Hi mac users,

In the mail yesterday (1) where I released a new hugin bundle (the last or
one of the last), I mentioned that the newer Hugin bundles as of 2013 will
no longer contain an open-mp enabled hugin and enfuse (as far as I'm

It's really a terrible job to build an open-mp enblend/enfuse that will
work from Leopard (10.5) to Snow Lion (10.8).
I think that it will take some time for future builders to build this (but
please prove me wrong).

So I released a dmg with an enblend/enfuse 4.0 open-mp 64-bit Intel build
that will run on the above mentioned platforms.
In the dmg you will find a folder "enblend-enfuse-4.0-openmp". copy it in
it's entirery to a location of your liking and specify an external enblend
/enfuse in your Preferences if you want to use it.
In the dmg you will also find a bunch of license files and the
enblend/enfuse AUTHORS file.

Find attached the (simple) Readme.txt as well (unix line endings).

Information and binaries via my website <
(The binaries themselves are served from hugin.panotools.org who kindly
provide the disk space and bandwidth).


(1): <

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2013-02-13, HvdW.

This DMG contains an open-mp enabled enblend and enfuse. 
Enblend and enfuse are both 64bit Intel binaries and will
run on Mac OS X Leopard (10.5.x), Snow Leopard (10.6.x),
Lion (10.7.x) and Snow lion (10.8.x).
They will run only on Intel Core Duo machines and newer, which means
on every Intel Apple after the second half of 2006.

This dmg is meant to be used by Hugin versions as of 2013 and newer
but can also be used by any older version.
You can of course use it with any application you like.

Copy the enblend-enfuse-4.0-openmp folder inside this dmg to a location of
your liking. Keep everything in the enblend-enfuse-4.0-openmp folder and
it's subfolders together as enblend/enfuse depend on the libraries 
inside the Libraries folder.

Read the accompanying license files and authors files.

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