Re: [IAEP] DesignBlocks

2011-06-05 Thread Walter Bender
On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 12:43 AM, Bernie Innocenti wrote:

> On Sat, 2011-06-04 at 23:45 -0400, C. Scott Ananian wrote:
> > On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 11:07 PM, Bernie Innocenti
> >  wrote:
> > A replacement for Scratch written in JavaScript /
> > ActionScript:
> >
> >
> >
> > Looks promising, and the author is in Cambridge MA, where I
> > live. Does
> > anyone know her?
> >
> >
> > No, but she's a former member of the Scratch team at the Media Lab.
> > "JavaScript" is a bit misleading; her software is written in flash.
> indeed, but the KickStarter entry also reads:
>  However, in order for DesignBlocks to become more robust and complete,
>  it needs more features, plenty of bug fixes and it needs to be ported
>  to JavaScript/HTML5 (for mobile access). This summer, I'd like to work
>  on DesignBlocks to get it to a suitable state for widespread testing.
> Doesn't it sound reasonable? I'd like to get in contact with Evelyn
> Eastmond to ask how she's planning to make it happen, and if she'd like
> to work with the Sugar community to package DesignBlocks as an activity.
> --
> Bernie Innocenti
> Sugar Labs Infrastructure Team
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

It may be a better investment of our resources to port Processing (which is
Java-based) to Sugar.


Walter Bender
Sugar Labs
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] DesignBlocks

2011-06-05 Thread forster
> It may be a better investment of our resources to port Processing (which is
> Java-based) to Sugar.

which might then make it easy to get the Arduino IDE into Sugar (which I think 
is Processing)

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Next slobs meeting?

2011-06-05 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Am 05.06.2011 06:33, schrieb Bernie Innocenti:
> On Sun, 2011-06-05 at 04:03 +0200, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
>> Am 05.06.2011 02:57, schrieb Bernie Innocenti:
>>> I'd like to propose the following agenda topics:
>>>  * Membership fees
>> Could you elaborate what you have in mind here? :-)
> It's a prototype idea, not yet discussed anywhere yet. I'd like to know
> what the board members would think about asking a yearly fee from
> members and, in case there's interest, how it could be implemented.
> I've done some research on how other foundations and free software
> projects like us handle memberships, but I've not yet made my mind on
> what works best.

Interesting stuff! Looking forward to reading the SLOBs meeting log to
see what everyone else thinks about this idea:-)

>> Oh, and what about the licensing issue, has that topic been settled or
>> will it require further discussion among the SLOBs and/or the larger
>> community?
> We've discussed Scratch's licensing issues last week on #sugar and then
> on #acetarium (a social channel in which some Media Lab folks hang out).
> The very short summary is that there are two different licenses for
> Scratch: one for the source code, which prohibits calling the resulting
> binary Scratch and uploading projects to the website, and one for
> binaries, which doesn't allow modification. It's hard to notice the
> problem, because they don't mention it even in the license FAQ.
> I'm not in direct contact with whoever came up with these licensing
> terms, I've just been told that someone at the Media Lab was afraid
> that, if Scratch were distributed as free software, people would create
> incompatible forks of the language. Then one would wonder why popular
> free software languages such as Python, PHP, Perl and Ruby haven't ever
> been forked. There are better ways than a non-free license to prevent
> fragmentation.
> As things stand, Scratch is in violation of our licensing policy (which
> coincides with the licensing policy of Fedora and most distributions).
> We could make an exception just for Scratch because it's so popular, but
> now there are additional complications. TOAST, which adheres to
> Trisquel's free software rules, can't even distribute the Sugar with the
> activity updater pointing at ASLO until we remove Scratch.
> I'd like to discuss our options during the next board meeting. (until
> then, let's try to avoid having another licensing flame on iaep)

Okay, that sounds like a tough nut to crack.

However the licensing issue I had meant to inquire about (though I did
not at all make that clear in my previous message, mea culpa) is the one
about GPL v2 vs. v3.

In the May 13 Sugar-Digest Walter wrote "At the most recent Sugar
oversight-board meeting, we agreed to use a
referendum to take the pulse of the community (See
Details to follow." so I had assumed that this topic would continue to
be discussed by the SLOBs.


Christoph Derndorfer
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [FM Discuss] Español - Spanish / Traducciones - Translations

2011-06-05 Thread Edward Cherlin
On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 18:47, ana.cichero  wrote:
> #you can find at the bottom an english copy of this email

Below you will see an English translation of this message.

> Hola,
> El material que se produce para olpc está la mayoría en inglés y la mayoría
> de los usuarios hablan español.
> Cuando hablamos de usuarios adultos, sobre todo habituados al uso de
> internet esto no es un inconveniente.
> Pero, cuando hablamos de niños las traducciones tal y como las resuelve por
> ejemplo google ( al día de hoy porque es evidente que el sistema mejora cada
> día ) son inadecuadas para la formación en el dominio de la lengua propia
> que es clave de la formación de la inteligencia del niño.
> El vínculo entre dominio de la propia lengua e inteligencia, que no tiene
> porqué ser evidente para el que no tiene estudios sobre aprendizaje, pueden
> chequearlo en cualquier manual.  Todas las teorías coinciden al respecto,
> usar mal las preposiciones  o tiempos verbales, es como aprender mal a hacer
> las cuentas, deja secuelas cognitivas negativas.
> En olpc-sur veo varios interesados que se ofrecen a traducir inglés  a
> español, les pido que tengan en cuenta esta distinción cuando se trate de
> usuarios niños con su propio idioma en formación.
> En iaep se ven muchas iniciativas en inglés que serían muy útiles en
> español, les pido a esos productores, que busquen traductores en las listas
> hispanas en el inicio de los proyectos. La traducción bien hecha lleva
> muchas horas y la documentación de tecnología es pan caliente.
> En discuss ( la lista de FLOSS Manuals) se habla de levantar
>  -con soporte de tildes y eñes--, pido  a la comunidad
> sugar que apoye esta iniciativa para poder publicar ahí varios de los
> documentos que veo que están en buen curso.
> Saludos.
> Hello,
> Most of the material produced for olpc is in English but  most users speak
> Spanish.
> When it comes to adult users, particularly accustomed to using the Internet
> this is not a problem.
> But when we speak of children   google- translations  for example (despite
> is evident that the system is improving every day) are still inadequate for
> training kids in the domain of their language which is key to the formation
> of child's intelligence.

But for children, Google Translate (despite evidence that it improves
every day) is still inadequate for training kids in their own
language, which is crucial to the formation of the child's

> The link between control of one's own language and intelligence, which need
> not be evident for whom has no studies on learning, can be checked in any
> manual. All theories agree in this respect, using wrong prepositions or
> wrong verb tenses, is like learning to do your first maths wrong, and
> has negative cognitves consequences .

The link between control of one's own language and [effective]
intelligence, which may not be evident to those who have not studied
the subject, can be verified in many sources. All theories agree in
this respect, that using prepositions or verb tenses incorrectly is
like learning to do arithmetic incorrectly, with negative cognitive

> In olpc-sur  i see volunteers offering themselves for translating English to
> Spanish, I ask you to keep in mind this distinction when it comes to little
> users that are still learning their own language.

In OLPC-Sur I see volunteers offering to translate from English to
Spanish. I ask you to keep this distinction in mind concerning little
users who are still learning their own language.

> I see In IAEP many initiatives in English than in Spanish would be very
> useful, I encourage those producers seeking translators in spanish
> speaking lists at the start of projects.  Well done translations take many
> hours and documentation on technology is like hotcakes.

In IAEP I see many initiatives that would be very useful in Spanish. I
encourage developers to seek out translators on Spanish-speaking
mailing lists at the beginning of their projects. Well done
translations take many hours, and documentation on technology is like
bread hot from the oven. [Well worth the effort to get it just right.]

> In discuss (the list of FLOSS Manuals) I read they intend to  set
>  --with proper accents and ñ character--- , I ask you
> all ( sugar communities ) to support this initiative, so we are able to
> publish there all the papers that  are in good progress.

In FM-Discuss, the FLOSS Manuals mailing list, I read that they intend
to set up, with proper accents and the letter ñ. I
ask all Sugar communities to support this initiative, so that we are
able to publish all of the finished documents there.

[The same is also true of the Sugar Labs Replacing Textbooks project,
which uses the same FM booki software.]

> Greetings.  (I apol

[IAEP] Membership fees (was: Re: Next slobs meeting?)

2011-06-05 Thread Sascha Silbe
Excerpts from Bernie Innocenti's message of Sun Jun 05 06:33:40 +0200 2011:

> > >  * Membership fees
> > 
> > Could you elaborate what you have in mind here? :-)
> It's a prototype idea, not yet discussed anywhere yet. I'd like to know
> what the board members would think about asking a yearly fee from
> members and, in case there's interest, how it could be implemented.

Whatever you choose to do, please do not *require* membership fees.
Their existence alone is enough to make it impossible for a lot of
people to join. They might even be able to afford the actual membership
fee, but not necessarily the associated costs of transferring the money
to Sugar Labs - given that's possible at all.

I wouldn't mind *optional* membership "fees", i.e. yearly donations.
But it should be the decision of the member. Don't require proof of
being too poor to pay the fee. It's impossible to do; been there, tried
that, failed to convince to other party. Besides there's a high
psychological barrier to admit that you're poor.

Instead just *encourage* people to donate a recurring amount of their
choosing. Do a direct debit from their bank account, with a minimum
amount to cover banking costs (they still have the option not to donate
at all). Publish donations above a certain threshold on the website,
maybe using several different thresholds and calling them bronze /
silver / gold sponsors (or some sweet equivalent).



Description: PGP signature
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] Next slobs meeting?

2011-06-05 Thread Chris Ball

On Sun, Jun 05 2011, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
> The very short summary is that there are two different licenses for
> Scratch: one for the source code, which prohibits calling the resulting
> binary Scratch and uploading projects to the website, and one for
> binaries, which doesn't allow modification. It's hard to notice the
> problem, because they don't mention it even in the license FAQ.

Just a quick addition: the source license *also* prohibits commercial use.
So, even if we accepted the rules about naming and uploading as being just
a ham-fisted attempt to implement trademark law inside a copyright license,
the non-commercial clause would still be a show-stopper.  :/

- Chris.
Chris Ball  
One Laptop Per Child
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Next slobs meeting?

2011-06-05 Thread Bernie Innocenti
On Sun, 2011-06-05 at 15:19 +0200, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
> > It's a prototype idea, not yet discussed anywhere yet. I'd like to know
> > what the board members would think about asking a yearly fee from
> > members and, in case there's interest, how it could be implemented.
> > 
> > I've done some research on how other foundations and free software
> > projects like us handle memberships, but I've not yet made my mind on
> > what works best.
> Interesting stuff! Looking forward to reading the SLOBs meeting log to
> see what everyone else thinks about this idea:-)

You're also welcome to join the meeting and propose your ideas on
membership and fundrising!

> However the licensing issue I had meant to inquire about (though I did
> not at all make that clear in my previous message, mea culpa) is the one
> about GPL v2 vs. v3.
> In the May 13 Sugar-Digest Walter wrote "At the most recent Sugar
> oversight-board meeting, we agreed to use a
> referendum to take the pulse of the community (See
> Details to follow." so I had assumed that this topic would continue to
> be discussed by the SLOBs.

At the last board meeting, Luke Faraone was mentioned as someone who
could run the GPLv3 referendum, but he's been too busy with other
things. We could also ask someone else, but there's no urgency and Luke
has previous experience setting up an election on Selectricity.

Bernie Innocenti
Sugar Labs Infrastructure Team

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] DesignBlocks

2011-06-05 Thread Stephen Jacobs
Agree that processing makes more sense.  Large established community.  Also 
speaks to the Kinect fairly easily though I don't know if we'll be seeing that 
happen :-)
On Jun 5, 2011, at 8:37 AM, wrote:

>> It may be a better investment of our resources to port Processing (which is
>> Java-based) to Sugar.
> which might then make it easy to get the Arduino IDE into Sugar (which I 
> think is Processing)
> Tony
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Membership fees (was: Re: Next slobs meeting?)

2011-06-05 Thread Chris Leonard
On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 11:04 AM, Sascha Silbe

> Instead just *encourage* people to donate a recurring amount of their
> choosing. Do a direct debit from their bank account, with a minimum
> amount to cover banking costs (they still have the option not to donate
> at all). Publish donations above a certain threshold on the website,
> maybe using several different thresholds and calling them bronze /
> silver / gold sponsors (or some sweet equivalent).

If you wanted to stick with a biochem geeky theme (Glucose/Frucotse)
you could use:

Nucleotide (building blocks of the nucleic acids below)

RNA (Ribonucleic acid)

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid)

Z-DNA (DNA with a left-hand twist, instead of the usual right-hand twist)

Couldn't resist (being a biochem geeky type),  All of these contain
either ribose or deoxyribose sugar components as the backbone as well
as purine or pyrimidine bases that interact with complementary bases.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Next slobs meeting?

2011-06-05 Thread Sean DALY
>> * 3rd party Sugar-branded merchandising

Are there any other marketing issues here, or does the marketing team
have any say at all? It's difficult to get anything done when there
are parallel projects. Ideally resources could be organized together.


On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 2:57 AM, Bernie Innocenti  wrote:
> It's been a while since our last board meeting. Would people be
> available next week? I might be busy next Thursday at 3pm, but 6pm would
> work.
> I'd like to propose the following agenda topics:
>  * Membership fees
>  * 3rd party Sugar-branded merchandising
>  * ASLO and Scratch's binary license
> --
> Bernie Innocenti
> Sugar Labs Infrastructure Team
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] scratch license (was: Next slobs meeting?)

2011-06-05 Thread Jecel Assumpcao Jr.
Chris Ball wrote on Sun, 05 Jun 2011 11:16:46 -0400
> On Sun, Jun 05 2011, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
> > The very short summary is that there are two different licenses for
> > Scratch: one for the source code, which prohibits calling the resulting
> > binary Scratch and uploading projects to the website, and one for
> > binaries, which doesn't allow modification. It's hard to notice the
> > problem, because they don't mention it even in the license FAQ.
> Just a quick addition: the source license *also* prohibits commercial use.
> So, even if we accepted the rules about naming and uploading as being just
> a ham-fisted attempt to implement trademark law inside a copyright license,
> the non-commercial clause would still be a show-stopper.  :/

While I totally disagree with what they did, I understand why they did

The name restrictions were a reaction to the Etoys situation, where when
you load a given version of Etoys it is very easy to find projects on
the web that won't load into it (sometimes too new, but mostly too old).
They wanted full control so that anything named Scratch that you ever
download can go to their web site and work with any of the nearly 2
million projects there. My opinion is that this is a hopeless quest
(even more ambitious than the OLPC plan to make the exact same XO for
five years), but the software is theirs to try.

The non commercial thing is simply that they were afraid of closing off
options of making money in the future with stuff like

The idea is that they could always open up in the future, but if they
started open then it would not be possible to restrict stuff later if

As I said, I don't like any of this and can understand if there is a
decision not to include it as a basic part of Sugar. But many children
around the world have benefited greatly from this software so it would
be important for it to be easy for them to get it.

-- Jecel

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Membership fees (was: Re: Next slobs meeting?)

2011-06-05 Thread Sameer Verma
On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 8:04 AM, Sascha Silbe
> Excerpts from Bernie Innocenti's message of Sun Jun 05 06:33:40 +0200 2011:
>> > >  * Membership fees
>> >
>> > Could you elaborate what you have in mind here? :-)
>> It's a prototype idea, not yet discussed anywhere yet. I'd like to know
>> what the board members would think about asking a yearly fee from
>> members and, in case there's interest, how it could be implemented.
> Whatever you choose to do, please do not *require* membership fees.
> Their existence alone is enough to make it impossible for a lot of
> people to join. They might even be able to afford the actual membership
> fee, but not necessarily the associated costs of transferring the money
> to Sugar Labs - given that's possible at all.
> I wouldn't mind *optional* membership "fees", i.e. yearly donations.
> But it should be the decision of the member. Don't require proof of
> being too poor to pay the fee. It's impossible to do; been there, tried
> that, failed to convince to other party. Besides there's a high
> psychological barrier to admit that you're poor.
> Instead just *encourage* people to donate a recurring amount of their
> choosing. Do a direct debit from their bank account, with a minimum
> amount to cover banking costs (they still have the option not to donate
> at all). Publish donations above a certain threshold on the website,
> maybe using several different thresholds and calling them bronze /
> silver / gold sponsors (or some sweet equivalent).

Noisebridge in San Francisco does something similar. From what I
understand, they have a few "Sugar Daddies" (pardon the pun) who do
the heavy $$$ lifting, many starving hacker types, and several
once-in-a-whilers (like me). They do have a strong need for $$$ to pay
for the physical space.


> Sascha
> --
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Etoys Videos for Khan Academy

2011-06-05 Thread TONY ANDERSON
I think the Khan Academy environment needs to be rehosted on a school server.
In many deployments, schools do not have consistent broadband access to the
internet. The school server provides the main storage via a 3.5" hard drive
while the XO storage (1GB) can be thought of as a cached with the material
currently being used by the student.

I would be very interested in seeing the exercises and profile aspects of the
Khan Academy rehosted to the school server. So far the downloads that I have
are limited to the videos - do you know of any way to download the rest of the

You suggest that you have an alternate way to provide these exercises. I would
certainly be interested in technical details (as an example I tried to
generate addition problems involving operands of four digits or less (based on
curriculum requirements, don't ask about the mathematical foundation). I
discovered that random about 90% of random four digit numbers have four

The Siyavula materials ( are available under
Creative Commons and give a representative example of textbook/workbooks that
could be remapped to the XO. It is interesting that these textbooks (and many
others) are very week in introducing concepts - they give no motivation,
provide a couple of worked examples, and many exercises. The motivation and
introduction are left to the classroom teacher. This is where the Khan Academy
videos fill a real need.


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Next slobs meeting?

2011-06-05 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Am 05.06.2011 17:55, schrieb Bernie Innocenti:
> On Sun, 2011-06-05 at 15:19 +0200, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
>>> It's a prototype idea, not yet discussed anywhere yet. I'd like to know
>>> what the board members would think about asking a yearly fee from
>>> members and, in case there's interest, how it could be implemented.
>>> I've done some research on how other foundations and free software
>>> projects like us handle memberships, but I've not yet made my mind on
>>> what works best.
>> Interesting stuff! Looking forward to reading the SLOBs meeting log to
>> see what everyone else thinks about this idea:-)
> You're also welcome to join the meeting and propose your ideas on
> membership and fundrising!

Okay, will do so on the appropriate thread:-)

>> However the licensing issue I had meant to inquire about (though I did
>> not at all make that clear in my previous message, mea culpa) is the one
>> about GPL v2 vs. v3.
>> In the May 13 Sugar-Digest Walter wrote "At the most recent Sugar
>> oversight-board meeting, we agreed to use a
>> referendum to take the pulse of the community (See
>> Details to follow." so I had assumed that this topic would continue to
>> be discussed by the SLOBs.
> At the last board meeting, Luke Faraone was mentioned as someone who
> could run the GPLv3 referendum, but he's been too busy with other
> things. We could also ask someone else, but there's no urgency and Luke
> has previous experience setting up an election on Selectricity.

Thanks for the update, good to know!


Christoph Derndorfer
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Membership fees

2011-06-05 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Am 05.06.2011 17:04, schrieb Sascha Silbe:
> Excerpts from Bernie Innocenti's message of Sun Jun 05 06:33:40 +0200 2011:
  * Membership fees
>>> Could you elaborate what you have in mind here? :-)
>> It's a prototype idea, not yet discussed anywhere yet. I'd like to know
>> what the board members would think about asking a yearly fee from
>> members and, in case there's interest, how it could be implemented.
> Whatever you choose to do, please do not *require* membership fees.
> Their existence alone is enough to make it impossible for a lot of
> people to join. They might even be able to afford the actual membership
> fee, but not necessarily the associated costs of transferring the money
> to Sugar Labs - given that's possible at all.
> I wouldn't mind *optional* membership "fees", i.e. yearly donations.
> But it should be the decision of the member. Don't require proof of
> being too poor to pay the fee. It's impossible to do; been there, tried
> that, failed to convince to other party. Besides there's a high
> psychological barrier to admit that you're poor.
> Instead just *encourage* people to donate a recurring amount of their
> choosing. Do a direct debit from their bank account, with a minimum
> amount to cover banking costs (they still have the option not to donate
> at all). Publish donations above a certain threshold on the website,
> maybe using several different thresholds and calling them bronze /
> silver / gold sponsors (or some sweet equivalent).

I don't know how other organizations handle it (and I'd definitely like
to hear more about that!) but my initial gut reaction is to agree with

As he also mentions the hassle and cost of actually transferring the
money (particularly if it's on a recurring basis) mustn't be
underestimated. It's just amazing just how time-consuming and/or costly
it is in the year 2011 to transfer money between Europe and the United
States, let alone some Latin American countries!

So just from that point of view hackerspaces such as Noisebridge (since
Sameer mentioned that example) with a strong local component are in a
much easier situation here. Plus in some sense it's more obvious what
kind of expenses these organizations occur with their physical spaces,
equipment, etc.

Just my 2 eurocents;-)

Christoph Derndorfer
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] DesignBlocks

2011-06-05 Thread Gonzalo Odiard
There are a version of Processing implemented in Javascript.
Also this project have a nicer UI :)


On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 9:31 AM, Walter Bender wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 12:43 AM, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
>> On Sat, 2011-06-04 at 23:45 -0400, C. Scott Ananian wrote:
>> > On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 11:07 PM, Bernie Innocenti
>> >  wrote:
>> > A replacement for Scratch written in JavaScript /
>> > ActionScript:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Looks promising, and the author is in Cambridge MA, where I
>> > live. Does
>> > anyone know her?
>> >
>> >
>> > No, but she's a former member of the Scratch team at the Media Lab.
>> > "JavaScript" is a bit misleading; her software is written in flash.
>> indeed, but the KickStarter entry also reads:
>>  However, in order for DesignBlocks to become more robust and complete,
>>  it needs more features, plenty of bug fixes and it needs to be ported
>>  to JavaScript/HTML5 (for mobile access). This summer, I'd like to work
>>  on DesignBlocks to get it to a suitable state for widespread testing.
>> Doesn't it sound reasonable? I'd like to get in contact with Evelyn
>> Eastmond to ask how she's planning to make it happen, and if she'd like
>> to work with the Sugar community to package DesignBlocks as an activity.
>> --
>> Bernie Innocenti
>> Sugar Labs Infrastructure Team
>> ___
>> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> It may be a better investment of our resources to port Processing (which is
> Java-based) to Sugar.
> -walter
> --
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Membership fees (was: Re: Next slobs meeting?)

2011-06-05 Thread Gonzalo Odiard
Please stop the crazy chem nomenclature :)
All time I hear people asking about the differences between, Fructuose,
Glucose, Honey, etc
May be is fun for 1% of the community, but is not clear.


On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 1:03 PM, Chris Leonard wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 11:04 AM, Sascha Silbe
>  wrote:
> > Instead just *encourage* people to donate a recurring amount of their
> > choosing. Do a direct debit from their bank account, with a minimum
> > amount to cover banking costs (they still have the option not to donate
> > at all). Publish donations above a certain threshold on the website,
> > maybe using several different thresholds and calling them bronze /
> > silver / gold sponsors (or some sweet equivalent).
> If you wanted to stick with a biochem geeky theme (Glucose/Frucotse)
> you could use:
> Nucleotide (building blocks of the nucleic acids below)
> RNA (Ribonucleic acid)
> DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid)
> Z-DNA (DNA with a left-hand twist, instead of the usual right-hand twist)
> Couldn't resist (being a biochem geeky type),  All of these contain
> either ribose or deoxyribose sugar components as the backbone as well
> as purine or pyrimidine bases that interact with complementary bases.
> cjl
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Etoys Videos for Khan Academy

2011-06-05 Thread nanonano

>... the Khan Academy environment needs to be rehosted on a school server

The Khan Academy videos can't be seen on the XO 1.0 . NEther on the 
school server

Those videos has to be transformed to OGG or avi that works ok on the XO 1.0

Paolo Benini
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Etoys Videos for Khan Academy

2011-06-05 Thread Caryl Bigenho

Hola Paolo and all,The Khan Academy videos have already been converted to ogg 
and play very nicely on the XO-1.  I put instructions for doing it on a blog we 
have for a Contributors Program project I work with in South Central Los 
Angeles. Here is a link to the instructions which includes a link to the 
archives of the 
 you have time, you might enjoy looking at some of the other things on our 
blog.Abrazos y besos,Caryl

Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2011 23:08:38 -0300
Subject: Re: [IAEP] Etoys Videos for Khan Academy



>... the Khan Academy environment needs to be rehosted on a school


The Khan Academy videos can't be seen on the XO 1.0 . NEther on the
school server

Those videos has to be transformed to OGG or avi that works ok on the
XO 1.0

Paolo Benini


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Etoys Videos for Khan Academy

2011-06-05 Thread Chris Leonard
On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 12:04 AM, Caryl Bigenho  wrote:
> Hola Paolo and all,
> The Khan Academy videos have already been converted to ogg and play very
> nicely on the XO-1.  I put instructions for doing it on a blog we have for a
> Contributors Program project I work with in South Central Los Angeles. Here
> is a link to the instructions which includes a link to the archives of the
> videos:
> If you have time, you might enjoy looking at some of the other things on our
> blog.
> Abrazos y besos,
> Caryl

It seems to me that one of the more substantial challenges would be
developing the subtitling and mechanism for preparing the video
scripts for i18n and L10n.  I briefly looked at the L10n process on
the Khan Academy web-site and I didn't like it very much.

They would do well to use one of the formats supported in the Translate Toolkit

and enable the use of PO files hosted on a Poolte server to localize
the subtitling process.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Membership fees

2011-06-05 Thread Caryl Bigenho

Hi Folks,
OK... my 2 cents (USA) worth.  I think membership fees are a bad idea. 
SugarLabs membership should be as free as its software.  
If there is a valid need for funds, there are many other ways that other 
non-profits raise money. The first one that comes to mind is one that I have 
seen several NGOs use... the auction.  Sometimes it is online. Other times it 
is conducted as a "silent auction" at an event.  Prizes are almost always 
donated by members or by businesses and individuals who are interested in the 
organization.  They can include almost any imaginable thing, as long as it is 

> Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2011 23:00:22 +0200
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: [IAEP] Membership fees
> Am 05.06.2011 17:04, schrieb Sascha Silbe:
> > Excerpts from Bernie Innocenti's message of Sun Jun 05 06:33:40 +0200 2011:
> > 
>   * Membership fees
> >>>
> >>> Could you elaborate what you have in mind here? :-)
> >>
> >> It's a prototype idea, not yet discussed anywhere yet. I'd like to know
> >> what the board members would think about asking a yearly fee from
> >> members and, in case there's interest, how it could be implemented.
> > 
> > Whatever you choose to do, please do not *require* membership fees.
> > Their existence alone is enough to make it impossible for a lot of
> > people to join. They might even be able to afford the actual membership
> > fee, but not necessarily the associated costs of transferring the money
> > to Sugar Labs - given that's possible at all.
> > 
> > I wouldn't mind *optional* membership "fees", i.e. yearly donations.
> > But it should be the decision of the member. Don't require proof of
> > being too poor to pay the fee. It's impossible to do; been there, tried
> > that, failed to convince to other party. Besides there's a high
> > psychological barrier to admit that you're poor.
> > 
> > Instead just *encourage* people to donate a recurring amount of their
> > choosing. Do a direct debit from their bank account, with a minimum
> > amount to cover banking costs (they still have the option not to donate
> > at all). Publish donations above a certain threshold on the website,
> > maybe using several different thresholds and calling them bronze /
> > silver / gold sponsors (or some sweet equivalent).
> I don't know how other organizations handle it (and I'd definitely like
> to hear more about that!) but my initial gut reaction is to agree with
> Sascha.
> As he also mentions the hassle and cost of actually transferring the
> money (particularly if it's on a recurring basis) mustn't be
> underestimated. It's just amazing just how time-consuming and/or costly
> it is in the year 2011 to transfer money between Europe and the United
> States, let alone some Latin American countries!
> So just from that point of view hackerspaces such as Noisebridge (since
> Sameer mentioned that example) with a strong local component are in a
> much easier situation here. Plus in some sense it's more obvious what
> kind of expenses these organizations occur with their physical spaces,
> equipment, etc.
> Just my 2 eurocents;-)
> Christoph
> -- 
> Christoph Derndorfer
> co-editor,
> e-mail:
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [SLOBS] Next slobs meeting?

2011-06-05 Thread Bernie Innocenti
On Sun, 2011-06-05 at 18:59 +0200, Sean DALY wrote:
> >> * 3rd party Sugar-branded merchandising
> Are there any other marketing issues here, or does the marketing team
> have any say at all? It's difficult to get anything done when there
> are parallel projects. Ideally resources could be organized together.

Dogi came up with the idea to create some Sugar-branded keychains and
t-shirts. The way I understood it, it's going to be an independent
effort, not part of our marketing team. First of all, he'll have to
discuss trademark usage with the board.

At EduJam, Pablo Flores produced a few t-shirts from an SVG design
provided by Walter. It was a great success, and finally I've got
something to wear that clearly communicates that I'm a member of the
Sugar Labs community. This is why I'm supportive of any initiatives for
producing Sugar merchandise, both led by the marking team or by
individual community members such as Dogi and Pablo.

Bernie Innocenti
Sugar Labs Infrastructure Team

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Etoys Videos for Khan Academy

2011-06-05 Thread Caryl Bigenho

Hi Again,
Someone posted a link to where they are being translated into Spanish. Maybe 
they will read this and post it again.  I didn't get a chance to check it out 
because it came when I was traveling.  I don't know if they used subtitles or 
created a new soundtrack. The latter would seem to be preferable. It wouldn't 
distract from the writing and it doesn't depend on the learner being able to 

> From:
> Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2011 00:25:44 -0400
> Subject: Re: [IAEP] Etoys Videos for Khan Academy
> To:
> CC:;
> On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 12:04 AM, Caryl Bigenho  wrote:
> > Hola Paolo and all,
> >
> > The Khan Academy videos have already been converted to ogg and play very
> > nicely on the XO-1.  I put instructions for doing it on a blog we have for a
> > Contributors Program project I work with in South Central Los Angeles. Here
> > is a link to the instructions which includes a link to the archives of the
> > videos:
> >
> >
> >
> > If you have time, you might enjoy looking at some of the other things on our
> > blog.
> >
> > Abrazos y besos,
> >
> > Caryl
> It seems to me that one of the more substantial challenges would be
> developing the subtitling and mechanism for preparing the video
> scripts for i18n and L10n.  I briefly looked at the L10n process on
> the Khan Academy web-site and I didn't like it very much.
> They would do well to use one of the formats supported in the Translate 
> Toolkit
> and enable the use of PO files hosted on a Poolte server to localize
> the subtitling process.
> cjl
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Etoys Videos for Khan Academy

2011-06-05 Thread Chris Leonard
On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 12:54 AM, Caryl Bigenho  wrote:
> Hi Again,
> Someone posted a link to where they are being translated into Spanish. Maybe
> they will read this and post it again.  I didn't get a chance to check it
> out because it came when I was traveling.  I don't know if they used
> subtitles or created a new soundtrack. The latter would seem to be
> preferable. It wouldn't distract from the writing and it doesn't depend on
> the learner being able to read.

Apparently they plan on doing both subtitling and voiceover.

My issue with their process is that it requires an application
submitted via their forums and it does not appear to enable L10n via
hosted collaborative tools such as Poolte or Transifex, my concern is
tha tthey are setting the hurdle to contribute too high.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Etoys Videos for Khan Academy

2011-06-05 Thread Nicholas Doiron

There are some khan academy videos in the ogg format on

I put together a list at

For newer videos or Spanish translations, this media guide explains how to
download from YOUTUBE channels such as khanacademyespanol or
khanlatinoamericano :


On Sun, June 5, 2011 10:08 pm, wrote:
> />TONY ANDERSON wrote:
>> ... the Khan Academy environment needs to be rehosted on a school
>> server
> -
> -/
> The Khan Academy videos can't be seen on the XO 1.0 . NEther on the
> school server
> Those videos has to be transformed to OGG or avi that works ok on the XO
> 1.0
> Paolo Benini
> Montevideo
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)