> Dear fellow hornists,
> A discussion about a yellow brass 8D has arisen a few days ago. Someone
> replied that there are new 8Ds made in Eastlake OH that are less than
> desirable. I am receiving a new 8D as a graduation present in May, and I
> want it to be a decent one!! Should I search for an older Elkhart 8D
> (which I had thought originally that the new ones were made there). Are
> the new 8Ds any good? Also, someone posted the idea of washing your horn
> in the dishwasher. Can this be done, is it a good idea, and what would
> happen if I tried this (what are the advantages and disadvantages)?
> I look forward to your responses,
> Brittany Davies, Fort Myers, FL

Brittany,  If you have your heart set on an 8D, by all means go and play
several of them.  They vary greatly.  I am blessed with a fairly good Texas
horn.  But my daughter's Holton Merkermatic is also a great horn.  Plus, you
might look at the Yamaha and Holton copies of the 8D.

I have also read with interest the thread on Community band parts sharing.
We only have three horns in our section, but we all respect each others
playing and easily pass the  1st, 2nd or 3rd parts around.  At an age of 49
and male, I am argueably bolder in my playing as against the other two
ladies, who are both over 65.  But their skills are still quite good and
really all that means is the conductor hears my screw-ups a lot more.  We
just keep the parts we will be playing in our own folders and we let the
conductor know which of us is playing any particular solo.

Jim McDermott
Lake Area Community Orchestra

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