I've done small benchmark. I've used only one file. Testing machine
was Pentium 4...@2ghz Northwood, 1519MB RAM (in fact it should be 1536,
but free reports 1519), OS Archlinux current, own kernel build
The command was: time nona -z COMPRESSION -r hdr -m EXR_m -o foo_hdr_
-i 0 bar.pto

Speed (average of time spent in user in seconds):
NONE  17.538s
RLE   18.012s
B44A  18.176s
B44   18.203s
PIZ   18.922s
ZIP   19.992s
PXR24 21.846s

Compressed size (in kB):
B44A  6675
PIZ   6903
ZIP   7187
PXR24 8016
B44   8532
RLE   9337
NONE  19523

It seems that the best compressions for this particular file are PIZ
(default) and B44A, but B44A is lossy compression with half format.

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