind regards,

Ger Otten

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