Date: 30 July 2011
Subject: Peoples’ Health Movement in India: Looking Back at Dalli Rajahara -
Achievements and Problems

Peoples’ Health Movement in India: Looking Back at Dalli Rajahara -
Achievements and Problems at Sanhati <>

 Peoples’ Health Movement in India: Looking Back at Dalli Rajahara -
Achievements and Problems <>

*July 29, 2011*

By Dr. Punyabrata Gun

(translated by Rakesh Ranjan from SEHAT AUR SAMAJ, Volume 1, June-August,

[image: shankar2.jpg]

After the murder of Shankar Guha Niyogi in 1991, newspapers were flooded
with reports of Shaheed Hospital and Shramik Swasthya Andolan. Doctors and
health workers in many parts of India, particularly in West Bengal, followed
the lead given by the Shaheed Hospital after that. Now, once again people
are expressing interest about Shaheed Hospital. The reason is that the
person convicted for life under black laws by the Raipur district court on
29th December 2010, is an honourable staff who had been associated with the
hospital from 14th May 2001 to 20th May 2009 – doctor and human rights
activist, Dr. Binayak Sen.

Dalli Rajahara is a town of small mines in Chhttisgarh. The town owes its
name to the two iron ore mines Dalli and Rajahara. The iron ore taken out
from the mines is sent to the Bhilai Steel Plant. Mine workers were
generally drawn from the ranks of agricultural labourers and poor peasants,
who came to this town escaping a calamity which struck in the decade of 60s.
They were all contract workers. One group used to break rocks using a hammer
and the other used to load these rocks into waiting trucks. Before the day
break, the trucks of the contractor used to ferry the men-women workers from
their shanties to the mines, who returned back only after darkness of the
night engulfed their homes. Kids never got to see their parents. In return,
they got a pittance as wages, only to be further eaten by the two unions as
contributions: INTUC and AITUC.

After the massive drubbing of Indira Congress in the parliamentary elections
of 1977, iron ore mine workers freed themselves from the clutches of these
two central unions and formed a new trade union – CMMS – Chhattisgarh Mines
Shramik Sangh. Illiterate workers were looking for an honest leader. They
met Shankar Guha Niyogi, just released from jail, who had been arrested
under MISA during the Emergency. They had heard of him as a leader of
Koyarzyte mines workers. They called him and he responded to their call. A
strong movement to protect the economic rights of the workers was born. To
break the movement, the police arrested Shankar Guha Niyogi on 2nd of June.
Workers responded by organizing a protest demonstration to get their leader
released. The police fired on the agitating workers. 11 people, including a
woman worker and a child, were martyred. But under the growing pressure of
the workers’ movement, the management surrendered, and Niyogi was released;
workers were also given their withheld bonus payments.

In 1977, Kusum Bai, co-president of the Shramik Sangh, tragically lost her
life during child birth due to the negligence of doctors and nurses of the
local hospital. Ten thousand workers stood firm in their protest in front of
the hospital. But not one of them indulged in arson, not one assaulted any
doctor or nurse; they took, instead, a novel oath. They vowed to construct a
*Matrisadan* for themselves, for no mother should die for want of healthcare
during child birth.

This dream turned into a reality in 1979. Shramik Sangh had adopted a
policy, in contrast to the narrow economism of traditional trade unionism,
to think and work for the holistic development of workers. The kind of trade
unions we usually encounter, are concerned only about one third of workers’
lives, the 8 hours that they spend at the workplace. The programmes of such
unions do not have space for issues other than pay hike, bonus, preparing
replies to the chargesheets. Shramik Sangh started thinking about all these
issue in a novel way. In 1979, Shramik Sangh had taken up the policy to work
in 97 different departments. Apart from building the worker-peasant joint
front, working towards liberation from casteism, fighting for women’s
liberation, and defending a democratic culture, it also took up the issue of
public health.

We usually think of trade unions as the weapon of a movement; so what led
Chhattisgarh Mines Shramik Sangh (CMSS) to take up the creative work of
constructing a hospital? To answer this question, one has to understand CMSS
policy of “struggle and creation”. On the one hand, struggle for social
change, and on the other, small creative constructive work, the two mutually
reinforcing each other. Among these constructive work are building and
supporting schools, hospital, engineering workshops, to name only a few.
Going through these constructive works, there was a small attempt to
translate the workers’ imagination into reality, of creating fragments of
the future society, free from the exploitation of human by human. These were
the sources of inspiration for people in their bitter struggles.

*Achievements and Weaknesses*

The movement centered around Shaheed Hospital can be said to be an
experiment. There are many novelties, achievements, and some weaknesses of
this experiment.

Let us look at them one by one.

1. The public health movement of Rajahara was essentially a movement by
revolutionary intellectuals under the leadership of a workers’ union.
Initially the movement started without the presence of any doctors or
intellectuals. It began by taking up the campaigns for liquor prohibition,
cleanliness, etc. Doctors arrived only in 1979 – Dr. Binayak Sen, Dr. Ashish
Kundu, Dr. Pabitra Guha were the first to come. Dr. Saibal Jana started his
contributions in 1982. These doctors conducted educational meetings in the
workers’ colonies, at the workplace, i.e., at the mines. To run the health
movement, a health committee was formed with more than hundred elected
representatives of workers in 1981. On 26th January 1982, a small
dispensary, Shaheed Dispensary, was started near the union office. The work
for hospital construction was started besides this dispensary. This was
named Shaheed (Martyrs) Hospital in the memory of the martyrs of 1977. This
was inaugurated on the Martyrs’ Day in 1983. The leading workers of the
organisation were associated in all works of the hospital – running the
propaganda work on health issues, running the dispensary, construction of
hospital, or running the hospital.

2. The construction of Shaheed Hospital was carried out entirely with local
support. As workers won economic struggles, they started collecting
contributions, and kept on pooling funds to construct, initially, a 15-bed
hospital. That was expanded into a 40-bed double storeyed hospital; later,
it was even equipped with a modern operation theatre. After that many more
equipment, and ambulances, etc., were also purchased. The main form of
outside support has been doctors and trained nurses, which this health
movement could not generate locally. All the doctors and nurses were the
product of the revolutionary student movement in West Bengal. But despite
this fact, this movement does not have any caste or nationality-based

CMSS did not have easy alternatives to draw on. Like other currently popular
health models, many proposals and offers of governmental and
non-governmental support, or even foreign assistance, came their way. But
CMSS consciously resisted these proposals, as outside economic assistance
means direct or indirect outside control. Shaheed Hospital, indeed, was a
programme “by the labouring masses for the labouring masses.”

3. In the initial days of this health movement, there was a dilemma among
doctors and health workers about whether to go for curative healthcare or to
promote preventative healthcare. Some were opposed to the construction of
hospital because they were apprehensive that construction of the hospital
would hinder the broader health campaign. It was only experience that proved
the point that running a dispensary or a hospital does not hinder efforts at
disseminating consciousness about health, but instead complements this work.

The health movement, through the work of popular healthcare, increased the
confidence of the people. In opposition to the locally prevalent
health-related superstitions and unscientific methods of the profit hungry
quacks, the faith of the people in scientific healthcare practices were
instilled only through these healthcare programmes. In the beginning of the
decade of the 1980s, the World Health Organisation published the first list
of administerable drugs. Neighbouring Bangladesh banned all inadministerable
and harmful drugs. In many places in India, movements sprang up favouring *
yuktipurna* healthcare – for instance, Paschim Banga Drug Action Forum in
West Bengal, and then All India Drug Action Network on a national level.
Shaheed Hospital became the first laboratory of real experiments on the
substance of this campaign.

4. The health movement of Rajahara eventually became a part of the lives and
consciousness of the working people. The significant achievement of this
movement is that it established that all kinds of health-related problems
are fundamentally socio-economic and cultural in nature, and that resistance
to most of the diseases is not possible without changing the socio-economic
structure. It also demonstrated that even a partial success on health issues
is not possible without being a part of the larger movement. To understand
this very important point, we can look at an example.

Among the many health-related problems of poor countries, stomach diseases
(or diarrhoea) are extremely prevalent and can often be fatal. In our
country, for instance, diarrhoea is the second most fatal disease. It has
been observed that children who are victims of malnutrition generally suffer
from stomach diseases. Bacteria of the disease basically spreads through
contaminated drinking water, and to some extent, through stale food, or food
kept in the open. The people crammed into small houses are the ones mostly
suffering from this disease. Stomach diseases essentially become fatal
because of dehydration of the body. The knowledge about the use of a
rehydrating mixture of salt and sugar in water can enable anyone to resist
and cure it. The developed countries having controlled the occurrence of
stomach diseases, could do so only by making clean drinking water available,
as also clean and fresh food, education, nutritious diet, and syrups, i.e.,
through wider social change. Many health institutions, usually governmental
ones, emphasise curing stomach diseases only through drugs. Some reformist
health institutions, mainly voluntary organisations, suggest drinking boiled
water and syrups to take care of stomach diseases. But what they do not
realise is that obtaining wood and coal as fuel to boil water can itself be
a gigantic task when one is struggling to get enough money to fill one’s
stomach. Usually issues regarding availability of fresh food, clean
surrounding, etc. do not figure in their campaigns.

Let us see how the Rajahara health movement addressed these problems: from
the very beginning a campaign about socio-economic reasons and usefulness of
drugs was taken up; Shramik Sangh has forced the administration to install
hand-pumps to ensure availability of drinking water. The simple truth is
that the extent to which these stomach diseases were controlled was directly
correlated with the increasing economic, educational and environmental
progress made through incessant struggles by the workers in Rajahara.

5. The activists of Rajahara health movement look at their programme in the
following manner:

(a) Shaheed Hospital and the programme of propagation of scientific
healthcare system: Shaheed Hospital, through all stages of its development,
has been struggling to take scientific healthcare system to all levels of
society. In the beginning, it had to face opposition from a large section of
the Shramik Sangh when it was not administering non-necessary vitamin,
calcium, etc., and injections. In this region people had a fetish for
injections. By propagating home-made remedies in place of improper drugs,
for example, drugs for stomach diseases versus home-made salt-sugar solution
(ORS), cough syrup versus steam inhalation, analgin for fever versus wiping
the body with cold water, and by practising these in the hospital, people
were assured of efficacy of these methods.

Under no circumstances, drugs other than those on the WHO’s list of
administerable drugs are used in this hospital. If necessary, some mixed
drugs are used in the prescribed amount. Instead of using brand names of
medicines, generic names are used.

(b) Shaheed Hospital, a medium of peoples’ education: This health programme
also carried out work of peoples’ education. In the beginning, during the
campaigns in colonies and villages, during interactions of indoor or outdoor
patients with doctors or health workers, posters, poster exhibitions,
slides, magic, wall magazines, and health related booklets of ‘Public Heath
Education Series’ were used.

Peoples’ education basically used to be centered around the following

(i) exposing health-related superstitions and forms of harmful customs, (ii)
unmasking the unscientific healthcare systems of the profit-hungry quacks,
(iii) taking medical knowledge to the people by making medical science a
part of peoples’ sonsciousness, so that instead of being dependent on
others, they solve their small problems on their own, and (iv) making people
aware of the loot and exploitation of the national-multinational drug

An important part of the work of education is the training of health
workers. The first round of trained personnel were the mine workers, whose
main task was generating awareness campaigns. Even then they were capable of
solving simple health problems in their colonies. Later on, work to create a
wing like ‘barefoot doctors’ was started by training the children of the
workers. Besides, there was a seven month training programme for hospital
health workers, in which basically children of the worker or peasant
families were educated.

(c) Weapon of their struggle: The health programme repeatedly stood in
solidarity with the labouring people by taking responsibility for the
complete healthcare of the families of persons involved in the red-green
coloured movements of the Chhattisgarh Mukti Morcha, or of those on strike.

The campaign regarding the right to drinking water and the movement to
ensure this right, has already been narrated. It was because of this
movement that the management of the Bhilai Steel Plant and the government
were forced to install 79 hand-pumps in Rajahara and its adjoining regions.

There was no government hospital in Dalli Rajahara earlier. The services of
the hospital of Bhilai Steel Plant was also inadequate. The unexpected
popularity of the workers’ hospital forced the goverment to establish one
more hospital in Rajahara and seven primary health centers in Donti Lohara
assembly constituency. This compelled the steel plant to construct a
hospital with over 100 beds. Apart from this, when the movement launched its
struggle against superstitions and harmful customs, the struggle against
feudal values also aligned with it. In the struggle against the exploitation
of multinationals in the pharmaceutical industry, the anti-imperialist
struggle also merged with it.

*Some problems of Dalli Rajahara health movement*

(a) In the primary stage, people faced problem of language and system for
articulating their health problems were inadequate. By undertaking different
experiments, examining them, learning from the mistakes, some of these
problems were overcome.

Generally the people who prepared health campaign materials and doctors,
although well-wishers of the masses, were detached from them, preparing
these campaign materials while staying in big towns and cities, or worse,
following foreign health institutions. They did not have any parameter to
judge their efforts to make this material comprehensible to the masses.
Rajahara health movement could surmount this obstacle only by knowing the
‘pulse of the people’.

(b) Shaheed Hospita lis a workers’ hospital. It is run mainly by the
workers. When workers turn managers then some problems also surface.
Sometimes the behaviour of these managing workers with the salaried staff of
the hospital is exactly similar to what they face at their respective
workplaces from the managers. Only an incessant political and ideological
struggle can fight this tendency.

(c) All salaried staff of the hospital are from worker-peasant families.
While selecting them, their faith in the ideals of Chhattisgarh Mukti Morcha
is gauged. Despite this, some of them reflect the mentality of merely a paid
staff of any hospital. Resolution of this problem is possible through
regular discussion around politics of health, issues of general political
nature and contemporary developments. This can also be tackled through
participation in organisational work, apart from healthcare work.

(d) In the running of the hospital, a contradiction lingers on regarding
lack of democracy and centralisation. The decision making committee consists
of doctors and other health workers, where are all equally capable. Here
tendencies like following individual whims, not caring about
operationalising directives, have been observed. In contrast to this
tendency, sometimes frustrating levels of over-centralisation is also seen.
Despite all this, this health movement has withstood all the tests of an
experimental system of democratic centralism.

(e) Another gigantic problem was a lack of doctors-intellectuals.
Chhattisgarh has not been able to give this movement idealist doctors. This
health movement could not address this lacuna. It is only with the
development of a revolutionary student-youth movement can this problem be
fully solved.

On 28th September 1991, Shankar Guha Niyogi was martyred during Bhilai
workers movement. The organisation has been conducting ideological struggle
on questions like class struggle versus class collaboration, democracy
versus centralism, after that. While a leader of the Chhattisgarh Mukti
Morcha and some doctors of Shaheed Hospital were expelled, some have left
the hospital frustrated. The health programme was also affected by the
breaking up of organisation. The hospital grew in size but its ideals were
defeated. New doctors came, not fired by any idealist thinking, but just to
spend some time before joining a government job or availing postgraduate
admission. There is no sense of responsibility towards reasoned medical care
among them. Some even got involved in corrupt practices. Old doctors and
health workers also failed in carrying out ideological battles alongside
treating their patients.

It can be said, in lieu of a conclusion, that the Chhattisgarh workers’
health movement has not lost, neither has it been decimated. Following the
initiative of the Shaheed Hospital, Belud Shramjeevi Hospital, Chengayil
Shramik-Krishak Maitri Swasthya Kendra and Shramjeevi Swasthya Udyog,
Kamarhati Jasewa Clinic and Dr. Bhaskar Rao Janswasthya Committee, Sarvedier
Suderban Shramjeevi Hospital are working in West Bengal. But they have not
had the opportunity, like the Shaheed Hospital, to work as part of a broader
social movement. Despite all the limitations, they are attempting new
experiments involving the ideals and experiences of Shaheed Hospital. They
are trying to convey the message of Shaheed Hospital in the adjoining states
of Tripura, Jharkhand, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh by preparing
activists of the mass organisation as health workers.


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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