Here's an old story told to me by trombonist-conductor Henry Charles Smith 

A trombonist in a major opera orchestra gets called for an outside job that 
conflicts and he can't find a sub.  Desperate, he talks to one of the opera 
house janitors about subbing for him.

The janitor keeps saying "No, no, no, I can't play the trombone."  The 
trombonist keeps saying "It's not a problem.  Just dress in my tails, sit there 
wait.  When the other trombonists start playing, put the mouthpiece up to your 
face and move the slide up and down.  Nobody will know the difference."  
Finally convinced, the janitor accepts the gig.

The next day, the trombonist sees the janitor and asks "How'd it go last 

"Terrible!" replies the janitor.

"Did you wear my tails?"


"Did you sit and wait for the other trombonists to play?"


"Did you put the mouthpiece to you lips and move the slide up and down, up 
and down?"


"Then what on earth went wrong?"

"The other two trombonists were janitors, too!"
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