I thought I'd post some of these. You could really do any partial or note or 
intervals you want so long as the fingerings are the same. The point is to do 
these slowly at first with a metronome, then over the course of a few months 
slowly build up the tempi.

The simplest fingering combinations are those that require only one valve 
change. These seldom require practice but those marked with a * are those that 
are more difficult. The more *'s the harder they are.

2 to 0 to 2
1 to 0 to 1
12 to 1 to 12
23 to 3 to 23
0 to 3 to 0
12 to 2 to 12
* 2 to 23 to 2

Harder valve changes to do are those that require two valve changes. I feel 
these always should be practiced since you do it constantly and it will always 
help to be 100% coordinated on these.

12 to 0 to 12
23 to 0 to 23
13 to 0 to 13
* 1 to 2 to 1 (not too difficult to finger, but difficult to have a smooth 
change and not an open fingering in between)
* 2 to 3 to 2
* 1 to 3 to 1
* 12 to 23 to 12
* 13 to 23 to 13
** 12 to 13 to 12

Now we get into the hard exercises. If you can do these fast you're really 
mastered finger dexterity. Take care with these... take your time, pace 
yourself. You could seriously break a tendon with some of these if you don't. These 
involve 3 valve changes.

* 0 to 123 to 0 (one star for getting all three down and up without a flam in 
the valves)
** 1 to 23 to 1 (two stars for coordination difficulties on the 23)
*** 12 to 3 to 12
**** 13 to 2 to 13

Now you can mix and match and add the thumb or trigger to complicate things. 
You can also go back and forth or forth and back. Those above involve just one 
change in fingerings, you could do some interesting combo moves (although 
some I definately wouldn't recommend without a spot).

* 1 to 2 to 3 to 2 to 1
1 to 2 to 3 to 1 to 2 to 3
* 3 to 2 to 1 to 3 to 2 to 1
* 3 to 1 to 2 to 3 to 2 to 2
* 1 to 3 to 2 to 1 to 3 to 2
*** 23 to 13 to 2 to 13 to 23
*** 12 to 13 to 2 to 13 to 12
**** 13 to 2 to 123 to 2 to 13

You could do as many interesting combos as you like. Pick whatever notes you 
want as long as they are close together so you're not worrying about sluring 
but maybe far apart so if you don't get the valves down evenly you can tell 

I got this idea from Euphoniuim-ist-er Steven Mead. 

Let me know if anyone has any rougher fingering combos...


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