[hugin-ptx] Re: Enfuse zenith

2009-07-04 Thread RueiKe

Hi Cristian,

I have been having the same problem for blended, exposure fused
panos.  The problem for me is more of issue for the Nadir.  Here is an
example: http://www.flickr.com/photos/rueike/3658984267/

>From my observations, it looks like the multiple exposures for the
Nadir are being ignored and only one image is being used to make the
final pano.  I have resorted to using only the nominal shot for the
Nadir and trying to blend in post processing, but it still looks bad.
The documentation for enblend/enfuse mentions this as a limitation.

I have also tried enfusing the Nadir before stitching in hugin, but I
found mixing TIFFs from CaptureNX with TIFFs from enfuse creates some
problems.  Seems like there are compatibility issues.

I have seen so many nice exposure enfused and HDR 360x180 panos out
there that there must be a work around.

Does anyone have a good work flow to avoid this issue?


On Jul 5, 1:26 am, cri  wrote:
> Today I tried to stitch 48 images with hugin (16 per exposure) to make
> an equirectangular 360x180 panorama. I discovered that I always get a
> vortex with strange fading in the zenith. Later, I read the hugin
> readme and found out that this is a known issue. So I'm here to ask
> how you handle this problem.
> (to me the only solution seems to be enfusing the single bracketed
> images before importing them in hugin for later stitching using only
> enblend).
> Regards
> Cristian
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[hugin-ptx] Re: some minor GUI ideas

2009-07-04 Thread J. Schneider

> * when I optimimze the popup dialog shows me what the ne distance etc
> is and asks if I want to apply the new positioning. it would be cool
> to see the old vales there as well: So I do know wheather the
> optimizsation did improve the result or not (and how much).

And it should have a "Don't ask this again" checkbox. Or it should only 
ask in case the new result is worse. I find this dialogue absolutely 


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[hugin-ptx] Re: some minor GUI ideas

2009-07-04 Thread finbref.2006

> > * add a matix of fitting quality of images: the image in column i fits
> > to image in row j with "quality" a_ij. set a_ij to zero/grey if the do
> > not have control points in common. the red entries in this matrix are
> > the places when I probably should improve by adding ctrl pts hand
> Also, a click at a_ij would mean go to control-point editor with left
> image i and right image j.

to be more precise:
hugin should then calculate not only the distance between two points,
but between two images. This could be either the maximal point
distance or the mean or the sum of squares or whatever norm/metric.
(Is the already done right now? Which distance is used?)
I posted a similar idea two years ago: 

and some more things that came into my mind:
* why is the "celeste" button in the control points tab? it acts on
ALL images. so to be consistent with the "add ctrl points" (for all
images) it should be in the images tab. or it should only act on the
currently shown pair.
* the "default" number of control points that are added (in the form
in the images tab) should be the number which is given in hugin
settings, no? (now it's not)
* when I delete control points it would be nice if I was aksed if I'm
sure and that I'm informed that I am just deleting 15 images.
* when I optimimze the popup dialog shows me what the ne distance etc
is and asks if I want to apply the new positioning. it would be cool
to see the old vales there as well: So I do know wheather the
optimizsation did improve the result or not (and how much).
* I like Yuv's gradients in 3975 very much, but the bar should only
have the (final/most right) color. If I understood correctly this is
the case in the very last version.
* If Ichange the projection in the (fast) preview, the optimal size
and field of view should also be set to the "right" values.
* If I go to the about window, please allow me to copy eg the version.
I use from Ad under Vista.

Perhaps you find one or two of those also useful ;)

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[hugin-ptx] Enfuse zenith

2009-07-04 Thread cri

Today I tried to stitch 48 images with hugin (16 per exposure) to make
an equirectangular 360x180 panorama. I discovered that I always get a
vortex with strange fading in the zenith. Later, I read the hugin
readme and found out that this is a known issue. So I'm here to ask
how you handle this problem.
(to me the only solution seems to be enfusing the single bracketed
images before importing them in hugin for later stitching using only

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[hugin-ptx] Picasa button for Hugin

2009-07-04 Thread Jacob Hoffman-Andrews

Hi all,

I've been using Hugin and really enjoying making panoramas.  Much
cheaper and lighter-weight than a wide-angle lens! :-)

I generally use Picasa for my photo management, so I made a custom
button for Picasa that allows quicker exporting to Hugin.
Instructions on use are at 
please let me know if you find it useful and / or broken.


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