Thanks, I'll try your advice.

On 25 oct, 19:40, Nicolas Pelletier <>
> If the information is not in the EXIF, then it is not provided to the
> software, and it has to "guess" or optimize to what seems the best value.
> Typical algorithms are very good at finding those values (both Hugin and
> Autopano according to your results).
> I've not played with autopano, but I can tell that hugin can figure out what
> lens you used (Field of View and focal length). The way it will do so is by
> starting with a value that may not be exact, and converge to the best value
> it can.
> With hugin, you must give it a starting value (even quite imprecise) and it
> will figure out the values. I remember one time I shot a pano and gave hugin
> the information from the wrong lens. After optimization, it had changed
> everything back to what it should. My recommendation, put what you think and
> let hugin figure out the details!
> When you optimize, FOV may not be checked as something that can be changed,
> so if it does not work, go on the optimizer tab to see if FOV is indeed
> checked.
> nick
> On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 4:47 AM, villa <> wrote:
> > Hi all
> > I've been evaluating several programs for mosaic generation, one of
> > them is free (hugin) while the other is commercial (Autopano Pro).
> > Both are very good but the Autopano Pro has a feature that I find very
> > interesting but I don't really know how it works.
> > When you upload photos to "hugin" if the photos don't have EXIF
> > information you need to include the hfov and the focal length to
> > continue the process, but the Autopano Pro if the photos don't have
> > EXIF information it seems that somehow calculates the hfov and the
> > focal length.
> > This information autopano computes is provided subsequently to hugin
> > and this program works perfectly, therefore the values are correct.
> > My question is if there a technique or algorithm that allows to obtain
> > this information if not included in the EXIF
> > Best regards.
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