On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 8:14 PM, Erik Krause <erik.kra...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Am 12.09.2010 17:18, schrieb T. Modes:
>  I assume, that the builder has compiled libtiff without this change.
>> Please check your libtiff.
> In this case: thePanz, could you use a different source for the binaries in
> the installer?

Yes, of course! Can you give provide me an URL where I can get a binary to
use? I'm still looking for a new Hugin build: the one provided in my
installers is quite "old" (it's a 2010.1.snv5161 and I'm looking for the new
2010.2). I can then create a new installer with the new window binaries.
Unfortunately I don't have any windows compiling experience to provide the
compiled windows executables.


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