Hi all,

Last year I participated in the natural trumpet making workshop in Rostock.
Next year there are again two courses: One in the US and one in Europe. I
think it would be great to combine this workshop with the IHS conference in
Switserland. First a week of hard but very awarding work in Rostock, then
some well deserved rest and then to IHS conference !

For more information on the workshop in the U.S. : www.seraphinoff.com
For more information on the workshops in Europe : www. trompetenmacher.de

Besides working on your own natural trompet you can talk with Rick
Seraphinoff about (hand) horn playing. I can highly recommend this course.
I have never worked that hard and at the same time paying for this course,
but I enjoyed every second of it !!!!
 Natural Trumpet Making Workshops 2007 Workshops                       
 25-JUN-2007  -  29-JUN-2007 Rostock, Germany                          
 31-JUL-2007 -  03-AUG-2007 Bloomington, IN, USA                       
 The Robert Barclay natural trumpet making workshop, which has been held
 each year since 1993, in Bloomington, Indiana, and in various European
 locations, will be offered again during the week of July 31 - August 3,
 2007 at the Hoosier Hills Career Cnter in Bloomington, Indiana an in  
 Rostock Germanu, June 25 - 29, 2007.                                  
 Under the supervision of Robert Barclay, assisted by instrument makers
 Richard Seraphinoff and Michael Münkwitz, participants will make a natural
 trumpet using the tools and methods described in Dr. Barclay's book, The
 Art of the Trumpet-Maker, and also illustrated and described in Making a
 Natural Trumpet, the new workshop guide for the course.               
 The design which participants will make this year will be based on an 
 original by the Nuremberg maker Hanns Hainlein (1632). Familiarity with
 tools and metal working techniques is desirable, but not by any means 
 necessary. In past workshops everyone has been able to complete a playable
 instrument over the course of the week.                               


Ger Otten

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