Thanks for that! `workspace number #` is a nice syntax!

Best regards!
Fam Zheng

On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 8:37 PM, justus jonas <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 21.03.2013 13:27, schrieb Fam Zheng:
>> On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 6:31 PM, Axel Wagner <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Excerpts from Fam Zheng's message of 2013-03-21 04:16:32 +0100:
>>>> Of course a bar option can be added too to enable/disable this
>>>> feature. Or even give some sophisticated format option for the title,
>>>> and also enable user to manually rename it. Would this feature be
>>>> useful?
>>>> To do this we need to add a few new events trigger and maybe a "title"
>>>> field in get_workspace msg. I already have a demo modification for you
>>>> to test how it feels, based on master. Now my life with many
>>>> workspaces is much easier. :)
>>> I think the only modification needed to i3 would be a focus-change-event
>>> (and maybe with a little hack not even that) and what you want can be
>>> entirely done with an ipc-script, no modifications to i3bar necessary.
>>> So I would do it like that: Have a daemon running that listens for focus
>>> events, everytime such an event is triggered, get the current
>>> workspaces, find out for each one, what window is currently focused
>>> (maybe the focus event could include the „change“-data which would make
>>> this step unnecessary) and change the title of that workspace to the
>>> title of that window.
>>> As I said, I think it could also be possible with a little „hack“: By
>>> using the workspace-event you could change the title everytime you
>>> change away from a ws. Then you would have accurately titles for every
>>> ws _not_ currently focused, which should be enough for getting an
>>> overview.
>>> I think i3bar is definitely the wrong place to do what you want, though
>>> it is a good idea.
>>> Doing it in i3 (by including an option to change the ws-title to the
>>> currently focused window) would be better, because then the feature
>>> would be available to users of alternative ws-bars, if they exist. But
>>> this would still be a lot of complexity added to i3 in C for something,
>>> that can be done with IPC and a scripting-language.
>>> Implementing the focus-change-event you should do in any case, imho,
>>> because I ran over a few usecases which would profit from that in my
>>> time.
>> Event is the easiest part, just send an event at the end of `con_focus
>> for window, as well as handle_destroy_notify_event,
>> handle_windowname_change, would suffice.
>> Renaming would be trickier, that would need a remap of key binding
>> too, which sounds not so neat. IMO "name" of ws and "caption" or
>> "title" of ws should be isolated, because mixing ws identifier and
>> it's display is not a good idea, despite the complexity for the
>> "ipc-script" to decompose and extract the original ws name, and query
>> and parse the whole tree, and then remap all the keybindings to this
>> workspace (would be a nightmare if many bindings refer to it) for each
>> change.
> actually, you would not need to change your keybinding. you could use the
> i3-command "workspace number <ws-id>" in your config file. Let's assume you
> have workspaces "1: www" and "2: mail". Then configure your workspace
> switchting keys to the following commands:
>         bindsym $mod+$1 workspace number 1: www
>         bindsym $mod+$2 workspace number 2: mail
> if you now rename the current workspace (e.g. 1: www) with "rename workspace
> to '1: foo'", you can still access this workspace with your configured
> keybinding.
>> The thing will be much easier if i3 adds a "caption" property to ws,
>> so that i3bar and other bars can optionally render it to user, and
>> this also benefits that renaming a workspace becomes more
>> straightforward (no longer messing any keybinding). Maybe I'm too used
>> to tmux.
>> This is <100 LOC for both i3 and i3bar changes, if this feature is
>> demanded, I can post my patch for review.
>>> Regards,
>>> Axel
> best
> johannes

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