Autopano-SIFT-C 2.5.2 23July2009 is known to be broken and should not
be used or included in the installer. You need to use 2.5.1 instead,
which I've recently uploaded for convenience [0].
In the output you included in your message it says "hfov 180", but
this can't be correct if I examine your example photo. Are you sure
Hugin imported the picture correctly? E.g. on the images tab, what
does the hfov value say?



On 1 mrt, 13:18, Andres <> wrote:
> First - Hugin is a great program and has allowed me to do things I
> previously couldn't do (automate).
> Now, the problem, as stated, is that autopano-sift-c finds very few
> keypoints and subsequent image alignment fails.
> For example, on same image the autopano-sift-c in Hugin 0.7 finds 5921
> keypoints, but the latest bundle 2010.1 svn5031 finds only 2
> keypoints. What could be wrong?
> 0.7:
> APSCpp, enhanced Autopano-sift-c
> Filename example.jpg
>   width 2288  height 1712
>   reduce size to 1600 x 1197
>   5921 keypoints found
> 2010.1 svn5031:
> APSCpp, enhanced autopano-sift-c version 2.5.2 23July2009
>   Default fisheye lens type is equal-area.
>   Focal length will be computed from hfov.
>   Stereographic projection enabled for hfov >= 65.0 degrees.
> Filename example.jpg
>   rectilinear  width 2288  height 1712  hfov 180
>   reduce to 1600 x 1197 (Scale 1.4300)...
>   convert to stereographic projection ...
>   find keypoints ...
>   2 keypoints found
> The image itself is here:
> Regards

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