Your writing, that is:
message: 10
date: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 00:06:39 -0700
from: "Valerie WELLS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
subject: [Hornlist] Too many sacrafices......

Gee, I don't know if becoming a good hornist is worth
all that is expected of me:...

Is this a cry for help, Valerie?  The hornlist does
need a referee to call timeout for piling on too
roughly.  Oh, this hygiene stuff... right up a nurse's
alley, huh?  But, you could have stayed at work if you
wanted more of this, right?  

Brings back memories of the lead hornist in the local
community band who has a plastic bottle of Coke
sitting next to her chair, and takes a swig every 15
minutes.  Yes, her valves (on her horn, that is) sound
terrible, but she is a great horn player.

Several months ago, someone posted on the list an old
practice of "seasoning" a new horn by pouring milk
through it.  Ugh!  Terrible image.  Sorry to put that
image (and smell) out there.

Remember, horn dental hygiene includes flossing and
use of the tongue cleaner (on you, not on your horn). 
Whether it's okay to drink the milk and play horn, I
don't know.  Probably, you shouldn't drink the milk
after your pour it through your horn, would be my

Now go have a good day.

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