Binding httpclient to a network interface

2016-08-24 Thread davidjesse091
My computer has two network cards. How can I force HttpClient to use one of 
them? I am using HttpClient 4.5.2

Re: Receiving error " Host name 'localhost' does not match the certificate subject provided by the peer"

2016-08-24 Thread Oleg Kalnichevski
On Tue, 2016-08-23 at 21:41 -0400, Sachin Nikumbh wrote:
> Hello,
> I am working on a client application that is using
> both CloseableHttpAsyncClient and CloseableHttpClient with HTTPS. My
> application is sending a POST request with large amount of data and bunch
> of GET requests as well. I was initially using CloseableHttpAsyncClient for
> all the requests and everything was working fine with HTTPS. I recently
> changed my code to use CloseableHttpClient just for the POST request. Now,
> for the same client and server certificates (self signed), the SSL
> handshake for POST is failing with error:
> Host name 'localhost' does not match the certificate subject provided by
> the peer (C=US, ST=MA, L=Natick, O=Mathworks, OU=MPS_QE, CN=localhost)
> As can be seen, the CN of the server certificate is localhost. Following is
> the code that I am using to create CloseableHttpClient :
> SSLConnectionSocketFactory sslFactory = new
> SSLConnectionSocketFactory(sslContext, hostnameVerifier);
> CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.custom()
> .setUserAgent(ApacheHttpClient.class.getName())
> .setSSLSocketFactory(sslFactory)
> .build();
> In the above code, sslContext is created using custom truststore and
> keystore using system properties
> like,, etc. The
> hostnameVerifier's verify method is returning false. I have a feeling that
> I am doing something wrong in the way I am setting up the
> CloseableHttpClient.
> Could using CloseableHttpAsyncClient and CloseableHttpClient in the same
> application to use HTTPS cause any issues?

I cannot think of any reason why it would Conceptually however using two
clients instead of one sounds somehow wrong to me.


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