On Dec 17, 3:02 pm, Matthew Gates <matthew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 17 December 2010 12:57, kfj <_...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > The tiles come with a cornucopia of metadata, most of which exceed my
> > admittedly narrow astronomic horizon - what I seem to have gleaned,
> > though, is that the projection is gnomonic and localization of the
> > individual images should be easy straight from the metadata. What I
> > need for a trial stitch in hugin (from which we might be able to
> > derive the vignetting data) is translation of the astronomical
> > nomenclature in the hhh files into hugin's system. Hugin uses a notion
> > of roll, pitch and yaw. I suspect roll will be zero for the images,
> > pitch would refer to the center of the image and be in degrees from
> > the equator and yaw to the center of the image in degrees from any
> > reference point on the equator you care for, maybe you could point me
> > to which of the metadata to touch for the purpose and how to translate
> > them, if necessary. I suspect the relevant data are in the 'Hour
> > Angle' and 'Zenith distance' data fields in the hhh file, hour angle
> > could be translated straight into yaw, and Zenith distance would be
> > pitch + 90 degrees? I could then extract them from the hhh files.
> > Alternatively, put small files with the images containing roll, pitch
> > and yaw in degrees - then I wouldn't have to do the extraction
> > myself ;-)
> I hope Fabien will join in the conversation here.  He's been dealing
> with the processing of these images into the toast projection and so
> is much more familiar with this stuff than me.
> >> The x64 directories in the .tgz files might be useful here, as they
> >> are full-plate at low res.  We could maybe extract these, experiment
> >> with blending and even stitch them together into a panorama to check
> >> it.  1792 300x300 tiles isn't so bad.
> >> I can do the extraction of this data on the server and create a single
> >> archive file which should be a manageable size.
> > Sounds very good; I fully agree, hope to see the data soon!

I'm Fabien from Stellarium brought here by Matthew.

> Here's a tarball with the x64 images and their associated meta-data files:
>  http://porpoisehead.net/misc/dss_low.tar.gz(~11 meg)
> I'm assuming the N??? ones are for the Northern hemisphere and the
> S??? files are for the Southern hemisphere, but this should become
> apparent from the metadata analysis.

Yes N stands for North, S for South.
So I am not not completely sure what we need as input: I think for
what we need we can make the assumption that the plate projection is
gnomonic. In this case I can extact the lon/lat positions of the 4
corners of each plate. Then what do we need to do with that? Can
the .pto be generated from just that?

> Matthew

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