Hi kate and all,

Sorry for the delays in response, last days were pretty full!

DRC: the crisis escalates and it seems that it forms the basis for our

DRC osm data through the hot export: I refer to the JOSM internal preset
(version as of 14 nov in the josm wiki), it provides main key/values from
the main OSM map features.
And can serve as a good basis for a generic OSM extracts.

I emailed a couple of contacts within th UN hum system so that we can get
areas of interest, overview of data and key on the ground needs. I'll
continue this from Dakar where is based the regional OCHA bureau which has
oversight over DRC.


Le 21 nov. 2012 02:33, "Kate Chapman" <k...@maploser.com> a écrit :

Hi Nicolas,

Could you explain what the "general JOSM preset" is please?

Does that mean you didn't upload one?


On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 7:10 AM, nicolas chavent
<nicolas.chav...@hotosm.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
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