[humanrights-movement:4683] Hands off,US Imperialism!

2011-08-05 Thread Venugopalan K M
..Democratic Representative Frank Pallone has introduced a resolution in the
US House.., condemning the extremist violence against the Kashmiri
Pandits...It also insists that terrorist infrastructure in the region must
be dismantled and terrorists should be held accountable for their actions..
The resolution has been welcomed by the Hindu American Foundation (HAF).


You cannot build anything on the foundations of caste. You cannot build up a
nation, you cannot build up a morality. Anything that you will build on the
foundations of caste will crack and will never be a whole.




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[humanrights-movement:4682] How Kongees plan to pull the Lolpal wool in front of 120cr people with TV anchors watching & all politicians colluding.

2011-08-05 Thread Ajay
Making the   "Kongee Lok Pal Bill"  in to a law  to protect the rights
of the corrupt   will be a magical act of Kongees ,  far bigger show
than the legendary Indian Rope Trick . The wool will  wool pulled
right in from of the watching eyes of 120 cr people with all our press
& TV anchors televising  the show , mostly assisting as needed ( as
often spectators are called on stage to make it look more real  ) and
the all other political parties  acting in concert in with the Congee
criminals on the stage of " Great Indian Circus of Democracy"to
pass this anti Citizenry legislation . The Act &  how they The Congees
will do it.
Congress Lok Pal Bill , devised by the devious Sibbal ,  Chidambram &
Panab "Congress Trimurty"  is nothing more than another ineffective
law meant to protect the corrupt Congress & its babu associates from
their past corrupt deeds. Shows the abiding love the Congress has for
corruption & the corrupt & the intent to go on to bigger scams from
the present of may be 10 lac crores at a time fearlessly without fear
of the law .

The few high level corrupt it covers are given enough legal power &
our money to go after the citizen complainant ,  to get him fined &
jailed .
There are enough impediments in the process to deter an ordinary
person from bringing up charges against the corrupt powerful Babu
Politico nexus. This criminal nexus will only get stronger & unafraid
of the law  with this bill . It is open war between Neta-Babu Vs. The
Citizen of India

The whole political class is playing a devious game on the citizenry
by not coming out openly against the anti-citizen , anti-poor nature
of the bill ,  they have left the dirty job to Congress which having
ruled for the max years has max to loose from the bill & need to try
out every devious machination they have acquired in the past 60 years
to get the bill passed .

 Our  moronic "one line is a story , TRP my glory "  press too is side
tracking any serious argument on the bill , some even questioning  the
civil society's representatives & their motives . Most channels  are
harping on the inclusion of PM & judiciary , as this makes for the
shrill headlines that the our idiotic anchors like to be seen as ,
childlike ,  excited about in full camera glare . There idiots too
should be given full credit for preempting  any intelligent discussion
on the anti poor , anti people nature of the bill intended in reality
to protect the few corrupt it covers from any serious prosecution &
punishment , while having all the necessary draconian provisions to
punish the citizen complainant & deter  any real investigation .

The  provisions incorporated by the devious Congress trinity at the
behest of RG , SG with mum consent of MMS in this bill to defeat the
very purpose of the bill  are not yet found in any law in any
civilized democratic country .

This illegal Congress Bill if passed with full media glare ,
compliance of the politicians of all  sides will be a "WORLD FIRST" in
any country and held as an example , studied in media & law colleges
around as case study on  how to openly make the worst law in a
democracy of 120 cr, a  country that says we are the worlds biggest
democracy riding rough shod over the peoples will ..that will
shame even Stalin , Hitler & Mao.

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[humanrights-movement:4681] Talking To Maoists

2011-08-05 Thread Kamayani
 Talking To Maoists 
 After the brutal murder of Azad, is there any hope for well-meaning routine
calls for “dialogue” and “peace talks”? What can the "civil society" do as a
serious, real intervention?
 Nirmalangshu Mukherji

 Text Size


 It is reported that the decades-old talks with Naga insurgent groups has
made some progress recently (See “Differences ‘narrowed’,” *Times of India*,
July 19, 2011). One reason why talks have a chance in these cases is that
separatism comes in layers and degrees: there are numerous real points
between complete separation and total subjugation, at least in a progressive
federal structure.

This condition does not apply to the Maoist upheaval primarily because the
Maoist movement is not a separatist movement. Maoists demand seizure of
state power by their party. By itself, the demand has neither moral nor
political value unless it is linked to some salient cause, involving wide
sections of the people, which cannot be addressed within the forums
available in the state. There is no such cause. For example, the genuine
cause of empowering and ensuring welfare for vast sections of people can be
achieved, arguably, only by enabling people’s meaningful access to the
existing forums of the state. And the only civilised method of ensuring such
access is to expand the space of electoral democracy in terms of widespread
mass movements on basic issues of life and livelihood. Since the Maoists
reject each aspect of this option outright, there is nothing to talk about.

To emphasise, the character of the Maoists’ demands are such that there are
no intermediate points for the government to agree with. For example, can
the government agree to the full implementation of NREGA, PESA, FRA, RTE,
minimum wages, etc. in the Dandakaranya area *under* Maoist supervision *
with* the Maoists holding on to their arms and liberated zones? It is clear
that this must be the Maoists’ *minimum* demand while it (already) far
exceeds the *maximum* that any government can even contemplate. Generally,
as one commentator has pointed out, we cannot expect a state to negotiate
its own disappearance. This is the reason why, unlike the insurgencies in
the North-East and Kashmir, there has never been any meaningful dialogue
with the Maoists in the four decades of their operations. As things stand,
therefore, the Adivasis  have no
respite from the war.

The Maoists may agree to “the proposal of talks to give some respite for the
people at large who are living under constant state terror and immense
suffering,” as the late Azad suggested. However, as he subsequently warned,
Maoists want “to achieve whatever is possible for the betterment of people’s
lives” without compromising on their “political programme of new democratic
revolution and strategy of protracted people’s war.” Commenting on the
proposal of talks with the Maoists, Nivedita Menon observes, “the very idea
of talks is actually ruled out, but the Maoists may periodically agree to
talks in order to gain time and space to regroup and prepare for the ‘next
stage.’ On the other hand, what message does the Indian state send when it
offers to talk to those brandishing guns, but not to those who do not?”
(“Radical resistance and political violence today,” *Economic and Political
Weekly*, December 12, Vol. 44, No. 50, 2009).

*False moves*

Such a “message” was in fact sent by the Union Home Minister P.
Chidambaramin a statement of
October 2009 (
*Times of India*, 30 October, 2009). He asked the CPI (Maoists) to “abjure
violence” and to come to talks. Specifically, Chidambaram did not require
that the Maoists lay down arms; he just wanted cessation of hostilities for
the time being for talks to take place. If this minimal condition were
satisfied, Chida


2011-08-05 Thread Kamayani
Dear all

 Today  it was reported in Media that  in maharashtra legislative assembly
yesterday there was a demand to treat female foetcide as murder. The article
is here

Please send your endorsements as concerned individuals, organisations and
networks by August 7th, Monday Noon to me.

* *
*  Mr Prithviraj Chavan*
*Chief Minister*
* *

*Sub- Demand of treating female foeticide as murder*

*We are appalled at the statement made by Pankja Munde-Palve (BJP) and
Jitendra Awhad (NCP) at  the legisltative assembly session on  4th august
2011  demanding  that female foeticide should be treated as murder
case and culprits
should be booked for offence of murder under section 302 of Indian Penal
*   *
*. Making foeticide a murder charge will only increase illegal abortions and
also make access to safe abortion difficult for women, who already do not
have much choices  regarding their own reproductive rights. Safe and legal
abortion is a woman’s right. Sex selection abortion amounts to
discrimination against a particular sex, in most cases, female sex. Abortion
is legal in India.*
* *
*The MTP Act, 1971 spells out the conditions under which it can be carried
out. Abortion for the purposes of eliminating a certain unwanted sex is
illegal.  In other words, abortion for the purposes of sex selection is
illegal.  It is also important to remember that those who want to use
abortion for elimination of the female foetus have to first determine the
sex of the child.  Rightly this process of selection which is the first step
is being regulated and monitored through the PNDT Act.  Female foeticide is
a symptom of devaluation of female lives, unless we are able to deal with
all those social and economic factors that are going into the culture of
son-preference and daughter-aversion,  the child sex ratio will go on
plummeting . *
* *
* We strongly condemn this statement and urge the Government to stop using
anti- abortion stands for curbing down the child sex ratio.  Safe and legal
abortion  is a right guaranteed by MTP act. Checking sex selection requires
proper implementation of the PCPNDT act and monitoring by the government and
not by introducing such draconian measures.*
*cc-  Maharshtra Health Minister, Suresh Shetty*
* cc- Pankaja Mundhe*
*cc-**Jitendra Awhad (NCP)*
*1. Name, Organisation/ Network,
  Kamayani Bali MahabalForum against sex selection FASS
 Manisha Gupte  MASUM
Leni Chaudhuri

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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[humanrights-movement:4678] Tension at Posco site, two officials detained

2011-08-05 Thread Kamayani
Tension at Posco site, two officials detainedBS Reporter / Kolkata/
Bhubaneswar August 05, 2011, 0:52 IST

Tension prevailed in the Posco project site in Orissa as the irate villagers
on Thursday detained two officials, one from Posco and another staff of
Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation of Orissa (Idco), who had
gone to Noliasahi in Gadakujang panchayat for cutting of tress on the
acquired land.

They were later released after being held captive for about four hours.

 Click here to visit SME Buzz    Also
Read Related StoriesNews
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The officials, who had gone to the village without the knowledge of the
district administration, were accused of paying less compensation to the

Though they were manhandled by some village women, no harm was caused to
them, said Gadakujang sarpanch Nakula Sahu.

It may be noted thousands of youths and women of Nuagaon and Gadakujang
pachayats have intensified their stir demanding fulfillment of their six
point chatter of demands and blocked the road at Gadakujang from yesterday
preventing the entry of district and police officials.

Apart from opposing felling of trees on environment ground, the villagers
have expressed their doubt over fulfillment of their demands following the
recent transfer of Revenue Divisional Commissioner, central range.

They also questioned logic of land acquisition when the MoU with Posco has
already expired for over a year now.

The villagers demanded immediate release of pending wages to nearly 1400
unemployed youths, who were working under a construction agency at the site.

In the wake of stiff resistance, the Jagatsinghpur district administration
has stopped the felling of trees in Nuagaon on Thur

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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[humanrights-movement:4677] Gorari Police firing: Horrible tales of police atrocities - newzfirst

2011-08-05 Thread Kamayani
Gorari Police firing: Horrible tales of police atrocities
By Jitendra8/5/11

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(The media imagination of Chief Minister Nitish and his governance is much
different from the ground reality. The claim of ‘Good Governance’ appears
more as hype. After Forbesgunj firing incident the true face of
administration was exposed, now this less talk firing incident is another
feather in Nitish’s Administration cap. Newzfirst correspondent travelled to
ground zero and recorded the people’s narrative. – Editor)

*PATNA/ROHTAS* - The police firing at Gorari, under Karakat Block of Rohtas
District is a live example of to what extent state machinery could go in
order to cover up its illegitimate actions. The idea of ‘Good Governance’
doesn’t seem at work. Following stories of people suffering is a self
explanation of ground reality.

*Tale 1:* 28 yrs old injured Pramod Rajjak was taking rest at outer
courtyard of his un-plastered house with a white medicated bandage rolled
over his right thigh. Static Pramod Rajjak wanted to get up after looking
strangers along with his neighbor. Weary faced Rajjak, first wanted to get
assurances that he would not land in any trouble after conversation.

‘I was returning back to my house carrying kerosene oil for kitchen. I was
in inner lane and chose other inner lane to reach house as soon as possible
after hearing the sound of uproars at main road’ said Rajjak with a weak
voice. He further added ‘I saw Police suddenly barging into that lane and
fired over running crowd. I found myself unable to run away and sat down at
a corner, found profusely bleeding from my thigh’

Police on the direction of District Superintendent of Police (SP) Rohtas,
Manu Maharaj, arranged the treatment of Pramod Rajjak at private clinic. Dr.
Ashok Singh, also a doctor in Govt hospital running a private clinic, said
‘our X-Ray plate shows there was a bullet inside his flesh of right thigh.
We do not have facility for this operation so I referred him to Bikramganj
hospital. Where he was treated at Rohtas Nursing Home, a private clinic run
by Dr. Raghvendra Sharma, also a govt. doctor’

Eleven persons injured according to register found at govt. hospital where
the name of Pramod Rajjak was not mentioned. Beside this, the injury of four
police men, the Junior Sub Inspector of Garouri Police Station, RB Sharma
claimed, not mentioned in the register.

Rajjak family asserted that SP himself called him and talked personally. The
content of the meeting was not shared. An old man with wrinkled face, named
Jaddu Rajjak, who was sitting at the gate of husk room, wanted to share but
he was asked by a house hold lady to keep silent. There were mists of fear
in courtyard.

The locals said he was lured by SP for better prospect in the company.
Rajjak is migrant worker at Saloni district of Himachal Pradesh, where SP
Manu Maharaj belongs. ITI diploma holder Rajjak worked at electronics goods
manufacturing company.

Rajjak didn’t have any documents regarding its treatment. ‘A compounder
visited every evening to nurse me. I don’t know, even his name’ says Rajjak.
He further said ‘When I asked for, he only said I am following the order of
higher official’

*Tale 2:* Rickshaw Puller Dilip Kumar Chandravanshi, aged 30 yrs, too fallen
prey to Police atrocities. His only source of livelihood was Rickshaw, which
was confiscated by police men on the very day of firing. He lent his
Rickshaw to protesting traders for campaigning. He was not the part of
protestors but this protest offered him an opportunity to earn on that day
as whole market was closed down.

‘My three children along with old mother would face food scarcity like
situation if I would not get back my Rickshaw soon’ said Dilip, tears rolled
over his cheek which he wiped by his cotton towel. ‘What was my fault? They
were protesting for their concern. I was busy in meeting both ends’ added
thin, bearded, unbuttoned maroon color shirt worn Dilip.

*Tale 3: *Pushpa Devi, 40 yrs, was thrashed by Police men.  ‘Policemen
stormed into her house after breaking down the door, ‘beat mercilessly
father-in law Ram Bachan Prasad, his Son Surendra Prasad and abused me’ said
wailing Pushpa Devi.

*Tale 4: *A 14 yrs old, class Ninth student Sonu Kumar, son of Jitendra
Prasad, was taken under custody while he was returning from School. He spent
his whole night at Police station and let off in the morning to attend
School Examination. Despite, Police mentioned his name in its FIR.

*Tale 5: *Munna