Yes, definitely. And I say it here again, I am just sad about what
happen & I am not accusing as this is definitely too late & would not
help the victims.

One word, gathering international support means also manipulating
informations. This has been done by all societies before & will happen
in the future again. But today, there is the "information society",
making it impossible to hide everything completely. See China. The
authorities have given up controlling the Internet as they have 64
Million subscribers in the country - 64 millions. That is the
difference, which makes it more difficult to betray a people & betray
the world.

The list of supporting nations included giants like San Marino, Bosnia,
Burundi, Moldavia, etc. nations, even the US rulers don't even know,
where they are.

And 1945: Kyoto, Nara, the former imperial capitals with over thousand
years history & the relevant art, were other targets besides industrial
cities as Nagoya. And all these cities were devastated by many air raids
before. So the two bombs were senseless, otherwise the authorities (US)
would not have prohibited any objective research until the early
1950ies. Forgotten ??? It is not the question how & if to end a war
quickly. The more important question is to prevent war by trying to
understand each other, by reaching the hand out to the brother or

It makes definitely no difference for the victims, if a very powerful
leader gathers enough support to incend the fire. Killing is crime no
matter how civilized or primitive a society might be. I did not
polemicize against US, as there are and were too many "barbaric" acts in
worlds history (Nero in Rome, Spanish inquisition, Holocaust, Pearl
Harbour, Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Verdun, 30 Years War, American Civil War,
Uganda & Ruanda Burundi, Biafra, Vietnam, Armenia, Chechnya, Kosovo,
Kharthoum, just to name a few).

And just typical for discussions: not admitting the little error (1944
instead of 1945) could be the beginning of a conflict, a potential
conflict which could be avoided by admitting the little error. Thatīs
it. Live with little errors or mistakes & admit them. This is not a sign
of weakness but a sign of mental strength.

Horn players all over the world seem to understand each other except
some single discussions about fingerings or mouthpieces. Letīs go on
this path further & contribute our share to world peace.

The problem for most contributors to the list is it, to take all things
with emotion & America as the center. Things like historic facts have
nothing to do with the individual, as the individual seems to be too
easily manipulated (lack of information, speak education, too strong one
sided influence of religions, no matter which side you are on.) Let us
be more universal. And for me ? Well, it does not matter if the other is
green, black, brown, red or white, nor if the other is Muslim,
Christian, Buddhist or Atheist. If the other does his duty as individual
belonging to a very big group more or less, I can get along with. I only
have to try it. Amen.

Getting back to HORN. My intention in my first letter was, to show how
Peter Damm e.g. contributed his share of (musical) prayer to honour the
mostly unknown victims of Hiroshima by playing Bernhard Krols
"Laudatio"! in the Peace Park. No accusation against nobody, just
reminding the community to be alert to prevent such tragedies as sad
memories seem to fade away.

Prof.Hans Pizka, Pf.1136
D-85541 Kirchheim - Germany
Fax: 49 89 903-9414 Phone: 903-9548

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