[humanrights-movement:4617] Farzana Versey on Mr. Fai's Kashmir American Council

2011-07-24 Thread ram puniyani
Surely They’re Joking, Mr. Fai! Kashmir’s American Counsel?

*By Farzana Versey*

24 July, 2011

The fact that there is an element of surprise over Ghulam Nabi Fai’s arrest
after the FBI exposed his connections to Pakistan’s Inter-Services
Intelligence (ISI) reveals that this was probably a sudden brainwave.

The allegation is that Mr. Fai’s Kashmir American Council (KAC) was
illegally funded by the ISI to exert influence on the US Congress to swing
the Kashmir debate in Pakistan’s favour.

Did the ISI do it? Possible. Did Mr. Fai use this money? Possible. Was the
FBI unaware about it all these years? Not possible.

There are a few important aspects to this development:

1. The FBI keeps track of all funds, so why was it quiet all along? KAC is
not an underground movement. It puts up petitions; it has a Google groups
forum; there is a Facebook page of its affiliates; its conferences are held
in university halls and invitation is free. Often dinner is served.

The huge amount of money discovered should prompt the FBI to question the
recipients and investigate as to how it has impacted on US policy. Instead,
the focus is almost entirely on the Fai-ISI link. Is it possible to forget
that the ISI virtually runs Pakistan and that Pakistan is also the
beneficiary of American funds? Ergo, the ISI is by default propped up by the
US financially and, given the strategic political dynamics, on the ground
too. The ISI is nobody’s fool to depend on a Kashmiri organisation in the US
to lobby for Pakistan’s interests in the Valley when it already has its
people in the region with help from the Lashkar-e-Taiyba and other forces,
including a faction of the local Hurriyat Conference.

This is not a simple case of getting the bad guy. It is about creating one
more bad guy, and this is notwithstanding Fai’s role in the larger Kashmir
issue and sponsorship.

2. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has just visited India and set the
tone for Indo-US relations. However, the dog-and-bone attitude continues
with an emphasis on American interest and interests in Pakistan. There is
most definitely an attempt to influence the talks between the foreign
ministers of India and Pakistan scheduled for July 27.

3. The proposed US move out of Afghanistan would necessitate having some
presence in the region. In fact, after the Clinton meeting, India’s Foreign
Minister S.M. Krishna said, “We have impressed on the United States and
other countries who have a major presence in Afghanistan that it is
necessary for them to continue in Afghanistan.”

Pakistan is handy for some sado-masochism. Recently, there were video clips
in the media of the Taliban killing Pakistani soldiers, in a reversed
version of Gitmo.

4. Osama Bin Laden’s killing is being regurgitated on a tangential topic by
implying yet again that Pakistani intelligence agencies knew about his
abode. There have been arrests that seem suspiciously like red herrings.

5. David Headley is deposing before the courts in the US and providing
details of the 2008 Mumbai attacks. Headley’s departure from the US to India
is a major goof-up by security forces in that country as well as the Indian
embassy. His implicating the ISI would surprise no one except the US in its
studied ‘naïve’ state. It is pertinent that Ms. Clinton mentioned these
attacks (with only a cursory sympathetic reference to the recent Mumbai
attacks only days before she arrived). This is much like Headley who wanted
to fight for Kashmir, but ended up taking pictures of Mumbai’s landmarks to
help his ‘handlers’.

6. One is aware of the ISI’s crucial strategic role in Pakistan. But, how
does the FBI function in the US? Does it push the agenda of the party in
power? If so, then its bolt from the blue could be another means to assist
the current government in the coming elections.

The major beneficiary of Mr. Fai’s political contributions seems to be
Republican Congressman Dan Burton of Indiana. This has been going on for 15
years. For 15 years the FBI has managed to trace the $23,500 contribution to
US lawmakers that is legally available with the Federal Election Commission.
What made the FBI now want to dig into the over $ 4 million that was
illegally brought in?

If indeed it is true, then the onus ought to be on the security agencies and
those who were expected to lobby for the Kashmir cause. There are murmurs
that Fai is only a front. This is a convenient ruse. You have some evidence,
claim other evidence, arrest the man based on these and then leave a small
opening for the bigger fish, well aware that the bigger fish are not born
that way but plumped up artificially in diplomatic laboratories.

* * *

It is time to ask how exactly lobbying works and whether the United States
can take an ethical stand when it is open to such influencing.

The political action committee (PAC) is a blatant forum to ensure that
groups can help political candidates and parties, which in turn promise to
assist them. Contrib

[humanrights-movement:4616] FILM ON Sudhir Dhawale -

2011-07-24 Thread Kamayani
Dear all

Following is film made by  prasad  pullarwar and freinds ,students in free
binayak sen campaign ON SUDHIR DHAWALE  , do sharE widely>


in solidarity



Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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[humanrights-movement:4614] caring for world population

2011-07-24 Thread Ranjani Murthy

Dear friends
The Eleventh of July was the World Population Day

The UN Secretary General in his message on this day has stated

"This year’s World Population Day falls during a milestone year, when
we anticipate the birth of the earth’s seven billionth inhabitant.
This is an opportunity to celebrate our common humanity and our
diversity. It is also a reminder of our shared responsibility to care
for each other and our planetLater this year, a seven billionth
baby will be born into our world of complexity and contradiction. We
have enough food for everyone, yet nearly a billion go hungry. We have
the means to eradicate many diseases, yet they continue to spread. We
have the gift of a rich natural environment, yet it remains subjected
to daily assault and exploitation. All people of conscience dream of
peace, yet too much of the world is in conflict and steeped in

The UN Secretary General has rightly hit upon some important points.
As per the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI),
"World military expenditure in 2010 is estimated to have been $1630
billion, an increase of 1.3 per cent in real terms over 2009. The
region with the largest increase in military spending was South
America, with a 5.8 per cent increase, reaching a total of $63.3
billion. ...This continuing increase in South America is surprising
given the lack of real military threats to most states and the
existence of more pressing social needsPart of the explanation for
this rise is to be found in the strong economic growth the region has
experienced in recent years, while in other regions the effects of the
global economic recession caused military spending to fall or at least
rise more slowly in 2010 Although the rate of increase in US
military spending slowed in 2010—to 2.8 per cent compared to an annual
average increase of 7.4 per cent between 2001 and 2009, the global
increase in 2010 is almost entirely down to the United States, which
accounted for $19.6 billion of the $20.6 billion global increase".

The question, however, which the UN Secretary General has failed to
look at is whether greater growth in economy (south America) is going
hand in gloves with more spending on arms  (and comparatively less on
social services) and whether less economic growth (US) is also
accompanied by greater spending on arms to boost economy and usurp oil
of resource rich countries due to so called "war on terror" and

The Global Gini index (distribution of family income) which measures
the degree of inequality in the distribution of family income in a
country is 45.0 in the case of US,  56.7 in the case of Brazil and 47
in the case of China (latest available year,
http://www.mongabay.com/reference/stats/rankings/2172.html).  Rather
than set its own house (recession and inequalities) in order, is
raiding another country used by US as a strategy to boost its economy?
Is Brazil dealing with economic inequalities and drug mafia (a bi
product) through greater arms spending? Is China suppressing dissent
through greater arms spending, as well as investing in becoming a
super power? This could be equally true of India where officially Gini
Index is placed at 36.8   (latest available year,

Yet another question, is arms being used to protect MNCs from
industrialized countries  from appropriating natural resources of
other countries, as is happening in Thervoy Kandigai village,
Thiruvalluvar district, Tamil Nadu, India  wherein police is
protecting the France based Michellin Tyre company than the people.
The company is appropriating grazing land and forests of dalit
(majority), Backward castes and tribal people when the Gram Sabha
(village council) and public tribunal had ruled otherwise. In fact the
forest acts as watershed for not only this village but 24 other
villages. Amongst these oppressed groups, women bear the brunt of such
appropriation more than men.   
Police and force is also used to support family planning in some
countries like China, with son preference leading to elimination of
daughters http://www.lifenews.com/2004/12/14/nat-1042/


(https://www.rienner.com/uploads/4858093a03883.pdf) SHOULD BE ADAPTED
OPPRESSED (http://www.pedagogyoftheoppressed.com/) SHOULD SHOW


[humanrights-movement:4613] revisting apartheid

2011-07-24 Thread Ranjani Murthy

Dear Editor:

July 17 is observed by the UN as International Mandela day.

The UN  Secretary General observed on 2011 that

"Nelson Mandela has been a lawyer and a freedom fighter, a political
prisoner, a peacemaker and president.  A healer of nations and a
mentor to generations, Nelson Mandela .. I join with the Nelson
Mandela Foundation in encouraging people around the globe to perform
67 minutes of public service on Mandela Day ..Nelson Mandela himself
once said. 'We can change the world and make it a better place.  It is
in your hands to make a difference'.  Let us embrace this message.
Tutor a child.  Feed the hungry.  Volunteer your time at a local
hospital or community center.  Make the world a better place".

Yes, it is in the hands of inter-state organisations, state, markets,
community, families and individuals to make a difference.  But is
feeding the hungry, tutoring a child, volunteering time at local
hospital the way forward to end apartheid? Are his dreams of putting
an end to apartheid fulfilled in South Africa and globally?

Mandela at the time of freedom of South Africa from apartheid
perceived apartheid it to be a state led process of segregation
(backed by violence) of races and providing differential power,
resources, and services to each. But has removal of this state led
barrier reduced apartheid in South Africa?  The answer is no.
Majority of blacks in South Africa are much poorer than the Whites,
living in abysmal conditions barring the elite amongst them.

There is a subtle apartheid all over the world. Against blacks, dalits
(in south Asia), tillers in developing economies (who are being
evicted through creation of Special Economic Zones),slum dwellers
(who are being evicted through beautification projects), migrants,
people of  diverse sexual identities and gender orientation and women
(with exceptions) within households. Who is to blame?  It is not just
state that is responsible, but the entire neo liberal paradigm,
imposed on states, markets, communities and families by inter-state
organisations (in particular Bretton Woods Institutions) and silently
endorsed by UNSC.

While Mandela believed in truth and reconciliation very much
influenced by Gandhi, what is required is a process of peaceful
democratic revolution from below with alliance of oppressed groups who
live below $2 per day and let them define pathways ahead. Moving the
World from economic growth, human development, human rights to human
Justice is the pathway ahead and it is to the left parties globally
that we need to turn to- but they too need to listen to voices of
oppressed and not impose intellectual views from top.

Tutoring a child, feeding the hungry and volunteering  time at a local
hospital or community center is simply not enough.

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[humanrights-movement:4612] Fwd: Chhattisgarh to absorb SPOs into police force - Hindustan Times & Times of India

2011-07-24 Thread Kamayani
-- Forwarded message --
From: Balaji Narasimhan 
Date: Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 7:00 AM

The Hindustan Times report below takes care to get the reaction of Soyam
Mukka to the state's plan to absorb most of the SPOs into the regular police

   Soyam Mukka (35) in Dantewada, said, "Threat always existed
for us since we are on the hit list of Maoists. Now we can get suitable
training and arms to fight."

Soyam Mukka is one of the people accused by Madkam Hidme of gang rape.




Chhattisgarh to absorb SPOs into police force - Hindustan Times

The Raman Singh government of Chhattisgarh on Friday decided to absorb
Special Police Officers (SPOs) into the state police force by relaxing the
educational and physical eligibility criteria. The academic eligibility
criteria have been relaxed from Class X pass (general) or Class VIII pass
(SC/ST) to Class V pass. Similarly, the requirement of minimum height of 168
cm (general) or 153 cm (SC/ST) has been reduced to 163 cm and 150 cm,
The move comes after Supreme Court's July 5 ruling directing the state to
disarm nearly 4,800 SPOs in the Bastar region, who were working as adjunct
policemen for anti-Maoists operations.

After the cabinet decision, the CM told the media the move will enable
nearly 80% SPOs to become constables. The remaining 20% would be given a
chance to fulfill the requisite norms. The decision would be applicable only
in Bastar and that too for the next three years..

SPOs have welcomed the gesture. "We were much concerned about our future.
Now we are happy to know the state has paved the way for us to be part of
the regular police force and continue our fight against Maoists," said
Sargam Singa (25) in Tonkpal, Dantewada.

Another SPO, Soyam Mukka (35) in Dantewada, said, "Threat always existed for
us since we are on the hit list of Maoists. Now we can get suitable training
and arms to fight."

A senior police officer in Jagdalpur, who did not wish to be identified,
welcomed the state government decision.

State home minister Nanki Ram Kanwar told HT his government was committed to
ensuring the safety and security of all SPOs and using their potential. "We
are serious when it comes to countering Maoist violence... the state is
committed to do whatever possible to absorb the SPOs."

Brigadier (rtd) BK Ponwar, director of College of Jungle Warfare and Counter
Insurgency, Kanker, said, "I found excellent soldier material in these SPOs.
They are young, tough, agile, fearless and can be good guerilla fighters."

o o o


Chhattisgarh to absorb SPOs in police

RAIPUR: Less than three weeks after the Supreme Court held that the
appointment of tribal men as special police officers (SPOs) was
unconstitutional, the Chhattisgarh government on Friday lowered the
educational qualifications for adivasi youth for constabulary jobs in the
police and armed force.

The state cabinet passed the order that education up to Class V will make
applicants eligible for constabulary; the earlier requirement was clearing
Class X. The announcement comes weeks after the Supreme Court order led to
the disarming of SPOs - nearly 5,000 tribal men hired on a temporary basis
on less than one-third the salary of a constable and deployed in anti-Maoist
operations. The court said they were being used as "canon fodder in the
killing fields of Dantewada".

Chief minister Raman Singh said, "Eighty percent of the SPOs will become
constables. For the remaining 20% we would try and get them to clear through
open school."

The decision is widely seen as the government's way to circumvent the
court's order. By lowering educational criteria, over a staggered period,
all SPOs can now be absorbed in the regular police force.


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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