Searching in my archive I found some surplus copies of old horn methods,
which I will auction here on the list.

They are:

Joseph Mohr ( 1823-91), high exponent of the hand horn technique:
Methode de premier & de second Cor, published by Leduc 1869, original
publication, soft cover, format 11,6 x 13 ", all pages in order, no
cuts, few pencil entries

Offers not below 100.-USD

Carl Klotz (born 1824), international soloist incl. Gewandhaus concerts
1854: Praktische Schule für das einfache u. chromatische Horn op.11,
published by Andre/Offenbach around 1860, publishing number 8305,
german, english & french text, 43 pages format 13,6 x 11", all clean, no
cuts, no entries, interesting basic exercises

Offers not below 80.-USD

Jacques Francois Gallay (1795-1864): Methode pour le Cor op.54,
published by Henri Lemoine in the mid of the 19th century (when Gallay
was alive), 118 pages format 13,6 x 11", all pages clean & uncut, no
entries, last page repaired, hard cover.

Offers not below 150.- USD

Winner will pay airmail at real costs, book rate.
Payment by credit card only.

I offer these books here, as I want to sell them to horn players or horn
teachers only, not to students.

Highest bids will be published ever second day without naming bidders as

Auction ends May 15th, 2004

I placed this auction here, as it is of special interest for horn

Please send your offers off list.

Prof.Hans Pizka, Pf.1136
D-85541 Kirchheim - Germany
Fax: 49 89 903-9414 Phone: 903-9548

set your options at

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