Hi John.

Here's my list: (I've missed out things already mentioned)

Bach - Brandenburg concerti 1 (+2); B minor mass (in particular the Agnus Dei - but 
it's all great music)
Beethoven - ALL the symphonies (Seriously! - maybe No1 can be left out but 
Haydn - Symphonies 31, 51, 73
Fibich - Symphony No 1 (Not well known but some wonderful horn parts!)
Lars Erik Larson - God in Disguise (Förklädd Gud) The prelude has one of the most 
beuatifl horn solos I know. Naxos have a good low-price recording.
Tchaikowsky - Symphonies 4,5 + 6 - No 5 is a must!!
Rimsky-Korsakov - Scheherazade
Dvorak - New World symphony, Cello concerto
Gabrieli - 'Brass music'  (Not really horn but wonderful anyway)

The list could go on and on - there's so much wonderful music out there. 

Happy listening,
set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

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