As per the instructions in the wiki


    * Name/contact

Walter Bender (walter AT sl.o)

    * Timezone


    * What kind of projects could/would you mentor?

Activities, and some Sugar UI-related projects

    * How much time could you devote to mentoring? Can you make the
especially solid commitment of being a double-mentor?

Not sure what a "double mentor" is, but I could put in 10 hours/week...

    * What relevant coding experience do you have (very briefly, two
sentences at most)?

I have been with the Sugar project since the beginning and have been
making the occasional Sugar patch; I have written and maintain a
half-dozen activities.

    * What relevant mentoring (or related) experience do you have?

I was a GSoC coordinator and mentor in 2009. I have supervised
hundreds of MIT undergraduate research projects and 50+ graduate-level
(MS&PhD) thesis projects.

    * Anything else you think is relevant.


Walter Bender
Sugar Labs
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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