[i3] window focus with pidgin-im

2014-07-15 Thread grubernd


new i3 user here, first journey into tiling country. i guess 
single-tiled MS-DOS back then doesnt count. ;)

currently running i3 on a manjaro-netbook (my testing enviroment) and a 
xubuntu-thinkpad with second screen attached which is the work machine.

for a newbie some things are weird, but i like how i3 works.

the app i am currently struggling the most is pidgin.

when pidgin is set to using it's own tabbed interface then only the 
first chat makes i3 shift focus to that window. any subsequent chat 
doesnt. which in turn leads to new chats in auto-opened mode do not get 
raised to attention.
if there are any hints how i can help to catch that secret signal pidgin 
might be sending or not, i am happy to follow along.

another issue is that if i dont use pidgin-tabs but let i3 resolve that, 
a new chat window will get immediate attention, no matter where i am 
else. which is actually worse than no attention, because this will have 
me typing any wild commands into a chat and very likely hitting enter..

from my ~/.i3/config

for_window [class=Pidgin] floating enable, move container to workspace 1

grateful for any hints,

Re: [i3] window focus with pidgin-im

2014-07-15 Thread Axel Wagner

 which in turn leads to new chats in auto-opened mode do not get raised
 to attention.  if there are any hints how i can help to catch that
 secret signal pidgin might be sending or not, i am happy to follow

I use the message notification plugin (comes per default, I think) and
have it configured to set the URGENT hint. This will highlight the
chatwindow (and the workspace it's on in i3bar) whenever you get a new

