Hi all,

HOT's Fundraising WG (FWG) will be meeting in a little under an hour
(15:00 UTC/GMT). Like all of HOT's working groups, everyone is invited
to participate and collaborate.

Activities of this working group center around identifying and
evaluating grants and other funding opportunities and developing
project proposals in conjunction with local community and/or
international partners for good grant opportunities.

If you like the idea of helping build HOT and local OSM groups and
like telling the story of how OSM and open geo-data can have a
positive impact around the world, this is a good working group for

We also try to help build project development skills and experience so
any local OSM folks seeking more support for projects they would like
to do would benefit from participating.

At the moment we are also starting to work on HOT's year end
fundraiser and some options for making HOT t-shirts, mugs, phone
cases, etc available.

We meet on skype typically, so just send me your skype name directly
and I will add you to the group. My skype name is jblakegirardot or
just send me an email.

This wiki page is a good discussion of the FWG:

Terms of Reference can be found here:

All of HOT's Working Groups are open for anyone to participate in and
contribute to, the full calendar of WG meetings is here:

Everyone is invited to drop in and say hello to any working group
meeting to see how they can participate. Just email me or this list if
you need more details on any working group. Always a work in progress,
the wiki description of the working groups is a good place to find out
more, but can sometimes be a bit out of date:


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