Forwarding to HOT, definitely of interest to some here particularly for
areas with ongoing activation.


Maning Sambale (mobile)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "maning sambale" <>
Date: Apr 11, 2015 5:59 PM
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Bing coverage dropped dramatically in Taiwan
To: "Hsiao-Ting Yu [:littlebtc]" <>
Cc: "osm-talk" <>

Same case reported in the Philippines.


Maning Sambale (mobile)
On Apr 11, 2015 12:20 AM, "Hsiao-Ting Yu [:littlebtc]" <>

> For mappers in Taiwan, currently the Bing imagery is the only way to draw
> details in Taiwan, since only Bing has good zoom 18+ coverage in Taiwan.
> However since the imagery updated this week the coverage dramatically
> dropped. Though some region had been updated,  a lot of areas, like Taipei,
> Miaoli, and Kaohsiung, all zoom 14+ images were disappeared. It is
> frustrating.
> This issue had been lasted for several days, and we had reported the
> imagery lost in the Bing maps report form. Is there any other ways we can
> report and get this fixed?
> --
> Littlebtc / 笨笨的小B / 小犬 (Xiaoquan)
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