[Hornlist] various advices

2004-04-11 Thread Hans Pizka
I noticed over the years, that too many mailing in their answers  their
advice, tend to much to speak them right after their mouth -

This does not help. Just critic  realism will help, everything
expressed honestly.

Prof.Hans Pizka, Pf.1136
D-85541 Kirchheim - Germany
Fax: 49 89 903-9414 Phone: 903-9548
home: www.pizka.de

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[Hornlist] various thoughts

2004-01-13 Thread David Jewell
Fellow listers - just a couple of thoughts I would like to share. {pardon the cross 
posting,}First off if you have access to the latest International Musician the AFM 
trade paper, our own Ken Pope has an article to himself, 2/3 of the way in. Short, but 
sweet. Way to go Ken!
Second off, everyone is invited to Osmun Music in Arlington, [outside Boston] on 
February 7, 2004 for the third horn choir Saturday.  Go to Osmun.com to let them know 
you are coming.  Bring a stand, any arrangements you would like to try [Dave Ohanion 
has aked that we try to make them for eight or more horns, please] and come prepared 
for a truly great time.  I know that the two times I have made it {from upsate NY} 
have been worth it.  Plus, you'll get to meet new friends, and maybe catch up with 
some old ones! See y'all there.

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[Hornlist] various thoughts

2003-11-17 Thread David Jewell
This is a general post to both lists, so please excuse the double posting;
I have just a couple of thoughts on some threads that just popped up on the list.  
Firstly, when discussing vibrato, if one wants to dive into this issue in depth, just 
as in most other aspects of performance, you have to consider areas of performance 
other than horn playing.  There is still a great degree of disagreement as to the 
proper use of vibrato both in strings and voice for the renaissance and baroque 
periods.  You can hear examples of both, but I personally feel that as music is really 
a medium of contrasts that the use of vibrato in particular phrases and styles is an 
enhancement when the majority of the piece is played without. When one moves into the 
classical and romantic periods the prevailing sentiment is for more sustained use of 
vibrato, and the composers wrote with that in their subconscious mind.  To hear the 
music of Heinrich Schutz, for example played and sung with a modern heavy vibrato 
muddies it up tremendously, whereas if I were to hear the Brahms vi
 concerto without a much greater use, that would sound irregular and perhaps even 
improper to my ears. 
specifically regarding horn vibrato, I enjoy the tasteful use of vibrato, especially 
the Hungarian and Czech players.  Listen to Ferenc Tarjanis' Haydn concerto recordings 
to hear what I am talking about. If, however, every phrase was played with a constant 
quaver, then I would more than likely get a little queasy long before it was through.  
When one is learning the horn, Vibrato should be one of those items that is a taught 
as an additional technique, after one has established a solid, consistent, desirable 
tone quality. If only every horn player would sing in a choir too, then more of this 
would become an inherent understanding of our physical natures. Vibrato is natural, 
but definitely controllable, and should be thought of in that way when applied to 
On the Home Depot issue - as an ex Home Depot employee, one can certainly find nearly 
every tool and materials needed to build a horn.  A poor quality, copper or steel 
horn, and not one I would use on stage.  One can, however equip themselves very nicely 
in regards to instrument repair and construction - and if one wants the tools to take 
apart a horn, then the Depot is your place to be!  I understand that Joss was not 
making any statements about the quality of the end product, but one could certainly do 
One last opinion is regarding those times when a lister makes the type of personal 
statements that border on pure boasting, bragging, or outright arrogance.  Usually I 
immediately feel the urge to slam that person, but often after letting things fall 
into context, I can be benevolent and let them go their merry way, as I realize that 
no matter what they may say, unless I am in personal contact with them, it really has 
no effect upon how I live daily.  I do think that a polite, strong, caring reply to 
put them straight is necessary, and thankfully those on this list who are universally 
considered to be in a position to do so, do so. Let us not quash anyones 
self-confidence, but remember that true self-confidence is one that can withstand 
trials and tribulations, even the occassional abuse, and remain true. 
I daily enjoy this list, I always learn something from the many wonderful people on 
it, and only hope that when I contribute I am benefitting even on person who reads it. 
Carpe cornu!!!

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[Hornlist] Various

2003-01-14 Thread George Napuda
All, In over my head with responsibilities et al is reason I've been
lurking. Catching up on recent threads. W/respect to playing in COLD TEMPS.
Have been using Hetman lubes for almost a decade. Seems temperature affects
their performance much less than other lubes. Had access to aerospace
synthetic lubes (oil) in 60s  used personal supply until switch to Hetman.
Some posts on playing military gigs in severe weather remind me of my 17
months in Bremerhaven GER. Rarely did it snow. It rained all the time. So
cold the drops would become ice before-after landing. My solution was to run
plain old water through the rotors before early morning gigs for
departing-incoming troop ships (tide times ya kno). Can't play with frozen
valves, can we? David Amram did spot my trick when he arrived on one of
these tubs  wrote of  it in one of his books. From current posts, thank
goodness, it seems the military brass have become more sensible. FLIPPERS.
Have used one since '61. Positioned not on index finger knuckle, but just
below on fleshy part. No problem in all those years. Ditto for the
adjustable flipper Johannes Finke installs on his Horns after having a trace
of an outline of ones hand. PRE WWII SINGLE F STENCILS. My parents bought a
White single F for me circa '39. It definitely was made in GER. $125 when
dad was earning $5 a day in coal mines. As stated previously it carried me
through many competitions (always against doubles) until Uncle Sam handed me
my first NS double (one of those TX Sansones yet). So I too am an advocate
of starting youngsters on F Horn. MUTES. Have used an AULOS (aka Lawson)
practice mute for decades. Practiced in many a motel room w/TV turned up a
little during the many years of travel in engineering position. Kept me in
shape. BUZZER. Have used BERP for couple decades during commuting to office
 on travel. It worked for me. AIR TRAVEL. Used soft cut bell cases of
various manufacturers w/no problem prior to 9/11/01. Banff  Beijing
included. Did get away w/Olds fixed bell hard case several times in this
period. Since I packed in the Horn end of 2K I can't comment on current
experience. PRACTICE. Used standard books other than Kopprash during career.
Arbans Trumpet, GER orchestral series (name?)  even a mellophone exercise
book. The key was really having superior teachers. RIGHT HORN. The right
Horn is the one that plays the best for one within financial constraints.
Brand, model, etc be darned. Condition is a factor of course. Enough for
now. As said in another venue. That's all folks. Take care. GN
ENGINEERING: Retired Industry-Gov't
Napuda Associates, Pennsville, NJ
HORN: Public School System, College, Univ.,
US Army, Freelance, Lifelong AFM, Avocation,

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