"Play as you like, but PLAY !" - Sir George Solti in a dress rehearsal
to one of his very last concerts in Valencia (my orchestra playing Don
Juan, Till & Zarathustra) to the third horn, after messing up the third
horn solo twice first. I was just listening (did Don Juan &
Zarathustra), while my coordinate solo horn did Till.

Happen before Sir George Soltis death, shortly.

"Cannot tell you, whatīs the meaning of this spot here, because Ladies
in the orchestra.  - But, ---  thatīs the meaning !!" when rehearsing
Don Juan (Sir George Solti again ).

Or, Carlos Kleiber when rehearsing Rosenkavalier, the very beginning
third or  fourth line "doooeet-doooeet-doooeet-- daaaah !" -  "Yes, yes,
thatīs IT, understand !"

Prof.Hans Pizka, Pf.1136
D-85541 Kirchheim - Germany
Fax: 49 89 903-9414 Phone: 903-9548
home: www.pizka.de

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