Re: [HOT] JOSM "mini tasking manager" Plugin

2020-09-24 Thread Frans Schutz

As Laurent Savaete stated, The Markseen plug in does the job already.
When you put the parameters correct you have grip on what area you have 
scanned and still to do.
fi. zooming till 20-30 meters gives enough detail to map, zooming out 
for an overview does not effect the mini map with scanned area.

I always use it when validating large ( or collected small task) squares.
Best regards

Op 9/23/2020 om 5:48 PM schreef Laurent Savaete:

Isn't the JOSM plugin MarkSeen very similar to what you're 
thinking about, or at least useful for your purposes?

On 23/09/2020 16:42, Andrew Buck wrote:
Its a good idea, and something the TODO list plugin was originally 
intended to do, in addition to its current functionality.  I am the 
one who came up with the original idea for the plugin, but I am 
terrible with Java so Gnonthgol coded it up based on my idea.

I wanted to also add the "area coverage feature" like you are 
describing as well as a "follow along way" function so you could 
follow along linear features like roads/waterways at some fairly 
close in zoom level along a long feature and it would track which 
parts you have examined.

So I definitely think your idea has merit.  My only quibble would be 
to not add a second layer with squares, as OSM objects.  You could do 
that, but its a bit hacky. Also I don't remember how well the TODO 
list deals with objects in other layers.  Fortunately, you don't have 
to add the squares as objects anyway, since the todo list can track 
them internally without them being OSM objects, and plugins can draw 
to the map view themselves.  Think about things like the validator 
plugin (which draws non osm object features to its own layer), or the 
fast draw plugin (which draws non osm objects to the active map layer 
as temporary lines that then get turned into proper OSM objects.

So aside from the implementation details, I would say yes, this is 
definitely a good idea and one I would support being added directly 
to the TODO plugin as additional functionality.


On 9/23/20 9:44 AM, Mike Thompson wrote:

Dear fellow humanitarian mappers,

When I am mapping or validating a task from the tasking manager, I 
often find myself "panning and scanning", that is, zooming into a 
level at which I can quickly tell if everything that appears in 
imagery is mapped, and then systematically panning over the entire 
area of the task area (either with the mouse, or +an arrow 
key).  This works until I find something that needs to be mapped, or 
needs to be mapped differently, in which case I zoom in, do the 
mapping... and forget where I was with the "pan and scan"  (keyboard 
shortcut "8" - zoom previous helps a little, but if multiple 
zooms/pans of the map are performed it can be difficult to "get back 
to where you were").

I have come up with a prototype of a new plugin which might help.  
It divides the downloaded area in JOSM into a grid of smaller 
rectangles, and adds the rectangles to the Todo List (also adds the 
rectangles to a new data layer which is blocked from being uploaded 
from, or downloaded into). As each of these rectangles is reviewed, 
you can "Mark" it in the Todo List, and the Todo List will 
automatically zoom/pan the map to the next rectangle.

1) Would this be useful?
2) Does this functionality already exist?
3) Should I proceed with development?
4) Should it be its own plugin, or should it be combined with other 
functionality of use to this community (for example, I could move 
the duplicate building script functionality into this plugin)?


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[HOT] Beirut Response Concluded

2020-09-24 Thread Russell Deffner
Dear HOT Community,

We are pleased to announce that after about 7 weeks and at least 220
experienced mappers coming together to digitize over 54,000 buildings in
the greater Beirut metropolitan area; as of Tuesday, the 22nd, we have
completely mapped, and validated, the area requested by the Lebanese Red
Cross, giving them the data they need to continue the long road of recovery.

Though our work is complete here (for now), let's not forget that this was
in response to the explosion at the port in Beirut that killed 190 people,
leveled nearby buildings and damaged others up to 24 kilometers away,
totalling an estimate of $15 billion in damages (source
). And the local
OpenStreetMap community is still working on a variety of initiatives to
help recovery efforts as well as prepare for future events.

If you are interested in seeing what OpenMapLebanon is up to, visit their
website: - HOT will continue to support their
efforts as the remaining response turns into recovery, in turn becoming
preparedness and mapping for general usage.

Thank you to everyone who played a part in this mapping response!

On behalf of the HOT Disaster Services Team and Activation Working Group,

Russell Deffner
Disaster Response Coordinator
OpenStreetMap: russdeffner | +8 UTC

*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team*
*Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development*
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