Hi Brittany and List,
    At the risk of being redundant I'd would generally concur with the
respondents to this topic. I have been a relatively severe asthmatic for
over 30 years and if anything, playing the horn has definitely helped my
breathing. That being said there seems to be something else going on
here. First and foremost, let me disclaim I am not a doctor nor do I
play one on tv! What I'm telling you is from my own experience.
Albuterol, the generic name for Proventil and others, is used as a
"rescue" inhaler, that is, you generally use it to force open the
airways once an attack begins. Also, albuterol is usually prescribed in
conjunction with an anti-inflammatory and an antivasalconstictor, either
in the form of pills or inhalers, examples of the inhaled form include
Flovent and Serevent. There are some new inhalers on the market as well.
It would probably be a good idea to discuss a treatment program soon.
Also, it might not hurt to get a second opinion from a pulomonologist as
well. Another piece of the treatment puzzle is to discover what the
triggers are for your asthma. Some of mine include(d) exercise and
animal dander. As for exercise, during the first few minutes (as much as
thirty) of vigorous exercise would trigger the beginnings of an attack.
If I really felt like I was in trouble, I would use the inhaler, but
generally after a few minutes, the paroxysms would subside and I would
continue with my exercise. As for allergens, you will need to find a way
to deal with them. Molds can be one of the worst allergens around. Since
retiring from teaching and now working in the museum field, molds are a
very hot topic. Some very benign looking sources can carry spores of
some of the most deadly molds, especially if they are ones to which you
or others might be highly allergic. Keeping your mouthpiece, mouthpipe,
and case clean are paramount in this regard.
    Again, this is a topic you will want to pursue with your physician
and/or a pulmonologist and you'll want to do it soon.
Best wishes for happy horn playing.
Dana Twiss
Litchfield, Maine
set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

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