The STE||AR Group is proud to announce the release of HPX 1.3.0!

This release focuses on performance and stability improvements. Make sure to 
read the full release 
 to see all new and breaking changes. Thank you once again to everyone in the 
STE||AR Group and all the volunteers who have provided fixes, opened issues, 
and improved documentation.

Download the release from our download 
page<>, or GitHub 

The highlights of this release are:

  *   Significant performance improvements. Thanks to improvements in the 
schedulers and executors most parallel algorithms have reduced overheads and 
perform better especially with small grain sizes.
  *   Many stability improvements. Most notably many issues reported by Clang 
sanitizers have been fixed.
  *   To improve usability in single-node usage, HPX now defaults to not 
turning on networking if running on a single node. This means that it is now 
possible to run multiple instances of HPX on a single node by default.
  *   We have added back single-page 
 documentation after the move to Sphinx. We also generate 
documentation now.

For a complete list of new features and breaking changes please see our release 
 If you have any questions, comments, or exploits to report you can reach us on 
IRC (#stellar on Freenode), or email us at<>. We value 
on your input!
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