Dear all,

It’s with considerable sadness that we have to announce the resignation of
John Crowley from his position on the Board. John was initially voted onto
the Board in 2011 and retained his position in the 2012 elections; he now
leaves us to undertake a position with the World Bank. John’s contributions
to HOT have been enormous and have really helped to shape the organisation
and its relationship with both governments and partner organisations.
John’s work with the US State Department has enabled HOT to obtain access
to imagery under the NEXTVIEW license--a process that now defines the way
we work for remote mapping activation.

John is leaving because World Bank conflict of interest rules would prevent
HOT from receiving any Bank Group funding while John is on the Board of
HOT, both during John’s time at the Bank and for 12 months after he leaves
the Bank. Given than HOT already receives Bank funds and is eligible for
additional projects, John does not wish to create problems for our growing
organization. He will continue to be an active member, but feels it is his
responsibility to step down from the Board.

John deserves an enormous thank you for his work with HOT and I’m sure we
all wish him the best for his new endeavours and hope he remains close to
the organisation.

We as the Board have been discussing the options for appointing somebody to
our newly vacant position; details of the upcoming process will be
announced soon via the usual mailing list.

Once again, thanks to John and let’s all remember his contributions as we
move forward,

HOT mailing list

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