[Hornlist] Re: 90 degree bend

2004-11-02 Thread mlist
> a right angle bend in the
> tube can be more efficient than a smooth bend.

Now here's an idea for a new wrap - make the Jiracek look positively normal!


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[Hornlist] Re: Horn Digest, Vol 22, Issue 32

2004-10-29 Thread mlist
> So interestingly enough, it works out with double flats. So, if they
> theoretically exist, I wonder if there's any music out there that uses
> those key
> signatures...

The 4th Quintet of Ewald has, in the 3rd movement, I believe, 8 flats in
the key signature, there being a Bbb written in the bass clef parts. I
can't get anyone to play it once they realize that what they're expected
to do.


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[Hornlist] Re: Horn Digest, Vol 22, Issue 25

2004-10-25 Thread mlist
This sounds something like the Pipstop,

Unfortunately, the pipstop doesn't work too well for standing, which I do
a lot of.


> In all the discussion about the devices used to help hold the horn, nobody
> has mentioned the Ergohorn support system.  I saw Kerry Turner use this
> device
> in Spain this summer and I ordered one after I got back.  I am old enough
> to
> have some arthritis, I play professionally, and this has proved to be
> worth its
> weight in gold for me.
> This item is not cheap, but I no longer have the pain in my left hand and
> forearm and the weight of the horn is gone.  You can see this system at
> www.ergobone.com
> Carolyn Blice
> Orlando Philharmonic
> --
> message: 7
> date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 16:02:34 EDT
> subject: [Hornlist] Re: Pinky Hook, Ducks Foot, or Hand Strap
> Greg said
> I've never understood why everyone seems to manufacture their duck's
> feet and flippers to be so uncomfortable.
> First off, don't make them too small. Next, find something softer than
> cork to glue on as a pad. I use one of those rubbery shoe-insert pads
> cut to the right shape; in fact, I glue a couple layers together. Since
> these foot pad things tend to get brittle, I sewed a small sock out of
> some leathery fabric (something that won't slide around) around the
> whole duck's foot. Mighty comfy.
> ***
> My duck thinks these duck booties are really great.  His feet
> are so comfy that I don't quack on the high notes any more.
> Gotta go,
> Cabbage
> --
> message: 8
> date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 19:42:20 EDT
> subject: Re: [Hornlist] Pinky Hook, Ducks Foot, or Hand Strap
> =20
> I play on a Schmid... and no I don't use a leather hand guard or
> anything.=
> ..=20
> Hope this helps :)
> =20
> -William
> =20
> In a message dated 10/23/2004 10:30:47 AM Pacific Daylight Time, =20
> When it  was mentioned once before on this list, I decided to try
> dispensing
> with  pinky ring and flipper. I find a leather hand-guard (cut down to
> the
> minimum necessary breadth and with a sheet of plastic underneath to
> protect
> the metal from perspiration) to be an ideal and cheap  solution.
> Possibly the weight distribution of many instruments may  detract from the
> practicability of having no support devices apart from  tape or leather.
> I'd
> be interested to hear which models of instrument those  play who do this.
> I have done it on my D=FCrk D3 with success but have yet to  try it on my
> Paxman 20.
> On the subject of uncomfortableness, my  worst experience was with the
> pinky-hook which Paxman puts on its horns as  standard. It appears to be
> stamped out of sheet metal and has an almost  sharp edge which cut into my
> finger leaving a deep ridge. Removing this  could only be an improvement!
> best  Wishes,
> Benno
> =20
> --
> message: 9
> date: Sun, 24 Oct 2004 00:33:12 -0400
> from: Alan Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> subject: [Hornlist] Authentic French Horn From France
> It looks like this instrument will be uncomfortble for the left hand
> regardless of how you rig any combination of pinky rings, duck feet,
> flippers, Klebsch straps, or Pip Sticks.
> Check out...
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=16215&item=3757131178&rd=1
> -- Alan Cole, rank amateur
> McLean (Fairfax County), Virginia, USA.
> --
> ___
> http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/listinfo/horn
> End of Horn Digest, Vol 22, Issue 25

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[Hornlist] Pinky Hook, Ducks Foot, or Hand Strap

2004-10-22 Thread mlist
Over the years, I've tried each of the above 3 mechanisms for holding the
horn. If you think about the anatomy of the hand, it seems the most stupid
thing in the world to support the weight of the instrument by the pinky -
even resting the bell on the leg, the force against the weakest part of
the hand is significant.

The ducks foot is an improvement as it moves the weight of the horn to the
strongest part of the hand. However, depending on your ducks foot,
adjustable or fixed, it's still a relatively small piece of material
covered by cork that has a tendency to dig into the first knuckle of the
index finger. In my experience, I found that to hurt as much sometimes as
the pinky ring did.

The hand strap is the most comfortable device to come along in years. I
cannot imagine why it is not standard equipment on all new horns, or at
least offered as an optional feature on the top line models. I myself am
using a one-of-a-kind strap that a friend is prototyping that requires no
soldering (except to remove the pinky ring), unlike the Clebsch Stap
(www.clebschstrap.com) and the Moose's.

Get rid of the pinky ring, get a strap, and your poor left hand will thank
you for it.


> CURE #2:
> Over at http://www.hornmouthpiece.com Thomas "Moosewood" Greer has a
> neat-looking nylon & leather strap (click on "PRODUCTS") for sale. While I
> would rather walk onstage and just hold the horn up naturally and without
> gadgets, I can see the day coming... and SOON, where I'll be either using
> a
> leather strap or giving up playing altogether. Put that way, the strap
> starts looking pretty sexy.

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[Hornlist] Jazz Hornists: Robert Routch

2004-10-20 Thread mlist
I was listening to KCSM this morning and heard that Robert Routch is going
to be playing somewhere in the Bay Area. A quick google search showed no
performance dates, but did show him as a faculty member at KBHC (Kendall
Betts Horn Camp). He is apparently quite the player: replaced Tuckwell at
the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center and has performed with Mingus
and Marsalis, among others.

Add him to the list.

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[Hornlist] Double Brass Quintet and Organ

2004-10-08 Thread mlist
My quintet and I are playing at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco with the
Pacific Union College brass quintet on Sunday November 7. We would like to
play a closing number with the new organist there. Does anyone have any
recommendations for a piece to play?

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[Hornlist] Re: PHC Cups

2004-10-05 Thread mlist
I've use a PHC 25 cup with a W rim for about 3 years and I wouldn't go
back to a "standard " mouthpice for all the tea in china. Say what you
want about wider cups and rims, but I'm sold.

I'm thinking of ordering a new 25 cup bored out to a #1 bit. You probably
wouldn't want to use it for an Alex, but on my 8D it moves the heaven and


> date: Mon, 04 Oct 2004 17:43:50 +0800
> from: "Joe Black" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> subject: [Hornlist] PHC Mouthpieces
> Hi again,
> does anyone out there use a Paxman Halstead-Chidell mouthpiece? i
> currently
> use a US-2 rim and a 20 cup. however, during a performance, i acidentally
> dropped my mouthpiece and its pretty badly dented. i'm thinking of getting
> a
> new one, and was thinking that i could get some suggestions. any
> recommendations for the cups?
> regards,
> jon
> _

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[Hornlist] On Being Cabbaged

2004-10-04 Thread mlist
> subject: [Hornlist] Cabbage Lectures
>  How many years have you been doing the lectures?  Do you know how many
> lectures you have done in total?  Would you please share that number with
> us.
I have never been to one of the Cabbages' lectures. That may be good or
bad. Being on the Left coast, I do suspect that if there are any untoward
events that occur during his next talk, I'll be far enough away to be

I have had the honor (or perhaps the horror, as he might say) of hearing
him play not only the horn, but the kiddie piano as well. One time many
years ago he wrote, directed, produced, and starred in a musical, Fun With
Dick and Jane, in which he gave a good showing of why horn players should
not give up their day jobs.

I was in the audience holding his clams, all the while wearing my
propeller beanie. You should have seen it spin when he blew the hosaphone!

> (I am being  very careful in my wording to avoid being cabbaged)

Now what fun is that? :)


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